Sat. Feb 1st, 2025

Brussels, 25 November 2023


Education and democratic citizenship

Education ministers started their meeting by approving conclusions on the contribution of education and training to strengthening common European values and democratic citizenship.

The protection of the values that we share as Europeans and the importance of democratic citizenship are the very backbone of our societies and an utmost priority for the Spanish presidency. Today, we reaffirm the role of education in shaping active, engaged and creative citizens.

Pilar Alegria, Spanish Minister for Education, Vocational Training and Sport

These conclusions put the focus on what education ministers consider as a crucial task of our education and training systems: their role in promoting the values that bind Europeans together, in shaping citizens who are active and well-informed, equipped with critical thinking and able to engage in democratic, fair, sustainable and digital societies.

The Council’s conclusions highlight the vital role of education and training in shaping the future of Europe, as well as the need to anticipate, adapt and respond appropriately to new political, social, cultural and technological challenges.

Infographic – ‘Path to the Digital Decade’: the EU’s plan to achieve a digital Europe by 2030

See full infographic


Digital skills and competences

Education ministers adopted two recommendations, on the key enabling factors for successful digital education and training and on improving the provision of digital skills and competences.

Digital skills and competences need to be accessible to the entire population, across all age groups and backgrounds. And every school, every education and training institution should duly take into account both the risks and opportunities that technology brings about.

Pilar Alegría, Spanish Minister for Education, Vocational Training and Sport

The Council recommendation on the key enabling factors for successful digital education and training addresses the need to create more and better opportunities for learning and teaching for everyone in the digital age. It highlights the role of teachers and educators in the path towards digital transformation and supports investing in digital equipment, infrastructure and training for all teaching and support staff.

The Council recommendation on improving the provision of digital skills and competences in education and training sets out measures for the development of digital skills and competences at all levels (schools, vocational education and training, higher education, adult learning) and for all groups of the population (e.g. young people, adults and professionals).


Attracting female talent to STEAM disciplines

Education ministers discussed ways to break gender stereotypes and to make science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) more attractive for girls and young women. Ministers exchanged views on the biggest challenges in reducing the gender gap in STEAM disciplines. They highlighted initiatives launched, both at national and European level, to tackle the gender imbalance in this context.

During the discussion, many ministers drew attention to the fact that gender equality is a key factor in creating stronger, more sustainable, more competitive, and more inclusive economies. The need to take action from an early age, in order to prevent the consolidation of social and cultural stereotypes, was also put into focus. They also underlined the need to boost girls’ confidence and motivation, including by promoting role models in the sector and making them more visible.


Other business

Following the policy debate, the Commission informed ministers on the Digital Services Act ‘schoolyard guardians’ initiative.

In public session, several delegations provided information on a number of topics:

  • the Slovenian delegation presented the Ljubljana Reading Manifesto
  • the Cyprus delegation presented the 6th International Music Olympiad for school students
  • the Belgian and Dutch delegations addressed the topic of data privacy in digital education
  • the Swedish delegation provided information on aid to Ukraine in the education sector

Finally, the incoming Belgian presidency presented its work programme in education starting from January 2024 (non-public session).



Youth mainstreaming

Youth ministers held a debate on a forward-looking European Union committed to its young citizens and stressed their will to enhance the role of young people in decision-making processes within the EU. Ministers took the floor to propose ways to strengthen the role of young people as relevant stakeholders, with a focus on young people with fewer opportunities.

The possibility of a EU Youth Test as a relevant tool to measure the impact of EU policies in young people was one of the key topics of the discussion. Several ministers agreed on the fact that a youth perspective should be integrated in the impact assessment of EU legislation, in order to better address expectations and challenges of young people both in the present and in the future.

Christiana Xenofontos, Vice-President of the European Youth Forum, participated in the policy debate.

Youth ministers also approved conclusions on promoting youth mainstreaming in policy decision-making processes in the European Union. These conclusions acknowledge that the participation of young people is an essential condition in any political process and is instrumental in ensuring that young people trust and believe in the work of the European institutions.


Mental health and young people

Youth ministers approved conclusions on a comprehensive approach to the mental health of young people in the European Union, offering guidance on comprehensive public policies to address this issue.

The conclusions highlight the need for preventive measures on mental well-being for young people. The focus was on the need to afford young people access to mental health care services and to take measures to increase awareness and destigmatise.


Other business

Under other business, the Spanish presidency debriefed ministers on the outcome of the youth informal breakfast with youth delegates, the European Youth Forum and Commissioner Iliana Ivanova. The participants discussed the problems of mental health among young people as well as possible ways to tackle the problems with preventive measures.

Under non-public session, the incoming Belgian presidency also presented its work programme in the area of youth.


Culture and audiovisual

At the beginning of the session, the Ukrainian minister of culture addressed culture and audiovisual ministers with a video message. The President of the Council expressed solidarity and support to Ukrainian people, with a special reference to Ukrainian artists and creators.


Video games and their cultural dimension

Ministers approved the first-ever set of Council conclusions on the video game sector and agreed to enhance its cultural and creative dimension in Europe.

These conclusions acknowledge the great potential of the videogames sector to transmit cultural content and the value of the richness of European creation, heritage and history.

Video games represent European creativity and innovation, and more should be done to help the industry grow and remain competitive.

Ernest Urtasun i Domènech, Spanish Minister for Culture

They also include measures to support this booming economic sector in Europe, including funding opportunities, talent retaining and gender mainstreaming. The text also envisages actions to make it easier for European video games enterprises to remain sustainable and competitive.

EC Vice-President Jourova also attended the non-public session.


Working conditions for artists and culture and creative professionals

The Council held a public debate on promoting decent working conditions for artists and cultural creative professionals at EU level. Culture ministers expressed the will to pave the way for a set of minimum standards regarding the artists’ status, including their working conditions, social protection schemes and cross-border mobility.

Ministers addressed several aspects related to the status of artists and cultural professionals. They referred to new or existing measures taken in their countries to improve both living and working conditions of artists, creators and cultural workers, while also highlighting lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic on the vulnerability of this sector. They further explored avenues to achieve a common framework to facilitate the mobility of artists and cultural professionals, as a positive achievement for the sector.

Several ministers expressed their support to Creative Europe programme in the context of the next EU’s long-term budget (known as multiannual financial framework), as they consider it to be the main instrument to support artists and creators. Challenges and opportunities of AI were also put into focus, while the transition towards a green and digital economy in the creative and cultural sectors was a key point of the discussion.


Other business

The Spanish presidency informed ministers on the state of play of negotiations with the European Parliament on the European Media Freedom Act regulation (EMFA). EC Vice-President Jourova also attended the session.

In 2021, the Council approved conclusions on the recovery, resilience and sustainability of the cultural and creative sectors. Under other business, the Spanish presidency took stock of its implementation and the measures taken to achieve the goals set in the conclusions.

In public session, several delegations provided information on a number of topics:

  • Ljubljana reading manifesto – Slovenian delegation
  • Selection of the European Capital of Culture 2028, České Budějovice – Czech delegation
  • Presentation of programmes for European Capitals of Culture 2024 of Bad Ischl Salzkammergut (Austria) and Tartu (Estonia) – Austrian and Estonian delegations
  • Pass Culture and KulturPass – French and German delegations
  • A multi-stakeholder platform to promote the recovery of Ukrainian cultural heritage – Italian delegation

In non-public session, the Belgian delegation presented the Belgian presidency’s culture programme.



Women and equality in sport

In the afternoon session, sport ministers approved conclusions on women and equality in the field of sport. The conclusions emphasise the importance of access to a safe, inclusive and equal playing field, free from any form of inequality, discrimination or violence.

Girls across the European Union, from the Azores to Lapland, should be able to dream of becoming world champions who are safe and respected. We must support them on that path by promoting equal opportunities and by ensuring a sports environment free from violence and harassment.

Victor Francos Díaz, Spanish State Secretary for Sports

In its conclusions, the Council stresses the need to increase the share of women, especially among coaches and leadership positions in sports organisations and in sports clubs. The conclusions also highlight the concept of equal pay for an equal work in professional sport, while guaranteeing a stereotype-free and wider media coverage of women’s sport competitions.


Safe environments in sport

Sport ministers held a public debate on safe environments in sport, with the participation of the acting Ukrainian Minister of Youth and Sport via a video message. Many member states recalled their full solidarity with Ukraine and some informed that Ukrainian athletes were training in their member states.

Ministers exchanged best practices at national level and measures taken to promote safe environments in sport, Theyfocused on planning, design and management of safe sports infrastructure and facilities, but also on promoting an emotionally safe environment Several ministers referred to sports-related violence, including such violence outside the playing field, and ways to promote a sports sector free from sexual violence and harassment. Member states presented their zero tolerance measures that provide for safe environment. They also exchanged about possible measures coordinated at European level that could guarantee a safer environment.


Other business

Under other business, the French delegation provided information on the European dimension of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Paris 2024.  The German delegation presented the European dimension of the European football championship which will take place in Germany from 14 June to 14 July 2024.

A representative of the EU member states in the WADA foundation board debriefed ministers on the meeting of the foundation board that took place on 17 November 2023. Following that, the Belgian delegation presented the Belgian presidency’s sports work programme.

Meeting information
  • Meeting n°3986
  • Brussels
  • 23-24 November 2023
Preparatory documents
Outcome documents

Press releases

Source – EU Council


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