Wed. Mar 5th, 2025

Brussels, 9 December 2024

Conclusions on a farmer-focused post-2027 common agricultural policy

As a non-discussion item, the Council unanimously approved a set of conclusions on a farmer-focused post-2027 common agricultural policy (CAP), towards a competitive, crisis-proof, sustainable, farmer-friendly and knowledge-based future EU agriculture.

The conclusions reflect the Council’s expectations for the future common agricultural policy, aiming for a competitive and farmer-focused sector – one of the overarching priorities of the Hungarian presidency. The conclusions call for dedicated and appropriate resources for the CAP to efficiently respond to its multiple objectives and urge to maintain a separate and independent CAP containing two pillars. Direct payments should continue to support farmers’ income stability. They also underscore our commitment to delivering concrete solutions and incentives to support farmers in the green transition.

István Nagy, Hungarian Minister for Agriculture

During an exchange of views, the ministers informed the new Commissioner for Agriculture and Food of their priorities for the future CAP.

In this context, the Council provided political guidance for the new Commission to take into account when preparing the Vision for agriculture and food in the first 100 days of its term of office, as well as the legislative proposals for the post-2027 CAP.


Future opportunities for the bioeconomy

The Council held a policy debate to discuss ways in which the bioeconomy can be further developed. In this context, ministers urged the Commission to come up with simplification and coherent policies to fully harness the potential of this sector.

The Council pointed out that the bioeconomy has a transformative potential for the EU and that it aligns with the EU’s objectives for climate neutrality, circularity and rural development.

They also touched upon ways in which existing regulations and policies, including the CAP, could be improved to boost the competitiveness of the bioeconomy and to foster research and innovation and employment in rural areas, especially for young people.

The Council recalled its conclusions on the opportunities of the bioeconomy, which had a special emphasis on rural areas and were endorsed in April 2023.

Under ‘other business’, the presidency presented the conclusions endorsed in November 2024 by the Competitiveness Council, linked to harnessing the  bioeconomy potential of Central and Eastern European countries. These emphasise the role of sustainable biomass production in achieving the European Green Deal’s goals for 2030 and 2050. They also highlight the importance of the circular economy and stress the need for broader transnational collaboration.

The presidency also presented information on the outcome of the high-level conference titled ‘Partnering for the future – BIOEAST and beyond’ on research and innovation priorities of Central and Eastern European countries.

Furthermore, Finland presented an ‘other business’ item, which was supported by most of the member states, on ways to increase biogas production and nutrient recycling.


Forest monitoring framework

The presidency presented a progress report detailing the work carried out so far at technical level on the proposal for a forest monitoring framework, allowing ministers to exchange views on the state of play of this file.

Overall, ministers welcomed the proposed objective to harmonise and standardise forest data at EU level.

Most of them, however, stressed that the proposal should be simplified and use a bottom-up approach based on the existing national forest monitoring systems of the member states. They also stressed the proposal should focus on collecting forest data with a clear added value, in order to avoid excessive administrative burden and costs.

Some ministers mentioned that the proposed forest monitoring framework should allow enough flexibility to take into account national specificities.

The Council welcomed the progress made during the Hungarian presidency and agreed that work should continue at technical level.


Other business

Under ‘other business’, the Hungarian presidency provided the Council with information on the Conference on the future of the European apiculture sector.


The Council also received information from a number of delegations under ‘other business’.


Agenda highlights on Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Fishing opportunities 

The Council will aim to reach a political agreement on two Commission proposals on fishing opportunities. These are the proposal covering fishing opportunities in the Atlantic and the North Sea for 2025 and, in the case of some stocks, also for 2026, and the proposal on fishing opportunities for 2025 in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas.


Protection of animals during transport

In a public session, the presidency will inform the Council about progress made on the proposal for the protection of animals during transport.


Plant and forest reproductive material

In a public session, the presidency will provide the Council with progress reports on the work carried out on the plant and forest reproductive material proposals.


Other business

Among the ‘other business’ items on the agenda, the Hungarian presidency will publicly provide the Council with information on:

  • the state of play of the new genomic techniques proposal
  • the work in the veterinary field carried out during the Hungarian presidency
Live streaming
  • Live streaming
  • 14:30 Public session (afternoon)
  • TTBC Press conference
Practical information
  • Meeting n°4066
  • Location: Brussels
    Preparatory documents
    Outcome documents


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