Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
tree die, forest, deforestation
How to counteract deforestation. Photo by falco on Pixabay
  • EU Council adopts new rules to cut deforestation worldwide
  • Landmark European Union Deforestation Regulation is Formally Adopted, Will Enter into Force
  • Sweden presents a false image of its forestry – Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
  • New UN ‘roadmap’ shows how to drastically slash plastic pollution
  • UN erzielen Fortschritte beim Kampf gegen die weltweite Umweltverschmutzung – Weltweit Gefährdungen durch Chemikalien und Abfälle verringern
  • Amendments on the the Sustainable use of plant protection products Regulation Report – EP ENVI
  • AGRI-ENVI joint Public Hearing on the IPMWORKS networks
  • WHO advises against use of artificial sweeteners – United Nations Sustainable Development
  • Speech of EVP Timmermans at the ‘Road to Sustainability in Agriculture Conference’ at the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA)
  • EP REPORT on an EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles
  • SWP Comment: The Future of European-Chinese Raw Material Supply Chains
  • Welfare of ducks, geese and quail on farm
  • Welfare of dairy cows
  • #EUChooseSafeFood is back with even more countries on board!
  • Pest survey card on non‐EU Tephritidae affecting citrus
  • Pest survey card on non‐EU Tephritidae affecting stems and/or leaves of cereals and vegetables
  • Pest survey card on non‐EU Tephritidae affecting Asteraceae
  • Lack of confirmatory data following Article 12 MRL reviews for 2,4‐DB, iodosulfuron‐methyl, mesotrione, methoxyfenozide and pyraflufen‐ethyl
  • Pest survey card on non‐EU Tephritidae affecting walnuts
  • Pest survey card on non‐EU Tephritidae affecting stone, pome fruits and berries
  • Surveillance of non‐EU Tephritidae in the EU: a guide for using EFSA pest survey cards
  • Pest survey card on non‐EU Tephritidae affecting Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae
  • Pest survey card on non‐EU Tephritidae affecting tropical and subtropical fruits
  • Answer to a written question – Impact study on dependence on critical raw materials – E-000522/2023(ASW)
  • Briefing – Revision of the Supplementary Protection Certificate Regulations for medicinal and plant protection products – PE 740.258 – Committee on Legal Affairs

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