- EU Council approves 2020 climate finance figure
- European enforcers target COVID-19 and climate-related disclosures
- With a 4.3% drop in greenhouse gas intensity of road transport fuels, further action is still needed for meeting the 2020 6% fuel quality target
COP26 – UN
- UK unveils Presidency Programme to drive global climate ambition at COP26
- COP26 President-Designate Paris Promised, Glasgow Must Deliver
- Climate change brought to life at COP26 with over 200 events in Glasgow
- UNECE: Supporting climate action on the road to COP 26
- IAEA at COP26: How Nuclear Power and Technologies Can Help Tackle Climate Change
COP26 – EU
- Slovenia to ensure the EU’s views are successfully represented at the COP26
- Europa-SPD zur Weltklimakonferenz in Glasgow: “EU-Staaten müssen ihren Zusagen nachkommen“
- Key messages to UN Climate Change Conference COP26 – BusinessEurope
- COP26 special event: how to help business become climate-neutral – BusinessEurope, CEN, CENELEC, and Eurochambres
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