Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
  • Pacte vert européen : la Commission organise une conférence sur les cycles du carbone durables
  • Sustainable Carbon Cycles Conference
  • Latest publications by Renawble Carbon
    • Decarbonisation tech instantly converts CO2 to solid carbon
    • NatureWorks to Open New Headquarters and Advanced Biopolymers Research and Development Facility
    • Straw pulp: agricultural residues become sanitary paper products
    • Strohzellstoff: Aus landwirtschaftlichen Resten wird Hygienepapier
    • Fish oils used to create key component for eco-friendly detergent
    • TotalEnergies + Plastic Energy: Ausbau der Kooperation – Neue Kunststoffrecyclinganlage in Spanien in Planung
  • EP Think Tank: Briefing – Review of the EU ETS: ‘Fit for 55’ package
  • Bavarian EU Representation: Focus on the European Green Deal – CO2 pricing
  • Youth Are Key to Accelerate Innovative Climate Technologies
  • COP 26: There is No Mitigation without Cooperation – Belfer Center
  • AMENDMENTS 11 – 92 – Draft report Amending Decision (EU) 2015/1814 as regards the amount of allowances to be placed in the market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading scheme until 2030 – PE704.569v01-00

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