Mon. Sep 16th, 2024


  • Eurobarometer: Europeans show support for digital principles – 6/12/2021
  • EU Commission Consultation results: Europeans express strong support for proposed digital rights and principles
  • Digital Economy and Society Index 2021: overall progress in digital transition but need for new EU-wide efforts – 12-11-2021
  • EU Commission Q&A: Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2021
# G7
  • G7 Shared Policy Objectives for Competition in Digital Markets  – 15/12/2021
  • Competition: G7 Compendium of approaches to improving competition in digital markets – 29/11/2021
  • Impressions from “Show me the numbers: Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data” -17/12/2021
  • A unique end-of-year opportunity to ensure continued support for the work of the IETF – 13/12/2021
  • Join ICANN’s Discussions at the 16th Internet Governance Forum in December – 15/11/2021
# IGF 2021
  • As Internet user numbers swell due to pandemic, UN Forum discusses measures to improve safety of cyberspace
  • UN Secretary-General’s video message for the Opening Session of the 16th Internet Governance Forum: “Internet United”
  • EP delegation to the 16th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
  • Expert Group on a common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage – 9/12/2021
  • EU Parliament on the Data Governance Deal: Boosting data sharing across the EU – 30/11/2021
  • EU Council Presidency release on the EU Data Governance Act – 30/11/2021
  • EU Commission welcomes Data Governance Deal to support European data spaces – 30/11/2021
  • Strengthening EU-wide cybersecurity and resilience – EU Council agrees its position – 3/12/2021
  • How the EU Parliament wants to boost cybersecurity in the EU – 16/11/2021
  • EU Commission President von der Leyen announces the EU will join the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace – 12/11/2021
  • EU joins the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, President von der Leyen announced at Paris Peace Forum – 12/11/2021
  • EP REPORT on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union, repealing Directive (EU) 2016/1148 – 4/11/2021
  • Results of the public consultation on the Data Act: Businesses and citizens in favour of a fair data economy – 6/12/2021
  • Digital Markets Act: Parliament ready to start negotiations with Council – 15/12/2021
  • Digital Services Act: EP IMCO Committee votes for a safer online space for users, stricter rules for platforms – 14/12/2021
  • EU Parliament: EU Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act explained
  • Competitiveness Council agrees on general DMA and DSA approach – 25/11/2021
  • What is illegal offline should be illegal online: Council agrees position on the Digital Services Act – 25/11/2021
  • Regulating Big Tech: EU Council agrees on enhancing competition in the digital sphere – 25/11/2021
  • IMCO Committee on EU Digital Markets Act: Ending unfair practices of big online platforms – 23/11/2021
  • S&Ds will get a ban on targeted ads for minors in a compromise with other political groups on the Digital Markets Act – 22/11/2021
  • Renew Europe: Digital Markets Act must deliver a true level playing field – 23/11/2021
  • Digital Markets Act: Digitalen Markt jetzt aufräumen – Die Linke
  • EP OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector (Digital Markets Act) – 4/11/2021
  • EU Commission Answer to a written question – The effect of amending the quantitative thresholds and qualitative criteria in the Digital Markets Act on the list of companies that would fall within scope – 8/11/2021
  • Distributed ledger technology (DLT): Member states endorse agreement reached with EU Parliament
  • EP Deal struck on a pilot regime based on distributed ledger technology (DLT) – 24/11/2021
  • Registration for ESO Conference on Data Stewardship – European Free Trade Association – 29/11/2021
  • EU Commission outlines contribution of competition policy and its review to green and digital transition, and to a resilient Single Market – 18/11/2021
  • Remarks by Executive VP Vestager on a competition policy fit for new challenges – 18/11/2021
  • Study on Europe’s Digital Decade and Autonomy – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy – 12/11/2021
– S&D
  • S&Ds carry through new EU legislation on digital services replacing the current 20-year-old rules – 14/12/2021
  • Digital Services Act: Renew Europe wants a better internet where users are protected and digital companies can fairly compete
  • The Left in the Digital Markets Act: a small step towards reining in Big Tech – 15/12/2021
  • Main results of the EU Telecommunications Council – 3/12/2021
  • Evaluierung des Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes veröffentlicht – 29/10/2021
  • IOCTA 2021 unveils the most recent cyber threat (r)evolutions  – 11/11/2021
  • Which platforms will be caught by the Digital Markets Act? The gatekeeper dilemma – Bruegel – 14/12/2021
  • Biometric technologies at work: a proposed use-based taxonomy
  • Digitaleurope and its French member associations outline eight digital priorities for the French Presidency – 9/12/2021
  • Mixed bag for consumers in Member States’ position on major digital services legislation – 25/11/2021
  • BEUC: EU Parliament committee brings consumer interest forward in Digital Markets Act – 23/11/2021
  • The media sector calls for remaining loopholes in the Digital Markets Act to be addressed during trilogue
  • Bitkom zu neuen EU-Regeln für Plattformarbeit – 7/12/2021
  • Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen: EU digital rules can be a game changer for the world – 8/11/2021
  • EU-Abgeordnete Anna Cavazzini (Grüne/EFA) zu Facebook-Files: Demokratische Regeln notwendig – 8/11/2021
  • EU-Abgeordneter Patrick Breyer (Piraten/Grüne/EFA): Haugen-Anhörung entlarvt den Unwillen der EU, das digitale Zeitalter in die eigene Hand zu nehmen
  • Schluss mit den schmutzigen Facebook-Profiten – EU-Abgeordneter Martin Schirdewan (GUE/NGL/Die Linke)
– UK
  • UK government publishes pioneering standard for algorithmic transparency – 29/11/2021
  • UK Consultation on modified commitments in respect of Google’s ‘Privacy Sandbox’ browser changes – 26/11/2021
  • Utility Metrics for Differential Privacy: No One-Size-Fits-All – U.S. NIST
  • Joint Press Statement by Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice of the European Commission, and Yoon Jong In, Chairperson of the Personal Information Protection Commission of the Republic of Korea
  • EU Commission Q&A on the adequacy decision ensuring safe data flows between the EU and South Korea – 17/12/2021

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