- DIW: Ziel Klimaneutralität: Elektrifizierung kostengünstigster und effizientester Weg
- HBB/BBE Positionspapier: Vorschläge für ein Klimaschutzprogramm
- Greenpeace: Signal für eine andere Klimaaußenpolitik, Greenpeace-Geschäftsführerin wechselt ins Außenministerium
- Greenpeace-Beitrag von Jennifer Morgan: Klimapolitik braucht Mut – 17.10.2019
- Brussels Economic Forum 2010: Presentation by Jennifer Morgan, Director of the Climate and Energy Program, World Resources Institute
- Germanwatch: Neuer Schwung für wirksame Klimaaußenpolitik
- Latest statistics published by the European Environment Agency
- Greenhouse gas emissions in the upstream supply chain of EU-27 household consumption domains, million tonnes CO₂ equivalent, 2020
- EU-27 apparent consumption of clothing, footwear and household textiles (excluding fur and leather clothing), 2010-2020, million tonnes and kilograms per person
- Annual average fraction loss of GDP from natural hazards in EEA member countries (2005-2014) – in ‰ based on NatCatService.
- Total economic loss caused by weather – and climate – related extreme events in EEA member countries (1980-2020) – per square kilometre based on CATDAT
- Total economic loss caused by weather – and climate – related extreme events in EEA member countries (1980-2020) – per capita based on CATDAT
- Economic damage caused by weather – and climate – related extreme events in EEA member countries (1980-2020) – per year based on NatCatSERVICE
- Economic damage caused by weather – and climate – related extreme events in EEA member countries (1980-2020) – per year based on CATDAT
- Share of the insured losses caused by weather – and climate – related extreme events in EEA member countries (1980-2020) – in % based on CATDAT
- Economic damage caused by weather – and climate – related extreme events in EEA member countries (1980-2020) – per hazard type based on NatCatSERVICE
- Economic damage caused by weather – and climate-related extreme events in EEA member countries (1980-2020) – per hazard type based on CATDAT
- Corporate report: Sector contact list: climate change agreements (CCA) – UK Environment Agency
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