Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Our IEU MONITORING headlines today:

  • ECHA: Clarification to degradation and mutagenicity testing under REACH
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Raw materials crisis and recovery  – E-002880/2021(ASW)
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Creating a European ‘Toxiscore’ – E-002952/2021(ASW)
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – The Commission’s proposal for a directive on sustainable corporate gover­nance – E-002942/2021(ASW)
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – StocaMine – protecting Europe’s largest water table from the risk of pollution – E-003165/2021(ASW)
  • FAO: World leaders and experts call for significant reduction in the use of antimicrobial drugs in global food systems
  • CM 4223 2021 INIT Informal videoconference of the members of the Working Party on International Food and Agricultural Questions (Codex Alimentarius) (TFAMR)
  • CM 4221 2021 INIT Informal videoconference of the members of the Working Party on Plants and Plant Health Questions (Roosendaal Group)
  • ST 11251 2021 ADD 1 REV 1 COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) …/… of XXX amending Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for 6-benzyladenine and aminopyralid in or on certain products
  • COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) …/… amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels of ergot sclerotia and ergot alkaloids in certain foodstuffs
  • Reasoned opinion on the joint review of maximum residue levels (MRLs) for fosetyl, disodium phosphonate and potassium phosphonates according to Articles 12 and 43 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005
  • Reasoned opinion on the toxicological properties and maximum residue levels (MRLs) for the benzimidazole substances carbendazim and thiophanate‐methyl
  • Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance pelargonic acid (nonanoic acid)
  • 157th Plenary meeting of the FEEDAP Panel
  • MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021
  • European Researchers’ Night 2022-2023
  • ERC Synergy Grants
  • ERC Proof of Concept Grants 1


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