Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Infographic – How the EU delivers the green transition: See full infographic

Fit for 55 package

Ministers took note of a progress report and held a policy debate on the files in the ‘Fit for 55’ package that are within the remit of the Environment Council.

The EU has set itself the objective of reducing its net greenhouse gas emission by 55% by 2030 and now we have to reflect this objective in EU legislation. The proposals of the ‘Fit for 55’ package have been a major priority for the Slovenian Presidency. We have done our utmost to make as much progress as possible on the package while ensuring its coherence.

Andrej Vizjak, Slovenian Minister for the Environment and Spatial Planning

Ministers discussed the following files of the package:

  • revision of the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme (EU ETS)
  • revision of the regulation on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions by member states (effort sharing regulation)
  • revision of the regulation on greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF)
  • revision of rules for CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles
  • regulation establishing a social climate fund

Ministers exchanged views on the level of ambition needed for further progress on the five climate-related files in the coming months, taking into account the various interlinkages between the proposals of the ‘Fit for 55’ package. Ministers also expressed their views on what they consider as the most sensitive issues in the five files.

Batteries and waste batteries

The presidency presented a progress report to ministers on the state of play of discussions on the batteries and waste batteries legislation. The report presents a summary of the discussions held under the Slovenian presidency and identifies the remaining aspects and technical issues that need further deliberation. Ministers, in their discussions, gave guidance for future work on this proposal.

Batteries are a key element of the clean energy transition. The Commission proposal, presented a year ago, aims to reduce the environmental and social impacts of batteries throughout all stages of their life cycle – from sourcing materials to production, use, recycling and disposal.

EU soil strategy 2030

Ministers held an exchange of views on the EU soil strategy for 2030, presented by the Commission on 17 November 2021.

The strategy proposes to set a framework with concrete measures for the protection, restoration and sustainable use of soils and proposes a set of voluntary and legally binding measures. It aims to increase the soil carbon in agricultural land, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, and ensure that by 2050, all soil ecosystems are in a healthy condition. The strategy also envisions a legislative proposal, by 2023, for a new soil health law.

Resilience of critical entities

The Council adopted a general approach on the draft directive on the resilience of critical entities. This draft instrument aims to reduce the vulnerabilities and strengthen the protection of infrastructures that are essential for society, the functioning of the economy and the well-being of citizens.

Other matters

The Commission presented its proposal on minimising the risk of deforestation and forest degradation associated with products placed on the EU market and its proposal on shipments of waste. The Commission provided ministers with information on the implementation of the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030.

The presidency shared information on the informal meeting of ministers responsible for urban matters – the role of European cities in the green transition and in achieving the objectives of the Green Deal (held in Ljubljana on 26 November 2021). The presidency also informed ministers about a workshop on the reform of REACH Authorisation and Restriction (held in Brdo on 9 November 2021).

The presidency and the Commission reported to ministers on recent international meetings, including the COP26 climate summit, the first part of the COP15 biodiversity summit, the seventh session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention on access to justice in environmental affairs and the COP22 of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution.

Austria, supported by Hungary, Cyprus and Luxembourg gave ministers information on coordinated action on the regulation of plants obtained by new genomic techniques.

Spain informed ministers about the third clean air forum (held in Madrid on 18-19 November 2021).

Lithuania, supported by Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania shared information on the mobility package in the context of European Green Deal ambitions.

France presented the work programme of its incoming presidency.

The Council also adopted without discussion the items that figure in the lists of legislative and non-legislative A items.

Meeting information

Meeting n°3841


20 December 2021


Preparatory documents

Outcome documents

Press releases

Source – EU Council: View meeting page

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