Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
Electricity from renewable sources up to 41% in 2022. Source: Eurostat

  • Eurostat: Electricity from renewable sources up to 41% in 2022
  • Gesetz zur Umsetzung der EU-Erneuerbaren-Richtlinie im Bereich Windenergie auf See und Stromnetze
  • IAEA: World’s First Nuclear Energy Summit
  • Update 212 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • IAEA Director General Grossi Statement on Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant
  • VKU zum Energiewirtschaftsgesetz: Auch Verteilnetzbetreiber brauchen beim Umbau auf Wasserstoff Planungssicherheit
  • Germany earmarks up to $3.8bn for green H2 imports  –  Hydrogen Europe
  • Massive 600MW blue H2 plant secures UK planning permit – Hydrogen Europe
  • Latest hydrogen industries’ headlines
  • Geologists Are Predicting a Natural Hydrogen “Gold Rush”
  • First Pilot Fleet of BMW iX5 Hydrogen Fuel Cell EVs Launch In South Africa
  • Strohm successfully completes TCP hydrogen testing programme
  • NTPC signs MoU for mega green hydrogen plant in AP
  • Green Hydrogen Could Help Save The Planet. This Startup Wants To Make It Cheap
  • Germany earmarks up to USD 3.8 bn for future green hydrogen imports
  • Hyundai expands hydrogen presence with Hyundai Mobis acquisition
  • NTPC arm NGEL inks pact with AP to develop India’s largest green hydrogen production facility
  • More than 280 civil society groups urge the EU and G7 to stop funding the militarization of Russia in the wake of 2 years of aggression in Ukraine
  • IW: Aktuelle Energiekostenkrise und historischer Ölpreisschock im Vergleich
  • IW: Konjunktur- und Struktureffekte von Energiekrisen
  • NIB backed by InvestEU finances a 186 MW onshore wind farm in northern Finland
  • Cooperation between the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, National Institute of Wind Energy, European Union and Denmark on the Centre of Excellence on Offshore Wind and Renewable Energy
  • CEER Publishes Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2023
  • DIW: Auch Betreiber von Atomkraftwerken wollen die Energie nicht mehr
  • Bundesrat: Vermittlungsausschuss beschließt Kompromiss beim Wachstumschancen-Gesetz
  • BDEW veröffentlicht Positionspapier zur Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung: KWKG-Novelle dringend notwendig
  • Agrément request to replace the Head of Mission of the Republic of Paraguay to the European Union and to the European Atomic Energy Community


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