Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
highway, road, trucks
The EU sets new CO₂ emission standards for trucks. Photo by Schwoaze on Pixabay

  • EU Parliament majority wants zero CO2 emissions for new cars and vans in 2035
  • Opening and closing remarks by EVP Timmermans during the plenary debate in the European Parliament on zero-emission cars
  • Europe driving its automotive industry toward a dead end – EPP Group
  • CDU-Europaabgeordneter Dennis Radtke zum Verbrennerverbot: „Europäische Ampel gefährdet rund 1,4 Millionen Arbeitsplätze in der Automobilindustrie in Europa“
  • EU-Abgeordneter Jens Gieseke (CDU) zum Verbrenner-Aus
  • Under S&D leadership, European Parliament puts a ban on petrol and diesel-fuelled cars and vans by 2035
  • EU-Abgeordneter Tiemo Wölken (SPD) zum Verbrenner-Aus
  • ECR: End of combustion engine to leave European industry dangerously dependent
  • European Green Deal: Commission proposes 2030 zero-emissions target for new city buses and 90% emissions reductions for new trucks by 2040
  • EU Commission Q&A: Revision of the CO2 emission standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles
  • Opening remarks by Executive Vice-President Timmermans at the press conference on the revision of CO2 emission standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles
  • COMMISSION NOTICE Guidance on the identification of the presence of Defeat Devices with regards to emissions of light-duty vehicles approved with Real Driving Emissions (RDE), heavy-duty vehicles and on anti-tampering protection
  • Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956
  • ACEA: Truck and bus CO2 standards: ambition levels for all stakeholders must be aligned
  • Sea level rise poses ‘unthinkable’ risks for the planet, Security Council hears
  • IBM and NASA Collaborate to Research Impact of Climate Change with AI – UN
  • EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group Meeting 17 February 2023
  • COMMISSION NOTICE Guidance on the identification of the presence of Defeat Devices with regards to emissions of light-duty vehicles approved with Real Driving Emissions (RDE), heavy-duty vehicles and on anti-tampering protection
  • Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956 – COM(2023)88
  • Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956 – SWD(2023)89

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