Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

EN E-001500/2022

Answer given by Mr Wojciechowski on behalf of the European Commission


The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Technical Committee ISO/TC 34/SC 19 (bee products) is currently working on an ISO standard on honey specifications (ISO/AWI 24607). The ISO is an independent non-governmental organisation and does not have regulatory authority. ISO standards are developed at international level.

The creation of an ISO standard is a transparent process in which national standardisation organisations have their say. ISO standards are adopted by consensus. They are not binding. In contrast, honey that is imported and marketed in the EU must meet the requirements of Council Directive 2001/110 relating to honey /1. The Directive takes account of the existing Codex Alimentarius standard for honey, adjusted, as appropriate, to the specific requirements of the EU.

A potential conflict between the definition of bee honey in a newly established ISO standard, Codex Alimentarius and Council Directive 2001/110 would only become relevant once such an ISO standard is finalised.

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