Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
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Analysing the consumption footprint of EU Member States. Photo by BurningWell on Pixabay
  • WMO: Ocean conference ends with call for action
  • Restoring the Baltic Sea may require substantial reduction in nutrient input and lengthy time spans
  • Latest publications by EEA
    • Consumption footprints for EU countries in 2010 and 2020
    • Europe’s consumption footprint from 2010 to 2020
    • Circular material use rate in the EU and breakdown by material group between 2010 and 2020
    • Circular material use rate by EU country, 2010 and 2020
    • EU Member States’ material footprints in 2010 and 2019
    • The EU’s material footprint by main material group, 2010-2019
  • Aquatic insect biodiversity loss in lowland streams – agricultural pesticide pollution may be a significant cause, Germany
  • FEVE: EU Container Glass Industry Records Highest Ever Growth in Production
  • European Bioplastics elects new Board with Stefan Barot as Chairperson
  • EUPC: EU harmonisation going backwards is the state of play for the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive’s first anniversary
  • EU Global Health Strategy: EU Commission launches public consultation
  • CM 3823 2022 INIT Working Party on the Environment
  • CM 3795 2022 INIT Working Party on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (COPEN – Environmental Crime) Two days meeting: Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 July 2022
  • CM 3859 2022 INIT – Informal videoconference of the members of the Working Party on International Environment Issues (Biosafety)
  • CM 3846 2022 INIT – Informal VTC of the members of the WP on Genetic Resources and Innovation in Agriculture (Genetic Resources)
  • CM 3821 2022 INIT Working Party on Plants and Plant Health Questions (Pesticides/Plant Protection Products)
  • ST 10752 2022 INIT Regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products – Presentation by the Commission – Exchange of views
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION terminating the procedure for authorising the placing on the market within the Union of the novel food Castanea mollissima (Chinese chestnut) (NF/2020/1816) without updating the Union list of novel foods pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council
  • Scientific opinion on flavouring group evaluation 415 (FGE.415): (E)‐3‐benzo[1,3]dioxol‐5‐yl‐N,N‐diphenyl‐2‐propenamide
  • GP/EFSA/ED/2022/01: NAM projects in the areas of AOP development and transcriptomics for risk assessment (call for proposal in 2 steps)
  • Safety evaluation of the food enzyme β‐galactosidase from the genetically modified Bacillus licheniformis strain NZYM‐BT
  • Safety of frozen and freeze‐dried formulations of the lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus larva) as a Novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283
  • Scientific statement on the maximum residue levels for potassium phosphonates
  • National Food Consumption Survey among 10 – 74 years old individuals in Serbia

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