Wed. Mar 5th, 2025
  • IEA: Renewables 2021: Key findings on 8 December 2021
  • Eurostat: Green energy products 2020: EU imports exceed exports
  • ENTSO-E assesses the impact of reduction of inertia on frequency stability in long-term scenarios
  • Study paves way to better understand causes of energy poverty and proposes policies for its mitigation in the Energy Community
  • UK Government-backed liquid hydrogen plane paves way for zero emission flight
  • From natural gas to hydrogen: Upgrading existing transnational energy infrastructure connecting North Africa to Europe – Florence School of Regulation
  • World Hydrogen MENA 2022 in Dubai
  • Space: launch of two more Galileo satellites to secure Europe’s strong position in providing global navigation services
  • Viktor Zubkov: proliferation of natural gas-fueled vehicles currently considered top priority for NGV market development

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