Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • G7 Leaders’ Statement on 24 March 2022
  • At IEA Ministerial Meeting, global energy leaders vow to strengthen energy security and accelerate clean energy transitions
  • IEA Member Statement
  • REPowerEU: EU Commission, EU Parliament and EU Council debate new energy policy plans
  • BMWK: Deutschland und Israel vereinbaren Energiepartnerschaft
  • Witold Waszczykowski: HR Borrell’s denial that German and EU energy purchases support Russia’s military is outrageous
  • EuroCommerce: Retail and wholesale seriously concerned  at energy crisis and needs support
  • B90/Die Grünen: Weitreichende Entlastungen für alle
  • B90/Die Grünen: Rund um den Tschernobyl-Jahrestag: Taxonomie retten – Nein zum Greenwashing von Erdgas und Atomkraft
  • IAEA: Update 31 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • Assessing and preparing for international investment mediation – Energy Charter
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Strategy to tackle energy poverty affecting farmers, households and production capacity – E-000281/2022(ASW)
  • La Commission autorise la création d’une entreprise commune par Certas et Engie Solutions
  • Latest Hydrogen headlines
    • ‘This is a climate and energy security crisis – these four steps can help green hydrogen solve it’
    • Green hydrogen to decarbonise Europe’s largest steelmaking site
    • Four States Sign Pact to Develop Hydrogen Hub
    • Atomic-precision Pt6 nanoclusters for enhanced hydrogen electro-oxidation
    • Opinion: Why green hydrogen is the fuel of the future
    • Phosphatizing Engineering of Perovskite Oxide Nanofibers for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction to Achieve Extraordinary Electrocatalytic Performance
    • How the Chalcogen Atom Size Dictates the Hydrogen‐Bond Donor Capability of Carboxamides, Thioamides, and Selenoamides
    • Could growing support for hydrogen influence city bus powertrains?
    • Californian company touts methanol-to-hydrogen propulsion solution for existing ships to meet green requirements
    • [ASAP] Key Role of Lorentz Excitation in the Electromagnetic-Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
    • [ASAP] Red Absorbing Cyclometalated Ir(III) Diimine Photosensitizers Competent for Hydrogen Photocatalysis
    • [ASAP] Impact of Composition and Placement of Hydrogen-Bonding Groups along Polymer Chains on Blend Phase Behavior: Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
    • [ASAP] Global Emissions of Hydrogen Chloride and Particulate Chloride from Continental Sources
    • [ASAP] A ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Study of Hydrogen Diffusion in Ruthenium–The Role of Grain Boundaries
  • AMENDMENTS 324 – 374 – Draft opinion on the proposal for a Council directive restructuring the Union framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity (recast) – PE729.828v01-00
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION on a standardisation request to the European standardisation organisations as regards communication exchange, electricity and hydrogen supply for road, maritime transport and inland navigation in support of Directive 2014/94/EU and its planned revision under the ‘Fit for 55’ package
  • COMMISSION DECISION on the partial rejection of the draft methodology for a harmonised energy system-wide cost-benefit analysis concerning trans-European energy infrastructure (electricity)

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