Brussels, 18 March 2025
The EU Commission has issued a positive preliminary assessment of Latvia’s payment request for €293 million under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the key instrument of NextGenerationEU.
The preliminarily assessment concludes that Latvia has fulfilled the milestones and targets required for this payment, financed under the RRF.
It follows progress made on 14 reforms and 24 investments that will drive positive change for citizens and businesses in Latvia in areas such as digitalisation, health, affordable housing, energy efficiency, customs and tax compliance.
Flagship measures in this payment request include:
Fostering affordable housing: Agreements between the development finance institution Altum and real estate developers will deliver more than 300 low-rent apartments across the regions, fostering affordable housing and enhancing labour mobility.
Bridging the digital divide: Over 35,000 laptops have been provided to municipalities and schools, boosting educational quality and ensuring that students from socially vulnerable groups have access to digital solutions, enabling their participation in remote learning and improving educational equity.
Fuelling economic growth: Contracts were awarded to develop five industrial parks across Latvia, aiming to boost regional growth by upgrading infrastructure, attracting businesses, and creating high-value jobs.
Next steps
The Commission has sent its preliminary assessments to the Economic and Financial Committee, which has four weeks to deliver its opinion. After a positive opinion, the Commission will adopt a payment decision for the €293 million disbursement to Latvia.
Latvia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan outlines investments and reforms to make its economy and society more sustainable, resilient, and prepared for the green and digital transitions. The Recovery and Resilience Facility has allocated €1.97 billion for its implementation.
On 28 December 2024, Latvia submitted a payment request for the third instalment, based on the completion of 38 milestones and targets. This will bring the total funds disbursed to €1 billion, covering 38% of the plan’s milestones and targets.
For more information
- You can explore an interactive map of RRF-financed reforms and investments to see how they are being deployed locally.
- Open data on the RRF can be accessed on the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard, which tracks its implementation and progress.
- The text of the Commission’s preliminary assessment offers details on the milestones and targets preliminarily assessed as satisfactorily fulfilled.
- The Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation sets out the framework and objectives.
Source – EU Commission