Thu. Nov 21st, 2024
presentation of the new eu commission by ursula von der leyen
Ursula von der Leyen presents her designated Commission Members at the EU Parliament. Source: EbS

Brussels, 20 November 2024

Platform Cooperation statement of EPP, S&D, and Renew Europe

The European People’s Party (EPP), the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), and Renew Europe agree to cooperate for the 10th legislative period of the European Parliament. We recognise the challenges posed by the geopolitical situation, Europe’s competitiveness gap, security issues, migration, and the climate crisis as well as socio­ economic inequalities.

We, therefore, reaffirm our pledge to work together with a constructive approach to advance an agenda of reforms based on the 18 July 2024 Political Guidelines of the European Commission President, in the best interest of European citizens.

  1. Uniting Europe: leading Europe based on shared values. We are determined to work together to strengthen the European Union. The EU is founded on values set out in Article 2 of the Treaty and the Charter of Fundamental RightsWe believe that solutions will come from the cooperation of our political groups and all those who want to continue building a Union based on these values and are ready to address global challenges while upholding democratic institutionsThe rule of law, a pro-Ukraine stand and a pro-European approach are core aspects of our cooperation.
  2. Delivering on prosperity: a bold agenda for sustainable growth, competitiveness, preparedness and digital transition. We commit to follow-up on the Draghi and Letta reports. We will adopt a New Industrial Deal to enhance competitiveness in strategic industries and accelerate decarbonisation in heavy industryWe will develop fair trade agreements and circular economy tools. To bridge the investment gap, we will support boosting both public and private financing, and promoting dynamic capital marketsWe will foster a business-friendly environment, suppress administrative burden and red tape without compromising agreed policy objectives, such as the Green Deal, introducing an SME Passport, and modernising the single market. We commit to contribute to an economy that works for the people.
  3. Effective migration policy and Securing Europe: advancing defence and security. We want to boost European defence, including towards a true European Defence Union complementary to NATO. We look forward to strengthening our defence industrial base and joint defence procurement instruments based on a “Buy European First” principle. Equally, we want to advance on cyber defence capabilities, including the European Democracy ShieldWe are fully committed to ensure the integrity of the Schengen area, the proper management of our external borders and a -swift, efficient and full implementation of the EU Pact on migration and asylum.
  4. Empowering people: strengthening societies and upholding our social model. We commit to developing a Quality Jobs Roadmap to establish high-level standards on health and safety at work, ensuring an individual right to training for all workers.. We will invest in strategic skills through quality training, education, reskilling, and upskilling. We will also continue to promote a cohesion policy that serve all the Europeans, and leaves nobody behindThe social market economy must remain a core fundament of EU economic growth: fostering quality work, collective bargaining in line with national practices, providing affordable housing and quality healthcare are key features for a fair society that leaves nobody behind. In this respect, we are committed to the implementation of the recent La Hulpe Declaration and to a strong European Pillar of Social Rights.
  5. Preserving our future: ensuring food security, water, and a sustainable environment in an inclusive manner. The protection of Europe’s natural resources is essential for sustaining the well-being of current and future generations. We must ensure quality food and food security and a level playing field for farmers and fishers, offer them long-term sustainable and fair working conditions, and accessible and affordable solutions and redress the balance of power between producers and retailers. Agriculture policy remains a strategic sector for the EU that we will continue to promote and defendOur biodiversity strategy will protect and reverse degraded ecosystems, ensure air quality and protect the Oceans..
  6. Defending democracy: Upholding values and strengthening the rule of law. We commit to protecting democracy by restoring the rule of law where it has been weakened. We insist that EU toolbox must be fully used to this endWe will work together to protect women’s rights and ensure gender equality.
  7. Leveraging our power: Europe as a global leader. We remain fully committed to strengthen the EU’s role in the world, to defend a rule-based international order and human rightsIn these efforts, the EU must use all of its instruments at disposal including sanctions. We remain committed to the enlargement strategy based on merit and agreed criteria. We reiterate our unwavering support to Ukraine to retain its sovereignty and regain its territorial integrity. We remain committed to the Sustainable Development Goals as a key tool for EU external policy instruments and actions. In the aftermath of the US Elections, we commit to review the transatlantic relations with a pragmatic and future oriented approach ensuring Europeans’ interests are protected and promoted.
  8. Building the future: Investing in a modern budget aligned with our ambitions. The next EU budget must be ambitious, results focused and strategically aligned with the goals of the European UnionTo improve living conditions for everyoneFunds should be simplified and better organised to reduce unnecessary complexity. The budget should also be more flexible to respond quickly to crisesThe EU budget must be protected from misuse in cases where Member States violate the principles of the rule of lawThe next EU Budget should be supported by adequate levels of public and private investment. New Own Resources will be needed to ensure sufficient and sustainable financing for our common priorities.
  9. Deepening our Union: Reforming the EU to enhance its capacity to act. We commit to advance necessary reforms, including Treaty changes towards an ‘ever closer union’ and ensure the best representation possible of EU citizens. We will continue to protect and promote Parliament prerogatives, in particular through the newly negotiated framework agreement.

For the EPP group Manfred Weber

For the S&D Group lratxe Garcia Perez

For the RE Group Valerie Hayer


The Platform Statement


Source. ‘Platform Cooperation statement between EPP, S&D, and Renew Europe’ here


Statement der EU-Abgeordneten Daniel Caspary (EVP/CDU) und Angelika Niebler (EVP/CSU) zur Einigung über die neue Kommission und Bestätigung der neuen Kommissare im EU-Parlament

Zur Einigung zwischen den Fraktionen von EVP, S&D und Renew Europe über die neue Kommission und den am Abend erfolgten Bestätigungen der sieben noch offenen Kommissare erklären Daniel Caspary (CDU), Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Gruppe und Angelika Niebler (CSU), Co-Vorsitzende und Vorsitzende der CSU-Europagruppe:

“Es ist gut, dass die Sozialisten endlich eingelenkt haben und für die gesamte Europäische Kommission politische Verantwortung übernehmen. Es war ein trauriges Schauspiel, die rein politische Ablehnung von zwei fachlich soliden Kandidaten als Rettungsmission der Demokratie zu verklären. Die EU-Verträge sind wie sie sind. Kommissarskandidaten werden von den Regierungen der Mitgliedstaaten vorgeschlagen, auch wenn einem diese Regierungen nicht passen. Das ist Demokratie, und damit muss man umgehen. Ursula von der Leyen hat eine geographisch, personell und politisch ausgewogene Kommission vorgeschlagen. Dass diese Kommission in ihrer Gänze aus der breiten parlamentarischen Mitte aus EVP, S&D und Renew sowie möglichst auch Grünen und ECR unterstützt werden sollte, muss in geopolitisch herausfordernden Zeiten eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein. Europa kann sich ein politisches Klein-Klein nicht leisten, nur weil dem einen oder anderen ein oder zwei Kandidaten nicht passen. Die Wahl der neuen Kommission ist die entscheidende Weichenstellung Europas für die nächsten fünf Jahre und bedeutender als einzelne Änderungsanträge. Dieser Verantwortung müssen alle demokratischen Parteien gerecht werden.

Dieser Verantwortung wird auch die EVP gerecht, trotz erheblicher Bedenken gegen die spanische Kandidatin Teresa Ribera. Frau Riberas Rolle in Bezug zu der entsetzlichen Flutkatastrophe in Valencia mit über 200 Toten wird in Spanien noch politisch und juristisch aufgearbeitet. Diese Aufarbeitung wirft einen Schatten auf ihren Amtsantritt und ihre neue Rolle. Sollte in Spanien Anklage gegen sie erhoben werden, muss sie zwingend zurücktreten. Zudem hat sie in der Anhörung fachlich wenig überzeugt und den Eindruck erweckt, auch als Kommissarin ausschließlich Politik für Sozialdemokraten und Grüne machen zu wollen. Sie wird deshalb von Beginn an unter erheblicher Beobachtung stehen.

Es wird nun Zeit, dass sich die neue Kommission endlich an die Arbeit macht. Unsere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Verteidigungsfähigkeit dulden keinen weiteren Aufschub. Es wird höchste Zeit, den mittlerweile sieben Monate dauernden institutionellen Schwebezustand zu beenden und endlich die Facharbeit zu beginnen. Gerade in Zeiten schwacher Regierungen in wichtigen Mitgliedstaaten wie Deutschland oder Frankreich kommt der EU-Kommission eine besonders wichtige Rolle zu. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass das Europäische Parlament kommende Woche verantwortungsvoll abstimmt und die neue Kommission mit breiter Mehrheit ins Amt hebt.”

Quelle: CDU/CSU-Gruppe im EU-Parlament (per E-Mail)


Iratxe García S&D Group: We act responsibly for EU stability, which is at risk

After days of negotiations, the leader of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Iratxe García, reached an agreement with the leaders of the European People’s Party and Renew Europe that reaffirms the commitment of the pro-European majority for cooperation in the current challenging geopolitical context.

S&D leader Iratxe García said:

“This agreement unblocks a situation that was putting the European Union’s stability at risk. We managed to not only secure the S&Ds’ political and progressive influence in the future decision-making of the European Commission, but also achieved a written cooperation agreement between the three pro-European and democratic forces in the European Parliament, hence reinforcing democracy and the values on which the European Union is based.

We have accomplished what seemed impossible days ago. All three political forces signed a written compromise to cooperate together over the next five years, working responsibly to face current and future challenges and advance in the EU agenda with a constructive approach”.

Source – S&D Group (by email)


Renew Europe: Orbán’s Commissioner gets his wings clipped

At his hearing in the European Parliament last Wednesday Olivér Várhelyi, Commissioner-designate for Health and Animal Welfare, failed to assuage fears among from Renew Europe MEPs on a number of elements in his portfolio.

As part of the deal now reached on the composition of the von der Leyen-II Commission, Mr. Várhelyi’s competences as Commissioner will be significantly reduced.

Crisis preparedness and crisis management, including oversight of the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), will be transferred to Commissioner Lahbib. As Commissioner for Equality, she will also be in charge of safeguarding sexual and reproductive health rights.

The Renew Europe Group worked hard to keep power over women’s rights and core European values out of the hands of the Hungarian Commissioner, MEPs explain:

Vlad Vasile-Voiculescu (Uniunea Salvați România, Romania) said:

“As Europeans, we must strive for a truly robust European Health Union. Every European, regardless of where they live, is entitled to high-quality healthcare. This is non-negotiable, especially for our children and those fighting severe illnesses. We expect the Health Commissioner to adhere rigorously to these principles and uphold the core values of Europe with unwavering commitment. Anything less is unacceptable. Now is the time to act—the people of Europe are counting on us to deliver.”

Stine Bosse (Moderaterne, Denmark) added:

“It’s our job as members of the European Parliament to ensure that our Commissioners have the right expertise, but importantly also that they can represent Europe and all Europeans in terms of their values. Commissioner-designate Várhelyi failed this test. My position is clear: women’s sexual and reproductive rights are basic human rights. I want to make sure that our daughters and granddaughters will have these rights as well.”

Source – Renew Europe


ECR Group congratulates Raffaele Fitto on his confirmation as Commission Executive Vice-President

The Italian candidate for European Commissioner, Raffaele Fitto, was today confirmed as Executive Vice-President for Cohesion and Reforms by the coordinators of the European Parliament’s committees. For the first time, this pivotal portfolio is being led by an Executive Vice-President, underscoring its significance in the European Commission’s priorities. The European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament, of which Mr Fitto was Co-Chair from 2019 to 2022, extends its congratulations to Mr Fitto on his appointment.

The ECR is particularly pleased by the commitments he outlined during his hearing on Tuesday last week. Mr Fitto emphasised the need to work closely with regional and local authorities in managing cohesion funds, making clear his dedication to addressing regional and social disparities through targeted investments and reforms. He also outlined plans for simplifying administrative burdens, enabling beneficiaries—especially small and medium-sized enterprises—to access funds more efficiently. Additionally, Mr Fitto pledged to verify the impact of cohesion policy on the ground by visiting a wide range of territories, from cities and rural areas to islands, outermost regions, and inland territories. These commitments demonstrate his determination to ensure that every euro of EU funding delivers tangible benefits and that regions most in need receive the best possible support.

ECR Co-Chairman Nicola Procaccini said:

“I am delighted that Raffaele Fitto has been confirmed to lead a significant and impactful portfolio in the next Commission—a portfolio that, for the first time, truly acknowledges the importance of this key area of EU action. The plans Mr Fitto outlined during the hearing send a strong message to European regions grappling with economic or demographic challenges. I am confident they can rely on him.

“Mr Fitto has consistently emphasised the importance of involving local and regional authorities in managing the Cohesion Fund. With his extensive experience in regional development policy, including as a national government minister and regional president of Puglia as well as a Coordinator and MEP in the Committee on Regional Development and Member of the Committee of Regions, I am certain he will be a reliable and invaluable partner to all of Europe’s regions.”

ECR Co-Chairman Joachim Brudziński stated:

“I extend my sincere congratulations to Raffaele Fitto on his confirmation. The Commission is gaining a competent and highly respected individual who exemplifies common sense and balance. With his extensive political experience and his impressive track record as an Italian minister in the effective management of European funds, Mr Fitto is exceptionally well-qualified for this role.

“Raffaele Fitto has demonstrated a clear commitment to strengthening cohesion policy, cutting red tape, and simplifying administrative procedures, which was evident during the hearing. His approach to involving regional actors more closely and ensuring that European taxpayers’ money is used efficiently to deliver concrete results was particularly noteworthy. As Executive Vice-President for Cohesion and Reform, he is undoubtedly in the right place.”

Source – ECR Group (by email)


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