Tue. Feb 25th, 2025


Date      Location

Entity/ies met


Sarah Nelen, Aleksandra Tomczak

20/04/2021 Videoconference

Air Products

Meeting on Helios – renewable hydrogen project

Antoine Colombani

16/04/2021        video-call

Hill & Knowlton International Belgium (H+K)
Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK)

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Aleksandra Tomczak

15/04/2021        Brussels – video conference

Europe’s Independent Fuel Suppliers (UPEI)

Speech at their event about the Fit for 55 Package

Anthony Agotha

15/04/2021        video call

International Crisis Group (ICG)

Exchanging views on the geopolitical effects of climate policy

Riccardo Maggi

14/04/2021        Brussels – video conference

Renewables Grid Initiative e.V. (RGI)

Follow up to the Offshore Renewable Energy strategy

Aleksandra Tomczak

13/04/2021        Brussels – video conference

Izba Gospodarcza “Wodociągi Polskie” (IGWP)

Speech at their event about European Green Deal

Aleksandra Tomczak

12/04/2021        Brussels – video conference

Breakthrough Energy Catalyst Foundation

EU-US greentech alliance

Diederik Samsom

09/04/2021        Brussels (video confernece)

Vereniging VNO-NCW (VNO-NCW)

European Green Deal

Helena Braun

07/04/2021        video-call

Schwarz Unternehmenskommunikation International GmbH (Schwarz Gruppe)

Implementation of the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan

Diederik Samsom, Stefanie Hiesinger

31/03/2021        Brussels (video conference)

Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. (VDMA)

ReFuelEU Aviation Initiative

Daniel Mes, Stefanie Hiesinger, Diederik Samsom

31/03/2021        Brussels (video conference)

Air France-KLM

ReFuel / EU ETS

Source and more meetings: EU Commission pages 1, 2 , 3 , 4

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