Wed. Sep 18th, 2024
fog, landscape, electricity
The EU needs to modernise its transmission network. Photo by analogicus on Pixabay
  • ACER approves the new automatic maximum price limit adjustment mechanism for the European electricity spot markets
  • Energy measures in REPowerEU Chapters of the national Recovery and Resilience plans
  • Wind Europe: EU wind installations up by a third despite challenging year for supply chain
  • Ukrainian Task Force participates in the Round Table on the RES infrastructure methodologies of damages and losses assessment
  • The Kingdom of Spain supports Ukraine in maintaining stable supply of energy to its citizens through the Ukraine Energy Support Fund
  • BMWK: Kabinett beschließt Neustart für die Digitalisierung der Energiewende und stellt Weichen für beschleunigten Smart-Meter-Rollout
  • BDEW zum Gesetz zum Neustart der Digitalisierung der Energiewende: Regelungen müssen schnellen und wirtschaftlichen Smart Meter Rollout ermöglichen
  • EU Info Day registrations now open
  • T&E: Ölkonzerne investieren achtmal mehr in Biokraftstoffe als in Wasserstoff
  • Latest hydrogen headlines
  • Truck Freight Routes Could Be Hydrogen Fueling Station Backbone
  • Paraguay-ATOME signs finance mandate letter to finance green hydrogen facility
  • China is betting on the hydrogen market
  • Italian regional operators tender for hydrogen and battery trains
  • Greenergy and Octopus Hydrogen ink strategic green hydrogen delivery partnership
  • Greenergy and Octopus Hydrogen begin green hydrogen delivery partnership
  • Auto Expo 2023: Cummins Group unveils fuel agnostic platform and Hydrogen Technologies power solutions
  • Shell forms LNG and hydrogen partnerships with Oman
  • Platinum-boosting clean hydrogen projects, patents are all the rage
  • Topsoe and Fidelis New Energy partner to produce carbon-neutral hydrogen
  • 7 reasons why Spain and Portugal are about to become a green hydrogen powerhouse
  • Hexagon’s hydrogen project proves promising
  • Sterling & Wilson Group co plans foray into EV gear, hydrogen gensets
  • Bundestag: WD 5 – 138/22 Material- und Ressourceneinsatz für den Bau von Kraftwerken
  • Bundestag: WD 5 -158/22 Übersicht zu Prognosen von Gasverbräuchen und Gasspeicherreichweiten

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