Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

Brussels, 11 March 2024

In regular format:

Macroeconomic developments and fiscal policy in the euro area in 2025

The Eurogroup adopted a statement on the fiscal policy orientation for 2025.

We agreed today that a slightly contractionary fiscal stance is appropriate at the current juncture. In view of the revised fiscal framework entering into force, we will continue to pursue ambitious structural reforms and preserve the level of investment, including in areas of common EU priorities.

Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup

Ministers took stock of the macroeconomic and fiscal developments and prospects in the euro area and exchanged views on the fiscal policy orientation for 2025.


In inclusive format:

The future of the Capital Markets Union

The Eurogroup adopted a statement on the future of the Capital Markets Union.

We want the EU to be a stronger leader in the world with regard to innovation and new industries. To achieve this goal, we have to ensure that businesses have different ways of accessing the money they need and we have to give them more opportunities to grow and scale-up in Europe, and to better compete on the world stage. We have now agreed a common ambition on this vital opportunity which goes to the heart of competitiveness in each and every one of our countries and the EU collectively.

Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup

The statement builds on almost a year of policy discussions on the future of European capital markets undertaken with ministers from all EU member states. The objective is for the statement to be presented to leaders at the Euro Summit in March 2024.

Preparation of the March Euro Summit

President Donohoe presented the main elements of the letter he will address to the President of the Euro Summit in his personal capacity, reporting on the work carried out in the Eurogroup since October 2023 and outlining the plans for the months ahead.

Meeting information
  • Brussels
  • 11 March 2024
Preparatory documents
Outcome documents
Press releases


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