Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
calendar, date, time
Photo by tigerlily713 on Pixabay
6 MARCH 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 6 March 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 6 March 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 6 March 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar 6 March 2023
  • Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem EU-Gerichtshof in der Rechtssache C‑33/22 Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 6 March 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 6 March 2023
  • EESC: Mission to the UK – March 2023
7 MARCH 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 7 March 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 7 March 2023
  • Agenda of the EU Education Council 7 March 2023
  • Agenda of the informal meeting of EU defence ministers on 7-8 March 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 7 March 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 7 March 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar 7 March 2023
  • EU war sanctions against Russians: EU Judgment in Case T-212/22 Violetta Prigozhina v EU Council
  • EESC: Mission to the UK – March 2023
  • EESC: Towards a European Health Union and European Global Health Strategy
  • EU Comitology meetings on 7 March 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 7 March 2023
8 MARCH 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 8 March 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 8 March 2023
  • Agenda of the informal meeting of EU defence ministers on 7-8 March 2023
  • Informal meeting of development ministers, 8-9 March 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 8 March 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 8 March 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar 8 March 2023
  • EESC: Mission to the UK – March 2023
9 MARCH 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 9 March 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 9 March 2023
  • Agenda of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, 9-10 March 2023
  • Informal meeting of development ministers, 8-9 March 2023
  • Agenda of the informal meeting of EU trade ministers, 9-10 March 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 9 March 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar 9 March 2023
  • EU Judgment in Case C-9/22 An Bord Pleanála e.a. – Site de St Teresa’s Gardens
  • EU Judgment in Cases C-682/20 P Les Mousquetaires et ITM Entreprises v Commission, C-690/20 P Casino, Guichard-Perrachon et Achats Marchandises Casino v Commission, and C-693/20 P Intermarché Casino Achats v Commission (Competition)
  • EU Advocate General: Opinion in Case C-680/21 Royal Antwerp Football Club
  • Opinion in Cases C-142/22 The Minister for Justice and Equality: Request for Consent – Effects of an initial European Arrest Warrant
  • Warnhinweise beim Verkauf von Zigaretten über Automaten: Urteil des EU-Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C-356/22 Pro Rauchfrei II
  • Staatliche Beihilfen für den Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn: Schlussanträge des Generalanwalts am EU-Gerichtshof in der Rechtsmittelsache C-466/21 P Land Rheinland-Pfalz / Deutsche Lufthansa
  • Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem EU-Gericht in der Rechtssache T‑600/21 WS u.a. / Frontex
  • EESC: Rural Pact #1: Renewable energies in rural areas
  • EU Comitology meetings on 9 March 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 9 March 2023
10 MARCH 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 10 March 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 10 March 2023
  • Agenda of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, 9-10 March 2023
  • Agenda of the informal meeting of EU trade ministers, 9-10 March 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 10 March 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 10 March 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar 10 March 2023
  • EESC: Skills and talents as key drivers for personal fulfilment, economic growth and competitiveness
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 10 March 2023
11 MARCH 2023
  • No public EU events scheduled for 11 March 2023
12 MARCH 2023
  • No public EU events scheduled for 12 March 2023


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