Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025
time, city, landscape
EU Parliament adopts new rules on ESG ratings. Photo by 95C on Pixabay
  • Net-Zero Industry Act: EU Council and Parliament strike a deal to boost EU’s green industry
  • EU Parliament background on deal to boost Europe’s Net-Zero technology production
  • EU Commission welcomes political agreement to make clean technology manufacturing in the EU resilient and competitive
  • Statement des EU-Abgeordneten Ehler (CDU) zum Net-Zero Industry Act
  • Europa-SPD zu Emissionsfreie Technologien: Einigung auf Förderung von nachhaltigen Branchen
  • Renew Europe on the Net Zero Industry Act: a strong wake-up call to regain control of EU’s industrial sovereignty
  • EEB: EU promotes costly, unproven technologies on final net-zero industry plan
  • Europa-SPD: FDP-gelber Wackelpudding statt glaubwürdiger Partner – Liberale blockieren deutsche Zustimmung zum europäischen Lieferkettengesetz
  • Grüne/ EFA:  Finale Entscheidung: Deutschland enthält sich beim EU-Lieferkettengesetz
  • Ampel blinkt mal wieder gelb: Enthaltung beim EU-Lieferkettengesetz – BUND
  • Greens/EFA call for a new strong pesticides reduction proposal
  • Greens/EFA: Deregulation threatens ecology and the organic sector
  • How nanoparticles are counted in global regulatory nanomaterial definitions
  • Trends in oxygen concentrations in the near-bottom waters of the North-East Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea regions (1989-2021)
  • Occurrence of reduced oxygen concentrations in coastal and marine waters surrounding Europe (average for the years 2011-2022)
  • 16th Food Consumption Data Network Meeting
  • Follow‐up of the re‐evaluation of quillaia extract (E 999) as a food additive and safety of the proposed extension of uses
  • Developing an integrated approach to assess the emergence threat associated with influenza D viruses’ circulating in Europe


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