Luxembourg, 11 April 2024
In regular format:
Preparation for international meetings: exchange rate and inflation developments
In preparation for the upcoming spring meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC, the Eurogroup took stock of exchange rate and inflation rate developments over the past few months.
Euro area competitiveness: trade performance and risks of trade fragmentation
The Eurogroup held a third exchange of views on the external competitiveness of the euro area. The discussion focussed on trade performance of the euro area, risks of trade fragmentation and policy avenues to strengthen the euro area’s competitiveness in an increasingly fragmented global environment.
A key policy priority is to continue supporting the open, multilateral, rules-based trade system, while strengthening our resilience through the diversification of our supply chains and increasing our international partnerships.
Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup
Ministers welcomed Richard Baldwin, professor of international economics at the IMD Business School, who provided his perspective on the topic.
- International role of the euro (background information)
- Euro area competitiveness: trade performance and risks of trade fragmentation (European Commission)
Luxembourg’s updated draft budgetary plan
The Eurogroup was informed of the upcoming Commission Opinion on Luxembourg’s updated draft budgetary plan. Follow-up is expected to be taken up by the Eurogroup Working Group.
In inclusive format:
Digital euro: state of play with regard to global central bank digital currencies
The Eurogroup took stock of the advancement of the digital euro project and of global developments regarding central bank digital currencies.
The European Central Bank (ECB) updated ministers on the focus and progress of the second (preparation) phase of the digital euro project. Ministers shared their views on the key political issues underlying the digital euro project within the global context.
The Eurogroup will continue its political engagement on this topic and provide a complementary political and strategic direction to this important common European project.
Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup
- Towards a digital euro (background information)
- Eurosystem proceeds to next phase of digital euro project ( European Central Bank)
- Eurogroup statement on the digital euro project, 16 January 2023
Preparatory documents
- Draft agenda, Eurogroup
- Draft agenda, Eurogroup in inclusive format
- Draft annotated agenda, Eurogroup
- Draft annotated agenda, Eurogroup in inclusive format
Outcome documents
Press releases