Tue. Mar 4th, 2025


Statement by Nordic Ministers of Defence on Nordic Defence Cooperation 24 May 2022:

The Nordic defence ministers or their representatives met on 24 May 2022 on the island of Bornholm, Denmark, and gave the following statement. At the meeting, Sweden was represented by Jan-Olof Lind, State Secretary to Minister for Defence Peter Hultqvist.

The Nordic Ministers of Defence warmly welcome the sovereign decisions by Finland and Sweden to apply for NATO membership. Denmark, Iceland and Norway welcome Finland and Sweden into the Alliance and will work for fast national ratification processes.

As we enter a new era of deeper defence relations, we, the Nordic Defence Ministers, remain committed to the Nordic defence cooperation (NORDEFCO). We share common interests concerning the complex and demanding security challenges in our region, including the Baltic Sea and the High North. These regions constitute a single area of operations and coordinated or joint operational planning among the Nordic countries is therefore key.

Finland and Sweden’s decision will improve our collective defence, enhance security and stability, and strengthen the alliance in Northern Europe. We will continue the political and military dialogue that is already well underway.

Today the Nordic Ministers and representatives met on Bornholm to discuss the security situation in our region. During the coming months we will strengthen our Nordic defence cooperation. As the Prime Ministers of Denmark, Iceland and Norway already have stated, Denmark, Iceland and Norway stand ready to assist Finland and Sweden by all means necessary, should they be the victim of aggression on their territory before obtaining NATO membership. Nordic military presence in our region will be enhanced through joint exercises, training and visits. These assurance activities underline our well-founded ability to operate together.

We have tasked our ministries to adapt NORDEFCO in light of the developments in Finland and Sweden.

Source – Swedish Government

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