- The White House: Remarks by U.S. President Biden at an Event Highlighting the Progress of the Global Methane Pledge
- International Methane Emissions Observatory launched to boost action on powerful climate-warming gas
- An Eye on Methane: International Methane Emissions Observatory 2021 Report
- EU-Abgeordnete Jutta Paulus (Grüne/EFA) zur UN-Klimakonferenz COP26: Methan droht die Klimaziele zu torpedieren, Atomkraft gefährdet die Finanzierung der Erneuerbaren
- MCC: How to socially balance carbon pricing in Europe
COP26 – EU
- U.S. President Biden, European Commission President von der Leyen and UK Primer minister Johnson announce Commitment to addressing climate crisis through infrastructure development
- Speech by EU Commission President von der Leyen at side event co-hosted by the US and the European Commission in COP26 in Glasgow on addressing climate change through infrastructure investment
- Speech by President von der Leyen at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow
- EEAS: Climate change and security: towards more effective action
- Glasgow: the decisive role of EU climate diplomacy – Blog post by EU High Representative Borrell
- COP26 « Action and Solidarity Debate » — Intervention by President Charles Michel
COP26 – UN
- Around 120 leaders gather at COP26 in Glasgow for ‘last, best chance’ to keep 1.5 alive
- Guterres urges developed countries to deliver on climate pledge for vulnerable nations
- Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use
- COP26: EU Commission announces €1 billion pledge to protect world forests
- EU Commission President von der Leyen at Leaders’ Event: Action on Forests and Land Use
- Remarks by President Biden at the COP26 Leaders Statement
- Remarks by U.S. President Biden at the “Action on Forests and Land-Use” Event
- Keynote address by the IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee at the ceremonial opening of COP26 Glasgow
- IAEA: COP26: 8 Ways Nuclear Science is Driving Climate Action
- Governments need to address inevitable risks of losses and damages from climate change, says OECD
- Remarks of the IMF Managing Director at the COP26 World Leaders’ Summit
- Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel auf Klimagipfel COP26: Effiziente Wege zur Klimaneutralität
- Discours du Président Emmanuel Macron à la COP26 de Glasgow.
- Speech by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven at UN Climate Change Conference COP26
- Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša at the climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland
- The Left: Glasgow greenwashed? Left MEPs at COP26 for systemic change
- DIW: Claudia Kemfert: „COP26 – Deutschland sollte mit Klima-Allianz entschlossen vorangehen“
- Germanwatch: Merkel vergrößert klimapolitischen Erfolgsdruck auf kommende Bundesregierung
- BUND zur Klimakonferenz: Nur grundlegender Wandel kann das Schlimmste noch verhindern
- EEA: Exploring the social challenges of low-carbon energy policies in Europe
- EU JRC: The latest science on climate change? Here is what the Joint Research Centre is doing at COP26
- Neue Studie von NASA und PIK: Bauern weltweit müssen sich schon innerhalb des nächsten Jahrzehnts auf neue Klimarealität einstellen
- MCC: At least 85 percent of world’s population impacted by climate change
- ITU: Destination Earth – Using digital twins and AI to study climate change
- Parties to the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol meet and adopt 18 key decisions
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