Brussels, 13 October 2022
Check against delivery!
Today, I will share with the NATO members our work together to support Ukraine, on one side, and on our cooperation with NATO in the places where we, the European Union, have Missions – especially in Kosovo and in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
From the point of view of our support to Ukraine, I will inform the NATO members that we are going to approve – I hope next Monday, in Luxembourg – a new tranche of our military support to the Ukrainian armed forces. It will be reaching more than €3 billion from the European Peace Facility resources. Also, [I will inform them] about the establishment of a military training mission to support the Ukrainian army.
At the moment, when Putin is increasing the escalation, we have to continue with determination our support to Ukraine as much as needed, and for as long as needed. We will continue providing military support in order to face any kind of Russian military attack, any escalation of the war. We want to look for a diplomatic solution to this war as soon as possible. But we will be facing with determination, and with increased military support to Ukraine, any escalation from Russia.
I will inform also NATO members about our Missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina – [EUFOR Operation] Althea – where we work together with NATO, and in Kosovo, where our Mission EULEX is also working together with the NATO Mission. In both countries, in the Balkans, we have to continue working hand in hand in order to ensure the stability of the region.
Thank you.
Link to the video (starting at 5:10):
Source – EEAS