Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

Date Location

Entity/ies met


29/03/2021 Videoconference

Siemens AG (SAG)
Volvo AB (Volvo Group)
A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S (APMM)

Videoconference with Chairman of Volvo, Chairman of Siemens and Maersk, CEO of Air Liquide

19/03/2021 Videoconference

Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. (BDI)

Meeting with BDI President

20/02/2021 Videoconference

Global Citizen

Meeting with the CEO from Global Citizen

19/02/2021 Videoconference

Siemens AG (SAG)
Volvo AB (Volvo Group)
A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S (APMM)

Meeting with Chairman of Volvo, Chairman of Siemens and Maersk, CEO of Air Liquide

05/02/2021 Videoconference

Global Citizen

Meeting with the CEO from Global Citizen

31/01/2021 Videoconference

AstraZeneca PLC
BioNTech SE
CureVac AG
Johnson & Johnson (J&J)
Pfizer Inc. (PFE)
Moderna Inc.

Meeting with CEOs of the pharmaceutical companies with which the Commission has signed Advance Purchase Agreements

27/01/2021 Videoconference

Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI)

Meeting with CEO Institute for Global Change

24/01/2021 Videoconference

Global Citizen

Meeting with the CEO from Global Citizen

22/01/2021 Videoconference

Global Citizen

Meeting with the CEO from Global Citizen

03/12/2020 Videoconference

Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)

Meeting with the President of UEFA

20/11/2020 Videoconference

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)

Meeting with Co-chairman and co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

18/11/2020 Brussels

Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung
Institut Montaigne

Meeting with CEO of Hertie Stiftung and President of Institut Montaigne

13/11/2020 Videoconference

WePROTECT Global Alliance

Videoconference with Chairman of WePROTECT Global Alliance and Co-founder of Thorn (Topic: Fight against child sexual abuse)

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