Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
solar panel, roof, straw
Solar panel on straw roof. Photo by cotrim on Pixabay
  • Opening remarks EVP Timmermans at the European Energy Efficiency Day 2022
  • Informal EU EPSCO Council discusses the impact of the energy crisis
  • EU Commission participates in launch of EuroAsia Electricity Interconnector
  • Global Gateway: EU and US boost cooperation on green energy in Africa
  • Hundreds of new jobs in offshore wind in Poland – Wind Europe
  • “Overriding public interest” is essential to the expansion of renewables – Wind Europe
  • EU Commission clears creation of joint venture by SNAM and ENI
  • EU Commission clears acquisition of LynqTech by Hanwha Q CELLS and enercity
  • OPEC’s World Oil Outlook to be launched at ADIPEC on 31 October 2022
  • Gemeinsame Presseerklärung von Deutschland, Portugal und Spanien
  • Latest Hydrogen headlines
  • Former Nikola CEO found guilty of defrauding investors with lies about hydrogen truck
  • Hydrogen Insight cuts through the hype, UK floating forward, and greening ‘Sin City’
  • Sempra Energy hydrogen pipeline, blending proposals face opposition at the California PUC
  • Hydrogen technology: Schaeffler among the finalists for the CLEPA Innovation Award
  • Renault Group: Paris Motor Show 2022: “Hydrogen revolution is on”, HYVIA is on the road, made in France
  • First Hydrogen gets go-ahead for UK fuel cell road tests
  • This New Retrofit System Converts Diesel Engines to Run on 90% Hydrogen
  • Alpine unveils Alpenglow hydrogen-engined concept
  • IAEA Mission Reviews Finnish Regulatory Framework for Nuclear Safety
  • Update 118 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • BMWK: Speicherstände liegen im Durchschnitt bei über 95%
  • BDI-Präsident Siegfried Russwurm auf dem Parteitag der Grünen: Auszüge aus der Rede
  • Situationsbericht Lage der Gasversorgung in Deutschland (Stand 14.10.22) – Bundesnetzagentur
  • Ergebnisse der sechsten Ausschreibung zum Kohleausstieg – Bundesnetzagentur
  • Überschuss aus dem Fördersystem des EEG im Jahr 2023 – Bundesnetzagentur
  • COMMISSION DECISION on a proposal to be submitted by the Commission to the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community for a Decision of that Council amending the Treaty establishing the Energy Community and incorporating Regulation (EU) 2018/2066, Regulation (EU) 2018/2067 as adapted and selected provisions of Directive 2003/87/EC in the Energy Community acquis communautaire
  • COMMISSION DECISION on the proposal for a Decision of the Permanent High Level Group of the Energy Community adapting and implementing Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/132 as regards updates for the annual, monthly and short-term monthly energy statistics

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