Wed. Sep 18th, 2024
calendar, date, time
Photo by tigerlily713 on Pixabay


  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 6 February 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 6 February 2023
  • Agenda of the General Affairs Council of 6 February 2023
  • Agenda of the Informal meeting of competitiveness ministers
  • EU Commission meeting with organisers of the ‘Stop Finning – Stop the Trade’ ECI
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 6 February 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 6 February 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 6 February 2023


  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 7 February 2023
  • Agenda of the EU-Moldova Association Council, 7 February 2023
  • Agenda of the Informal meeting of competitiveness ministers
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 7 February 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 7 February 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar 7 February 2023
  • Judgment in Case C-688/21 Confédération paysanne e.a.: GMO and Random In-Vitro Mutagenesis
  • Datenschutz nach verbüßter Strafe: Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem EU-Gerichtshof in der Rechtssache C‑118/22 Direktor na Glavna direktsia „Natsionalna politsia“ pri MVR – Sofia
  • Beyond disinformation – EU responses to the threat of foreign information manipulation
  • EU Comitology meetings on 7 February 2023


  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 8 February 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 8 February 2023
  • Agenda of the Informal meeting of competitiveness ministers
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 8 February 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar 8 February 2023
  • Energy Market: EU General Court Judgment in Case T-295/20 Aquind and others v Commission
  • EU General Court Judgment in Case T-522/20 Carpatair v Commission
  • Inlandswohnsitzerfordernis für Personalausweis: Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem EU-Gerichtshof in der Rechtssache C‑491/21 Direcţia pentru Evidenţa Persoanelor şi Administrarea Bazelor de Date
  • Tax Rulings: Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem EU-Gericht in der Rechtssache T‑131/16 RENV Belgien / Kommission
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 8 February 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 8 February 2023


  • Agenda of the Special European Council, 9-10 February 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 9 February 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 9 February 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 9 February 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 9 February 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar 9 February 2023
  • Consumer Protection: EU Court Judgment in Case C-555/21 UniCredit Bank Austria
  • Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem EU-Gerichtshof in der Rechtssache C‑823/21 EU-Kommission / Ungarn (Absichtserklärung vor Stellung eines Asylantrags)
  • Tax rulings: Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem EU-Gericht in mehrereb verbundenen Rechtssachen
  • Urteile des EU-Gerichtshofs in den Rechtssachen C‑453/21 X-FAB Dresden und C‑560/21 KISA zu Datenschutzbeauftragten
  • EU Comitology meetings on 9 February 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 9 February 2023

10 FEBRUARY 2023

  • Agenda of the Special European Council, 9-10 February 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 10 February 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 10 February 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 10 February 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 10 February 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar 10 February 2023
  • EU Comitology meetings on 10 February 2023

11 FEBRUARY 2023

  • No public EU events published for 11 February 2023. Jump to the next upcoming events.

12 FEBRUARY 2023

  • No public EU events published for 12 February 2023. Jump to the next upcoming events.

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