Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
ISSUE 3/2022
  • New rules to improve road safety and enable fully driverless vehicles in the EU
  • Summary of the European Commission at IoT Week 2022 – published 28/6/2022
  • EuGH-Urteil C-390/21 zu Fahrzeugreparatur- und -wartungsinformationen
  • Make crucial traffic data available digitally, EP Transport Committee says
  • EU invests EUR 5.4 billion to support key projects across the continent
  • European Committee of the Regions: Automotive regions team up for a just and sustainable transition
  • UNECE: Sustainable Inland Transport Connectivity Indicators
  • Road safety in the UNECE region: what do the data say? Explore with our new data story  – 1/7/2022
  • UN Regulation to extend automated driving up to 130 km/h in certain conditions
  • New rules to improve road safety and enable fully driverless vehicles in the EU – 6/7/2022
  • Green transport: EU Commission wants to simplify procedures for State aid – 6/7/2022
  • Antitrust: Commission invites comments on draft proposals for the future of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation and Supplementary Guidelines
  • EP Draft report The New EU Urban Mobility Framework and Amendments
  • Hearing on Preventing Transport Poverty and Increasing Fairness in Mobility – Committee on Transport and Tourism
  • Car-recharging stations should be available every 60 km, say MEPs
  • EP DRAFT REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulation (EU) 2021/1153 and Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) 1315/2013
  • Highlights: Intelligent Transport Systems – Committee on Transport and Tourism
  • EP Committee on Transport and Tourism – highlights of next meeting on 11 July 2022
  • Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems: EU Council adopts position
  • ST 9376 2022 INIT Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2010/40/EU on the framework for the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of transport – General approach
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community as regards the adoption of the budget of the Transport Community for 2023
  • Habeck berät mit Expertenkreis „Transformation der Automobilwirtschaft“
  • Jedes fünfte Logistikunternehmen setzt Künstliche Intelligenz ein – Bitkom
  • Cyber-Sicherheit als Schlüssel: BSI stellt Automotive-Lagebild 2021/2022 vor – 19/9/2022
  • BMWK Expertenkreis „Transformation der Automobilwirtschaft“ nimmt die Arbeit auf
  • Save-the-date: 4th European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (EUCAD2023) – Connected Automated Driving
  • Launch of new calls for proposals, with budget €277 million, to support investments in digital connectivity infrastructures
  • Vereinfachte Zulassungstests durch Simulation – DLR
  • ACEA: Resilience has a name: the EU auto industry!
  • ACEA Position paper – The new EU Urban Mobility Framework
  • SHOW’s autonomous shuttles at the Urban Mobility Days – Connected Automated Driving
  • French drivers to enjoy more driverless control – Connected Automated Driving
  • Using Blockchain + Digital Vehicle Identity + Vehicle Birth Certificate at the end of the manufacturing process | 9 November 2022 – MOBI
  • Die Zukunft der Individualmobilität wird elektronisch sein – ASCR Smart City Forum E-Mobilität
  • UK Policy paper: Responsible Innovation in Self-Driving Vehicles
  • Setting the standards for connected and autonomous vehicles – Connected Places Catapult
  • Could connected vehicles end motorway pileups? – Connected Places Catapult
  • Nissan Leaf completes UK’s longest and most complex autonomous journey – Connected Places Catapult
  • Mercedes-Benz backs redundancy for safe conditionally automated driving
  • Volkswagen fokussiert Entwicklung für das autonome Fahren – Volkswagen
  • Volkswagen stärkt seine regionale Entwicklungskompetenz für autonomes Fahren in China durch ein Joint Venture zwischen CARIAD und Horizon Robotics – Volkswagen
  • Volkswagen AG und Xanadu starten Programm zur Simulation von Batteriematerialien mit Quantenalgorithmen – Volkswagen
  • Recent headlines about Volkswagen’s autonomous driving plans
  • Volkswagen focuses development for autonomous driving-  Vehicle Telematics, ADAS, Connected and Autonomous Vehicle
  • VW investing $2.3 billion in Chinese autonomous driving venture – Autoblog by Bloomberg
  • Volkswagen Group to invest €2.4B in cooperation with Horizon Robotics to advance development of autonomous driving in China; new JV – Green Car Congress
  • Mobileye Is Once Again a Public Company – Now listed on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol MBLY following its IPO by Intel
  • To our customers: A letter from Mobileye CEO Amnon Shashua
  • Global Revenues for Intelligent Speed Assistance and Autonomous Vehicle Maps Will Surpass US$500 Million by 2027
  • ABI Research: Driver Monitoring Systems Shipments Will Jump 487.5% Between 2022 and 2027, Increasing Safety and Creating a Lucrative Monetization Opportunity for Carmakers
  • By 2027, 4.6 Billion Sensors Will Ship Embedded in Smart Home Devices, Robots, and Appliances
  • Euro transport and space agencies team up on satellite comms for smart vehicles
  • How Autonomous Driving is evolving part1 (Artificial Intelligence) – Medium
  • How Autonomous Driving is evolving part2 (Artificial Intelligence) – Medium
  • How Autonomous Driving is evolving part3 (Artificial Intelligence) – Medium
  • How Autonomous Driving is evolving part4 (Artificial Intelligence) – Medium
  • How Autonomous Driving is developing part1 (Artificial Intelligence + Computer Vision) – Medium
  • How Autonomous Driving is developing part2 (Artificial Intelligence + Computer Vision) – Medium
  • How Autonomous Driving is developing part3 (Artificial Intelligence + Computer Vision) – Medium
  • Infrastructure-Vehicle Cooperative Autonomous Driving – Forbes
  • ARTC develops driving decision diagnosis system to enhance autonomous driving safety – DIGITIMES Asia
  • Xpeng Obtains Permit to Test Robotaxis in Guangzhou After Passing the Autonomous Driving Test, Aims to Launch in 2023 – Tech Times
  • Chinese EV maker Xpeng debuts most advanced semi-autonomous driving system to rival Tesla – CNBC
  • C.H. Robinson and Waymo Via provide an update on autonomous driving technology partnership – Supply Chain 24/7
  • Autonomous driving chips to be next battlefield for IC designers and automakers – DIGITIMES Research
  • Mobileye IPO warns of potential potholes in the road to autonomous driving – TechCrunch
  • Google-Tochter Waymo will ihren Robotaxi-Dienst nach Los Angeles bringen. – turi2

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