Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
pyramid, outdoors, travel
Egyptian Pyramids. Photo by Leirdal on Pixabay
  • UN climate change conference (COP27), Sharm El-Sheikh, 6-8 November 2022
  • COP27: EU calls on all Parties to take concrete steps to limit global warming to 1.5°C and respect the Paris Agreement
  • EU Commission Q&A on the Commission’s participation at COP27
  • Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz reist zur 27. VN-Klimakonferenz nach Sharm El Sheik
  • Bundesregierung: Für eine gerechte und ambitionierte internationale Klimapolitik
  • Bundesregierung: Weltklimakonferenzen – ein Rückblick
  • IAEA Opens COP27 Pavilion, Highlights Role of Nuclear Science and Technology in Tackling Climate Change
  • UN-Klimakonferenz 2022 in Sharm el-Sheikh: ADV-Flughäfen setzen Maßstäbe beim Klimaschutz
  • Climate-friendly promotion of exports – Federal Minister Habeck meets like-minded partners in Berlin
  • BMWK: Deutschland und Peru vereinbaren Klimapartnerschaft
  • Climate change much deadlier than cancer in some places, UNDP data shows
  • T&E: New leak of  Euro 7 proposal shows it is designed to prop up carmaker profits, not improve human health
  • EFRAG Update October 2022
  • EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board meeting 7 November 2022
  • CM 5230 2022 INIT Ad hoc Working Party on the Social Climate Fund (AHWP SCF) (afternoon only)
  • CM 5143 2022 INIT Working Party on Aviation

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