Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
energy efficiency, energy, energy class
Energy performance of buildings. Photo by OpenClipart-Vectors on Pixabay
  • ACER and CEER response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the EU’s electricity market design
  • ENTSO-E’s Response to the European Commission Public Consultation on Electricity Market Design
  • Contribution EVP Timmermans to Oslo Energy Forum
  • S&D Group: European Parliament set to green-light triple-win fund for energy supply, households, and the climate
  • EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber (CSU) zu REPowerEU: Mehr grenzüberschreitende Projekte nötig!
  • Wichtiger Schritt für Markthochlauf von grünem Wasserstoff
  • Delegierte Rechtsakte der Europäischen Kommission veröffentlicht: Kompromiss für grünen Wasserstoff gefunden
  • VKU zu grünem Wasserstoff: EU verbessert Rahmenbedingungen substanziell, jedoch lokale Potenziale ungenutzt
  • Latest hydrogen headlines
  • European Commission adopts two Delegated Acts defining renewable hydrogen
  • Targeted at commercial and military, hydrogen-powered drones are coming
  • HevenDrones Launches New Commercial Hydrogen Drone: H2D55
  • Hydrogen-fueled research vessel will be built to ABS Class
  • EU sets out two acts to define renewable hydrogen
  • Canadian company cleared to build $6B green hydrogen facility with 2 GW wind farm
  • HevenDrones launches hydrogen-powered drone for commercial and defence use
  • Green hydrogen moves by China, India boosting outlook for platinum group metals
  • Open consultation: UK Low Carbon Hydrogen Certification Scheme
  • Country’s first waste-to-hydrogen plant to be set up in Pune
  • Gasunie plans to pipe hydrogen from Norway and offshore wind to Germany
  • JCB hails hydrogen engine breakthrough
  • Port of Corpus Christi moves forward with green hydrogen energy plans
  • Heavy Duty Vehicle regulation includes H2
  • Gasunie plans North Sea green H2 network
  • E.U. and U.S. gas sector leaders: Action needed now on climate and costs in energy diversification
  • Global Wind Report 2023
  • New study shows that monetary value of whole-system benefits of biomethane far outweighs current production costs
  • Bundesnetzagentur startet Verfahren für beschleunigten Wechsel des Stromlieferanten
  • Entwurf einer Verordnung über regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen für LNG-Anlagen nach § 118a des Energiewirtschaftsgesetzes (EnWG)
  • ST 6289 2023 INIT Special Report No 22/2022 by the European Court of Auditors: EU support to coal regions: Limited focus on socio-economic and energy transition – Council conclusions (14.02.2023)

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