Wed. Mar 5th, 2025

On 1 September 2023 additional export control measures will enter into force for advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment. From that point on, the export of certain advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment will be subject to a national authorisation requirement. The ministerial order in question, which was announced on 8 March in a letter to the House of Representatives, was published today in the Government Gazette.

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Liesje Schreinemacher said, ‘We’ve taken this step on national security grounds. It’s good for the companies that will be impacted to know what they can expect. This will give them the time they need to adapt to the new rules.’

Under this ministerial order, it will now be necessary to apply for an export authorisation for the export of certain types of advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment. The order deals with a number of very specific technologies for the development and manufacture of advanced semiconductors. Because of the specific ways they can be used, these semiconductors can make a key contribution to certain advanced military applications. The uncontrolled export of goods and technologies therefore potentially poses national security risks. The Netherlands bears an extra responsibility in this regard because this country has a unique, leading position in this field. Like the export control policy in general, this additional step is country-neutral.

‘We’ve given careful consideration to this decision and drafted the ministerial order as precisely as possible. That way, we can address the most important vulnerabilities without causing unnecessary disruption to the global manufacture of chips,’ the minister remarked.

For the official publication in the Government Gazette (Staatscourant), please click on this link.

Source – Dutch Government

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