- REPowerEU: Joint European action for more affordable, secure and sustainable energy
- EU Commission Q&A on REPowerEU
- REPowerEU Communication with Annexes
- Factsheet – REPowerEU
- Opening remarks by Executive Vice-President Timmermans and Commissioner Simson at the press conference on the REPowerEU Communication
- REPowerEU: EU Parliament Energy committee Chair reacts to new proposals
- EU-Abgeordneter Markus Pieper (EVP/CDU) zum EU Kommissionsvorschlag zur Energieversorgung
- EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber (EVP/CSU) zur Energiesicherheit: keine Denkverbote!
- CAN Europe’s Reaction to EC’s Energy communication: EU fails to put a quick end to fossil fuels and to frontline precious funds
- Debate on rising energy prices and manipulation on the gas market
- EUISS: Europe’s energy crisis conundrum – Origins, impact and way forward
- T&E: Deutschlands Ölabhängigkeit bringt Putin 65 Millionen USD täglich
- ifo Vortrag Versorgungssicherheit Strom
- Remarks by President Biden Announcing U.S. Ban on Imports of Russian Oil, Liquefied Natural Gas, and Coal
- Background Press Call by a Senior U.S. Administration Official on Announcement of U.S. Ban on Imports of Russian Oil, Liquefied Natural Gas, and Coal
- Eurogras: 12 associations welcome progress towards clear EU targets to accelerate renewable gases deployment
- UK to phase out Russian oil imports
- E.DSO ‘Action for Ukraine’
- Update 15 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
- Bundeswirtschaftsministerium und Bundesumweltministerium legen Prüfung zur Debatte um Laufzeiten von Atomkraftwerken vor
- Batteries and waste batteries: press conference with the rapporteur
- EUROBAT Webinar: Batteries Regulation – enabling sustainable and competitive EU value chains
- One Week to Go: World Hydrogen MENA in Dubai
- Latest news concerning hydrogen
- Notice: Proposed Industrial Hydrogen Accelerator Programme
- First Hydrogen Corporation establishes First Hydrogen Energy
- Hydrogen technology can drive innovation, socioeconomic recovery
- Hydrogen Truck Maker Nikola Leads EV Stock Rally As Biden Cuts Off Russian Oil
- Japan’s Kawasaki Heavy Industries Says Hydrogen Tanker Test Proved Feasible
- ‘Bloody hard – but possible’: EU plots renewables and green hydrogen dash from Russian gas
- Transfer hydrogenation of pyridinium and quinolinium species using ethanol as a hydrogen source to access saturated N-heterocycles
- Rapid ‘on-column’ preparation of hydrogen [11C]cyanide from [11C]methyl iodide via [11C]formaldehyde
- Ceres and Horiba Mira partner to accelerate hydrogen and fuel cell technologies
- Hydrogen-Bonded Cobalt(II)-Organic Framework: Normal and Reverse Spin-Crossover Behaviours
- Pt Atom on the Wall of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)‐Made MoS2 Nanotubes for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution
- H2GO Power to Trial AI Hydrogen Optimisation System at EMEC
- Australia/Germany hydrogen initiative launches
- The World’s Largest Green Hydrogen Plant Will Be Built In Texas
- ST 6943 2022 INIT EURAD School of Radioactive Waste Management: Powerpoint presentation (Research(atomique questions) WP meeting 07.03.2022)
- ST 6948 2022 INIT A step change in European joint collaboration towards safe radioactive waste management: Powerpoint presentation (Research (atomique questions) WP meeting 07.03.2022)
- COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION on the selection of proposals and award of grants for actions contributing to projects of common interest under the Connecting Europe Facility in the field of trans-European energy infrastructure
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