Tue. Feb 25th, 2025
sea, humpback whale, tail
Tail of a whale in the ocean. Photo by 12019 on Pixabay

Brussels, 24 June 2022

Today, the European Commission and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy unveiled the renewed EU agenda on International Ocean Governance (IOG), proposing actions for a secure, clean and sustainably managed ocean. With this policy, the EU confirms its active role in international ocean governance and its commitment  to strengthen implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goal 14 on Life Below Water. The new agenda has an important role in delivering on the blue part of the European Green Deal. Ahead of the 2ndUN Ocean Conference  (27 June – 1 July 2022, Lisbon) and the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) (5-17 December 2022 in Montreal) and together with the Commission’s proposal for legally binding targets to restore ecosystems, including at sea, the EU demonstrates its strong engagement  for the ocean.

Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said:

The EU and its Member States combined have the largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world. But nearly two-thirds of the world’s ocean are beyond national jurisdiction. This requires a collective global approach to protect and restore them, and to use the ocean´s enormous potential in a sustainable way to the benefit of societies around the globe. The updated International Ocean Governance Agenda further strengthens our role as a driving force and credible partner to bring real and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing our oceans.”

Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for the Environment, Ocean and Fisheries, said:

We must take better care of our ocean. With our new proposal for a Nature Restoration Law we want to heal our marine ecosystems in Europe but this will not be enough. We need to mobilise our global partners to achieve sustainable ocean management and heathy marine life all around the world. This is why the Commission commits up to € 1 billion for ocean and coastal biodiversity and climate actions globally. Today, we call on all our international partners to boost the implementation of our joint commitments and focus on ambitious actions for the ocean ahead of the upcoming COP 15 for biodiversity.”

Updating EU strategy for new geopolitical and sustainability developments

International ocean governance is about managing the world’s oceans and their resources together so that they are healthy and productive, for the benefit of current and future generations. Today’s new Joint Communication builds on the one from 2016 taking account of key trends such as the exacerbated impact of climate change and dangerous decline of biodiversity. It also takes into consideration changed geopolitical conditions such as the Russian aggression against Ukraine, which has brought about instability and insecurity including freezing of certain initiatives.

As a leading global actor, the EU sets out an updated agenda for better ocean governance based on a cross-sectoral and rules-based international approach, aiming to further consolidate its role as a global leader in ocean governance. Building on and updating the commitments set out in the 2016 Joint Communication, the EU commits to:

  • strengthening the international ocean governance framework at global, regional and bilateral levels;
  • making ocean sustainability a reality by 2030 by taking a coordinated and complementary approach to common challenges and cumulative impacts;
  • continuing to make the ocean a safe and secure space as competition in international waters and challenges to multilateral cooperation are growing;
  • building up international ocean knowledge for evidence-based decision-making to result in action to protect and sustainably manage the ocean.
Key actions for a safe, secure, clean, healthy and sustainably managed ocean

The Communication identifies several key priorities to deliver on these commitments:

  • Halt and reverse the loss of marine biodiversity by concluding an ambitious UN High Seas Treaty (Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction) as soon as possible and reaching the goal of 30% of Marine Protected Areas by 2030;
  • Protect the seabed by prohibiting deep-sea mining, which destroys the seabed, and regulating, where necessary, the use of fishing gear that are most harmful to biodiversity;
  • Ensure sustainable fisheries with a zero-tolerance approach against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing and with compliance with international rules and standards. The EU also welcomes the meaningful multilateral agreement contributing to the protection of the oceans that was achieved in the WTO on 17 June this year, after 21 years of negotiation. The EU is fully committed to complete as soon as possible the agreement with the elements not yet agreed;
  • Fight climate change for a healthy ocean, including throughmaritime transport measures on the EU and global level as well as decarbonising the fishing sector to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels;
  • Fight marine pollution notably by concluding an ambitious legally binding Global Plastic Agreement by 2024;
  • Making the transition to a global sustainable blue economy, notably scaling up investment in ocean health and in the transformation to a sustainable blue economy via the EU ‘BlueInvest’ investment platform, and improving integrated maritime planning;
  • Ensure security and safety at sea by monitoring closely and responding swiftly to maritime security threats, cooperating with its partners such as NATO, as well as addressing forced labour following International Labour Organization rules;
  • Build up ocean knowledge by creating an intergovernmental science-policy interface for ocean sustainability, aiming at establishing an Intergovernmental Panel for Ocean Sustainability (IPOS), promoting ocean diplomacy and literacy;
  • Invest in the ocean – up to €1 billion in 2021-2027 for ocean and coastal biodiversity and climate, including for high seas, and €350 million a year on ocean research through Horizon Europe 2021-2027 programme.
Next steps

The Joint Communication will be presented by the Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius at the 2ndUN Ocean Conference. It will be discussed by the European Parliament and the Council.


In 2016, the EU was the first leading economy to launch its International Ocean Governance Agenda and commit to a safe, secure, clean, healthy and sustainably managed ocean.

In 2019, EU Member States expressed their support to the further follow-up and development of this agenda. The European Green Deal highlighted the importance of fostering the role of the EU as a global leader in ocean governance. A targeted consultation and an international stakeholder forum presented recommendations for its development to ensure the EU’s continued active role in contributing to global sustainability objectives.

More Information, including a Q&A:

Q&A on International Ocean Governance

Joint communication on renewed EU agenda on International Ocean Governance (IOG)


EU Commission Q&A on International Ocean Governance

Brussels, 24 June 2022

Why a new agenda on International Ocean Governance and what is in it?

The Joint communication on the renewed EU agenda on International Ocean Governance (IOG) updates the 2016 Joint Communication and strengthens the EU’s commitment to safe, secure, clean, healthy and sustainably managed ocean. The new agenda reflects a number of significant global developments since 2016 such as: the urgent need to act on the triple crisis of climate, biodiversity and pollution; the more and more recognised role of the ocean in our lives, but also the profound changes happening to it due to climate change but also unsustainable human activities at sea; the need to better protect the ocean as one of the biggest sources of life and biodiversity on Earth; the increased focus on food security, as well as maritime security, which has come to the fore with  Russia’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine.

The new International Ocean Governance agenda sets key EU priorities: to halt and reverse the loss of marine biodiversity, fight climate change and marine pollution for a healthy ocean, protect the seabed from harmful practices, ensure a sustainable blue economy and build up ocean knowledge, ensure security and safety at sea and a compliance with international rules and standards.

How will the EU work to strengthen sustainable fisheries?

The EU will further pursue a zero-tolerance approach against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and support compliance with conservation and management rules that aim at the sustainable use of fisheries resources. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs)provide a solid framework for bilateral cooperation with selected non-EU partner countries and contribute to enhance marine, maritime and fisheries policies including environmental, social and trade aspects.

The EU is scaling up its efforts to promote the fulfilment of flag States’ responsibilities by those acting as ‘open registers’. Certain open registers known for their poor implementation of maritime law are commonly used by some ship owners to escape their international obligations or control over the vessels in what concerns fishing, as well as sustainable and safe recycling of the ships when they reach the end of their life. The EU also continues promoting transparency on vessels’ ownership to be in a position to identify those responsible for possible illegal activities.

The EU will continue strengthening its policy by developing appropriate IT tools in this regard, including a digitalised catch certification scheme. The EU is striving towards safeguarding market entry only for products that are sustainably sourced and produced. Indeed, effective management of fisheries and sustainable aquaculture are pre-conditions for a positive food system transformation.

The EU welcomes the multilateral agreement contributing to the protection of the oceans that was achieved in the WTO on 17 June this year. The EU is fully committed to complete as soon as possible the agreement with the elements not yet agreed.

Finally, in the context of fighting against marine pollution it is also relevant that ship owners who deliberately pollute can be quickly and efficiently identified.

How will the new agenda on International Ocean Governance address the impacts of climate change and pollution on the ocean?

The ocean and climate change are closely intertwined: the ocean and its ecosystems are essential to regulate the climate and are at the same time hugely impacted by climate change. Ocean and climate actions must therefore go hand in hand. A positive step to this end is the UNFCCC decision made at COP26 in Glasgow to hold an annual dialogue on the ocean and climate change to strengthen ocean climate change mitigation and adaptation action.

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) raised the alarm on the impacts of climate change on the ocean. The absorption of carbon dioxide (25% of the human emissions of CO2) and extra heat (90% of the world’s extra heat resulting from the greenhouse effect) causes ocean acidification and warming, which leads to sea level rise, extreme weather conditions, coral bleaching, stratification, deoxygenation, dead zones and changes in biological productivity and to the distribution of species and habitats. It emphasised the need to sharply reduce greenhouse gas emissions and take sustained and robust adaptation action. It is essential to combine action in all areas, ocean and land, while taking a coordinated approach to address interconnected issues of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

The EU has anchored climate neutrality by 2050into its law, in line with the Paris Agreement, and is committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions from maritime activities and to make continued progress in climate adaptation. The Commission proposed a range of measures to ensure that EU maritime transport contributes to reaching this goal. This includes a new standard on GHG intensity of energy used onboard ships (FuelEU Maritime), the extension of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) to maritime transport, and a revision of existing directives on energy taxation, alternative fuel infrastructures and renewable energy.

Globally, a regulatory framework on the energy efficiency of new ships is in place and energy efficiency measures for existing ships will enter into force in November 2022. The EU will continue decarbonising the fishing sector to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels, including by exploring mitigation measures and fishing strategies and gears that reduce emissions and improve energy use efficiency. This has become even more important in the context of the current war in Ukraine.

Nature-based solutions can also provide climate change mitigation and adaptation by increasing carbon uptake and storage, reducing coastal risks and by providing multiple other benefits such as better water quality and increased resilience of ecosystems and communities.

The EU is committed to stopping pollution of all kinds, notably from land-based sources to sea. Marine plastic pollution has increased tenfold since 1980 and needs a global response. Since the adoption of its Plastics Strategy in 2018, the EU has been a driving force in tackling plastic pollution internationally through its diplomatic efforts, and within the Union. It will actively engage in the global negotiations for an ambitious legally binding Global Plastic Agreement by 2024, as agreed at UNEA5, and will continue working towards that end.

How will the EU work to halt and reverse the loss of marine biodiversity?

Marine biodiversity protection and conservation are key priorities under the EU’s external action in pursuit of the future international legally binding instrument on marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction(BBNJ) under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The EU’s ambition is to reach an internationally binding agreement on BBNJ still in 2022, and to ensure its effective ratification and implementation. In addition to its active engagement in the negotiations, the EU has led through its Ocean Diplomacy the setting up of a coalition on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)to foster an ambitious, fair and effective agreement.

The new Biodiversity Strategy set a target of protecting30% of the world’s oceans by 2030. A global network of marine protected areas will safeguard the health and biodiversity of the world’s oceans. The Commission also laid out its proposal for a Nature Restoration Law which aims to cover at least 20% of EU’s seas and restore all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050, including marine ones. Furthermore, through its diplomatic leverage and outreach capacities, the EU continues to help broker an agreement on the designation of new Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean as an important contribution to the 30% protection goal by 2030.

The steadily increasing demand for use of the ocean requires integrated planning of maritime space that takes due account of the interests of all maritime sectors and their impact on the marine environment, and their contribution to climate change and biodiversity loss. Building on an ecosystem-based approach, Maritime Spatial Planning can support the achievement of conservation and restoration targets and contribute to a sustainable blue economy.

How will the new agenda on International Ocean Governance address maritime security and safety?

Maritime security protects legitimate activities and is a prerequisite for a sustainable blue economy, flow of trade along the sea as well as peace and stability at large.

In line with its Maritime Security Strategy, the EU continues to strengthen its role as a maritime security provider within and beyond its borders. In doing so, it takes across-sectoral approach to the evolving character of maritime security challenges and threats, including cyber and hybrid attacks, the growing impacts of climate change, environmental degradation and the risks they pose to stability and security.

The EU will continue to work with its maritime security regional partners to address increased presence of both global and regional actors, some of whom do not hesitate to use irregular forces in zones of instability. The EU will continue monitoring developments closely and respond swiftly to any threats to maritime security, cooperating with its partners such as NATO.

In bilateral dialogues and in regional and international fora, the EU will address forced labour and other forms of work that violate human rights in the area of fisheries, including when detected in the context of the fight against IUU fishing. The EU will continue promoting the ratification and effective implementation of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Work in Fishing Convention.

What tools will the EU use to strengthen international ocean governance?

The ocean requires a collective approach, based on the provisions of international law with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)at its core.

The EU pursues partnerships and alliances with third countries, multilateral and regional organisations, and non-state actors such as NGOs, economic operators, scientific community and civil society at large. It does so by means of regional and bilateral dialogues, ocean-related development cooperation, specific outreach and demarches, coalition-building on key priorities and (co)-hosting multi-stakeholder global events to further mobilise and sustain the momentum for global action.

What funding opportunities will be available for reaching the goals set in the agenda?

The Commission will invest up to €1 billion for ocean, coastal biodiversity and climate, including for the high seas in 2021-2027. In addition, it will provide €350 million a year to fund marine and maritime issues, through the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 programme, and an additional  €110 million a year to the European Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030’ for the period 2021-2023. The aim of the Mission is to demonstrate practical solutions for cleaning waters, restoring degraded ecosystems and to transition the blue economy to climate neutrality.

The EU and its Member States are among the most important donors of ocean-related development aid and voluntary contributors to international organisations and processes, notably through the Global Europe Instrument/NDICI: from 2014 to 2020, over €1 billion was committed under EU development policy to promote ocean governance in third countries.

For More Information

Press release on International Ocean Governance

Joint communication on renewed EU agenda on International Ocean Governance (IOG)

Source – EU Commission


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