Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
pipeline, iron, stole
Rusty pipeline. Photo by toblin on Pixabay.
  • Tracking Public Investment in Energy Technology Research: A Roadmap – Technology report
  • EU Commission approves €1.5bn Belgian scheme to support energy suppliers in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine
  • State aid: Commission prolongs and amends Temporary Crisis Framework
  • Statement by Executive Vice-President Vestager on amendment to State aid Temporary Crisis Framework in context of Russia’s war against Ukraine
  • Habeck zur Überarbeitung des EU-Beihilferahmens (Temporary Crisis Framework)
  • ACER consults on TSOs’ proposal to include Norway in the capacity calculation regions
  • Joint Associations’ Letter: Call for an urgent expansion of the collateral requirements in energy markets
  • Secretariat launches dispute settlement procedure against Bosnia and Herzegovina for breaching Large Combustion Plants Directive in the case of Tuzla 4 and Kakanj 5
  • The EU H2 Week 2022 ends successfully – Hydrogen Europe
  • Latest Hydrogen headlines
  • Orsted-led Scottish floating wind-power hydrogen pilot fires up with Ocergy engineering deal
  • AMENDMENTS 66 – 148 – Draft opinion Common rules for the internal markets in renewable and natural gases and in hydrogen (recast) – PE736.654v01-00
  • AltaSea White Paper Details Benefit of Sustainable Green Hydrogen Market
  • World’s 1st hydrogen-powered tugboat arrives in Belgium
  • Proposals sought for hydrogen town pilots
  • XCIENT Fuel Cell Fleet Racks Up 5 Million km, Reinforcing Hyundai’s Hydrogen Leadership
  • Developer of 20-GW green hydrogen project signs deal with Kazakh govt
  • TotalEnergies and Shell join first Hydrogen Area at Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference
  • Namsung Shipping branches out into offshore wind, eyes liquefied hydrogen
  • John F Hunt buys first hydrogen-Flybrid generator
  • Update 121 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • IAEA Chief Visits US: Nuclear Energy, Ukraine and UN Security Council
  • Nuclear Explained – Is Fusion Energy Possible?
  • The Secretariat holds the Second Coordination Meeting for Restoring the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure – Energy Charter
  • Minister Habeck welcomes energy ministers of the Western Balkans in the context of the Berlin Process
  • Bundestag: Anhörung zur Änderung des Atomgesetzes
  • Bundesregierung: Mehr Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien
  • Bundestag: WD 5 – 119/22 Energiepreisdeckel und die Koppelung von Strom- und Gaspreisen
  • BMWK: Zweiter Bericht des Bund-Länder- Kooperationsausschusses zum Stand des Ausbaus der erneuerbaren Energien veröffentlicht
  • Bundesnetzagentur: Positionspapier zur verzögerten Bereitstellung von Messeinrichtungen bei Inbetriebnahme von EEG-Anlagen
  • Bundesnetzagentur: Entwurf einer Verordnung über regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen für LNG-Anlagen nach § 118a des Energiewirtschaftsgesetzes (EnWG)
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION on the financing of the annual action plan for the European Instrument for International Nuclear Safety Cooperation for 2022

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