On 19 May, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, held a call by video conference with the Foreign Minister of New Zealand, Nanaia Mahuta.
They discussed the excellent cooperation between the European Union and New Zealand in multilateral fora and their shared commitment and work to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms globally, as well as to tackle climate change.
High Representative/Vice-President Borrell presented the new EU Strategy on cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. The EU will look for possible synergies with New Zealand in the region, including strengthening Pacific resilience, to support socio-economic recovery, and vaccine roll-out.
High Representative/Vice-President Borrell and Minister Mahuta took stock of negotiations for an EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement and looked forward to seeing further progress at the upcoming 11th negotiating round scheduled for the end of June.
The High Representative/Vice-President and the Foreign Minister looked forward to working closely together both to advance the EU-New Zealand bilateral partnership as well as to advance the joint interests globally. They agreed to remain in close touch and looked forward to being able to meet in person very soon.