Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

No 98/2022 : 9 June 2022

Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-673/20

Préfet du Gers and Institut National de la Statistique and des Études Économiques


Consequences of Brexit: British nationals who used to enjoy the rights attached to European citizenship no longer benefit, after the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, from the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in municipal elections in their Member State of residence

No 97/2022 : 8 June 2022

Judgment of the General Court in joined cases T-26/21, T-27/21, T-28/21


Intellectual and industrial property

Apple and Swatch ‘THINK DIFFERENT’

No 96/2022 : 2 June 2022

Opinions of the Advocate General in joined cases C-148/21, C-184/21

Louboutin (Usage d’un signe contrefaisant sur un marché en ligne)

Intellectual and industrial property

Online sale of counterfeit Louboutin high-heel shoes: according to Advocate General Szpunar, the specific features of Amazon’s business practices do not support the finding that a sign has been used within the meaning of EU law

No 95/2022 : 2 June 2022

Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-100/21

Daimler (Responsabilité des constructeurs de véhicules munis de dispositifs d’invalidation)

Environment and consumers

Unlawful defeat devices in diesel vehicles: Advocate General Rantos considers that the purchaser of a vehicle equipped with such a device must have a right to compensation against the vehicle manufacturer

No 94/2022 : 2 June 2022

Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-43/21

FCC Česká republika

Environment and consumers

The mere extension of the duration of the operation of waste disposal at a landfill does not constitute a substantial change to the operating permit

No 93/2022 : 2 June 2022

Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-122/21

Get Fresh Cosmetics

Approximation of laws

Effervescent bath bombs: Member States may, under certain conditions, restrict the distribution of cosmetic products which, because they have the appearance of foodstuffs, may be mistaken for foodstuffs and cause health risks

No 92/2022 : 2 June 2022

Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-587/20

HK v Danmark and HK/Privat

Principles of Community law

An age limit laid down in the statutes of an organisation of workers for eligibility to stand as sector convenor of that organisation falls within the scope of the ‘Anti-Discrimination’ directive

No 91/2022 : 1 June 2022

Judgment of the General Court in case T-723/20

Prigozhin v Council

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External relations

The General Court confirms the restrictive measures adopted by the Council against the Russian businessman Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin, in view of the situation in Libya

No 90/2022 : 1 June 2022

Judgments of the General Court in Cases T-481/17 Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno and SFL v SRB, T 510/17

T 510/17 & Del Valle Ruiz and Others v Commission and SRB, T 523/17 & Eleveté Invest Group and Others v Commission and SRB, T 570/17& Algebris (UK) and Anchorage Capital Group v Commission and T 628/17 & Aeris Invest v Commission and SRB

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Economic policy

The actions seeking annulment of the resolution scheme in respect of Banco Popular and/or the Commission decision endorsing that scheme are dismissed in their entirety

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