Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Ljubljana, 20 March 2025

Today, ACER launches a public consultation to assess the impact of developing peak-shaving products on the EU electricity market under normal conditions.

What is it about?

Peak-shaving products are market-based tools that enable market participants to reduce their electricity consumption during peak demand periods in exchange for compensation.

Under the 2024 Electricity Market Design (EMD) Regulation, the Council can declare a regional or EU-wide electricity crisis if wholesale prices become excessively high. In such cases, Member States can instruct system operators to use peak-shaving products to reduce power demand, helping to stabilise the grid and lower prices.

But can peak-shaving products be introduced outside energy crises without disrupting the EU electricity market or undermining other demand response programs?

ACER’s assessment

To help answer this question, ACER has established an Expert Group in February 2025 to provide insights on the topic and is now seeking stakeholder input by 17 April 2025.

ACER’s assessment (expected in summer 2025) will help inform potential amendments to the Electricity Regulation to introduce peak-shaving products as a routine tool for managing peak demand under normal market conditions.

Read more and share your views.


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