Sat. Sep 21st, 2024
Online booking statistics. Source: Eurostat

Luxembourg, 3 April 2024

During 2023, guests spent 678.6 million nights in short-term rental accommodation in the EU booked via Airbnb, Booking, Expedia Group or TripAdvisor. This corresponds to a 13.8% increase compared with 2022 (596.5 million).

Monthly figures for stays booked via these platforms exceeded the previous year in 11 out of 12 months, with the last quarter of 2023 recording increases above 20%. Specifically, in October, there were 55.3 million nights spent in accommodation booked via online platforms, up 21.9% compared with October 2022. In November, there were 31.8 million overnight stays (+20.0% compared with November 2022), and in December 45.3 million (+25.8% compared with December 2022) – Source dataset: tour_ce_omr.

This information comes from monthly data on short-stay accommodation offered via online platforms for the fourth quarter of 2023 at the national level, published by Eurostat today. In addition, regional data for the third quarter of 2023 are also being released. These data are collected from four private collaborative economy platforms as part of an agreement with the European Commission in March 2020. Regional data are released later than the national data, in accordance with the rules set out in the agreement.

This news article presents several highlights from the more detailed Statistics Explained article. For a more in-depth analysis, please also refer Statistics Explained article with annual data.

Top destinations in the summer of 2023: Croatian, Spanish and French regions

The most popular regions (at NUTS 2 level) for short-term rental accommodation booked via online platforms in the third quarter of 2023 were Jadranska Hrvatska in Croatia (23.7 million nights), Andalucía in Spain (14.0 million nights), and the French Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (12.2 million nights).

In the same quarter, among the top 20 regions, 6 were in France, 5 each in Spain and Italy, 2 in Greece and 1 region each in Croatia and Portugal – Source dataset: tour_ce_omn12.

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