Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

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List of studies and reports available on the DG Environment website as of 1 April 2021


  • Administrative Capacity for Implementation and Enforcement of EU Environmental Policy in the 13 Candidate Countries (2002)
  • Analysis of the EU Eco-Industries, their Employment and Export Potential (2002)
  • Analysis of the Fundamental Concepts of Resource Management (2000)
  • An Analysis of the Preventive Effect of Environmental Liability (2001)
  • Annual Environment Policy Review (2009)
  • Assessment of separate collection schemes in the 28 capitals of the EU (2015)
  • Assessment of the Natura 2000 co-financing arrangements of the EU financing instrument (2011)
  • Application des dispositions de la Convention d’Aarhus dans le cadre du processus d’Aménagement Intégré des Zones Côtières (1999)
  • Assessing and controlling the spread and the effects of common ragweed in Europe
  • Assessment of Environmental Valuation Reference Inventory (EVRI) and the Expansion of Its Coverage to the EU (2000)
  • Assessment of resource efficiency indicators and targets (2012)
  • Assessment of Scenarios and Options towards a Resource Efficient Europe (2014)
  • The Auto-Oil II Cost-Effectiveness Study (1999)


  • Benefits delivered through the enforcement of EU environmental legislation (2016)
  • Background Study towards biodiversity proofing of the EU budget (2013)
  • The behaviour of PVC in landfill (2000)
  • The Benefits of Compliance with the Environmental Acquis for the Candidate Countries (2001)
  • Bridging the Valley of Death: public support for commercialisation of eco-innovation (2009)
  • Bridging the Valley of Death: public support for commercialisation of eco-innovation (2009)
  • Budgetary support and tax expenditures for fossil fuels. An inventory for six non-OECD EU countries (2013)
  • Budgetary support and tax expenditures for fossil fuels. An inventory for six non-OECD EU countries (2013)
  • Bulgaria: Update on European Energy and Transport Trends to 2030 (2007) (xls ~115K)


  • Capacity building in the field of environmental taxation, including further analysis of the subject with a focus on pollution and resource taxes, and exchanges of best practice and experience, involving stakeholders, the civil society and governments/parliaments (2017)
  • Cases of implementing resource efficient policies by the EU industry (2014)
  • Case Studies of links between Environmental Policy and Employment (2003)
  • Chemical recycling of Plastics Waste (PVC and other resins) (1999)
  • CITES EC Annual Report (yearly)
  • Coastal zones in Europe: Impacts of land use policy alternatives (2011)
  • Company GHG emissions reporting – a study on methods and initiatives (2010)
  • Comparative Legal Study – update (2001)
  • Compilation of EU Dioxin Exposure and Health Data (1999)
  • Construction and demolition waste management practices and their economic impacts (1999)
  • Costs of not implementing the environmental acquis (2011)
  • Cost of policy inaction – scoping study (2006)
  • Cost of policy inaction – The case of not meeting the 2010 biodiversity target (2008)
  • Costing the environmental needs related to rural land management (2011)
  • Costs for Municipal Waste Management in the EU (2002)
  • Costs of environmental legislation for selected industries over time (2015)
  • Costs of improving the management of mining waste (2001)
  • Criminal Penalties in Candidate Countries Environmental Law (2003)
  • Criminal Penalties in EU Member States’ Environmental Law (2003)
  • Criminal sanctions in the Member States (2002)
  • Critical Review of Existing Studies and Life Cycle Analysis on the Regeneration and Incineration of Waste Oils (2001)
  • Cycling: the way ahead for towns and cities – A handbook for local authorities Polish Catalan Basque (~1,6MB) (1999)


  • Defining “green” in the context of green finance (2017)
  • Defining, measuring and evaluating the carrying capacity in European Tourism Destinations (2001)
  • Design, implementation and cost elements of Green Infrastructure projects (2011)
  • Designing Policy to Influence Consumers (2009)
  • Developing the Foundation for Integrated Product Policy in the EU (2000)
  • Dioxin exposure and health (1999)
  • Disposal and recycling routes for sewage sludge (2002)


  • Eco-industry, its size, employment, perspectives and barriers to growth in an enlarged EU (2006)
  • Economic analysis of options for managing biodegradable municipal waste (2002)
  • Economic analysis of EU-wide emissions trading in CO2 (2000)
  • Economic analysis of reaching a 20% share of renewable energy sources in 2020 (2006)
  • Economic Analysis of Resource Efficiency Policies (2011)
  • Economic assessment of policy measures for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2012)
  • Economic and Environmental Implications of the Use of Environmental Taxes and Charges in the European Union and its Member States (2001)
  • The economic benefits of environmental policy (2010)
  • Economic Evaluation of Environmental Policies and Legislation (1998)
  • Economic Evaluation of a Directive on National Emissions Ceilings for Certain Atmospheric Pollutants (1999)
  • Economic Evaluation of Air Quality Targets for CO and Benzene (1999)
  • Economic Evaluation of Air Quality Targets for Heavy Metals (2001)
  • Economic Evaluation of Air Quality Targets for PAHs (2001)
  • Economic evaluation of Air Quality targets for Tropospheric Ozone (1999)
  • Economic Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide Emission Reductions in Industry in the EU (2001)
  • Economic Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction in the Household and Service Sectors in the EU (2001)
  • Economic Evaluation of Methane Emission Reduction in the Extraction, Transport and Distribution of Fossil Fuels in the EU (2001)
  • Economic Evaluation of Emission Reductions in the Transport Sector of the EU (2001)
  • Economic Evaluation of Emission Reductions of Methane in the Waste Sector in the EU (2001)
  • Economic Evaluation of Emission Reductions of Nitrous Oxides and Methane in Agriculture in the EU (2001)
  • Economic evaluation of PVC waste management (2000)
  • Economic Evaluation of Quantitative Objectives for Climate Change (2001)
  • Economic Evaluation of Sectoral Emission Reduction Objectives for Climate Change (2001)
  • Economic Valuation of Environmental Externalities from Landfill Disposal and Incineration of Waste (2000)
  • Economics of Resource Management (2000)
  • Effectiveness of past EC stricter measures on wildlife imports: A preparatory methodological study on the assessment of EC import bans (1998)
  • Effective Environment Policy: Design for innovation (2007)
  • EIA – Guidance on Scoping (2001)
  • EIA – Guidance on Screening (2001)
  • EIA Review Check List (2001)
  • EIA/SEA Cost and benefits study (1996)
  • EIA/SEA Research Strategy (1997)
  • Emission Reductions from Existing Large Combustion Plants Resulting from the Amendment of the Large Combustion Plants Directive (2001)
  • Emission Testing of Engines to be Installed in Non-Road Mobile Machinery (1999)
  • Employment Effects of Waste Management Policies (2001)
  • Endocrine Disruptors – Final Workshop Report from the European Workshop (2001)
  • Enhancing comparability of data on estimated budgetary support and tax expenditures for fossil fuels (2014)
  • Enhancing comparability of data on estimated budgetary support and tax expenditures for fossil fuels (2014)
  • Environment crime – Measures other than criminal ones in cases where environmental Community Law has not been respected (2004)
  • Environmentally Harmful Subsidies: Identification and Assessments (2010)
  • Environmental Impact of Arable Crop Production in the European Union: Practical Options for Improvement (1999)
  • Environmental Impact of Dairy Production in the EU: Practical Options for the Improvement of the Environmental Impact (2000)
  • Environmental Impacts of Irrigation in the European Union (2000)
  • The Environmental Impact of Olive Oil Production in the European Union: Practical Options for Improving the Environmental Impact (2001)
  • Environmental Product Declaration Schemes study (2002)
  • Environmental potential of the collaborative economy (2018)
  • Environmental reporting by companies (1999)
  • Environmental Technology Verification: External study supporting the evaluation of the EU ETV Pilot program
  • Environmentally friendly farming systems and the Common Agricultural Policy (2004)
  • Environmentally Harmful Subsidies study (2007)
  • Environment and labour force skills (2008)
  • Environment and ageing (2008)
  • Environment and the Single Market (2009)
  • Environment employment in France, methodology and results (1996-1998)
  • Environment Industry and Employment in Portugal, 1997
  • The Environment Industry in Sweden, 1999
  • Environment Policy Review
  • Environment-related Employment in the Netherlands, 1997
  • Establishing Environmental Sustainability Thresholds and Indicators (2010)
  • Estimates of marginal external costs of air pollution in Europe (2002 and 2005)
  • EU biodiversity objectives and the labour market: benefits and identification of skill gaps in the current workforce (2012)
  • The EU Eco-industry’s export potential (1999)
  • EU Progress on Resource Efficiency and Green Economy 2020: Technical Report (2020)
  • EU Resource efficiency perspectives in a global context (2011)
  • Eurobarometer surveys
  • European Conference on Waste Management Planning (1999)
  • European Dioxin Inventory (1997)
  • The European Dioxin Emission Inventory Stage II (2001)
  • European Environmental Priorities: An Integrated Economic and Environmental Assessment (2002)
  • European Packaging Waste Management Systems (2001)
  • European Sustainable Cities Report (1996)
  • ‘Evaluation de l’impact de la future directive ‘SEA’ sur l’aménagement intégré des zones côtières’ (pdf ~40K)
  • Evaluation of sludge treatments for pathogen reduction (2001)
  • Evaluation of the occurrence of dioxins and POPs in wastes and their potential to enter the food chain
  • Evaluation of the performance of the EIA process
  • Evaluation of Costs and Benefits for the Achievement of Reuse and the Recycling Targets for the Different Packaging Materials in the Frame of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC (2003)
  • Evaluating Environmental Product Declaration Schemes
  • Expanding the Evidence Base for the Design of Policy influencing Consumer Choice (2011)
  • Expert Workshop on Resource Management (2000)
  • Experts Reports on Resource Management (2000-2001)
  • Experimental assessment of particulate measurement instrumentation
  • Exploring potential Demand for and Supply of Habitat Banking in the EU and appropriate design elements for a Habitat Banking Scheme (2013)
  • Exploring potential Demand for and Supply of Habitat Banking in the EU and appropriate design elements for a Habitat Banking Scheme (2013)
  • External Environmental Effects related to the Life-Cycle of Products and Services
  • Ex-post estimates of costs to business of selected pieces of EU environmental legislation (2006)


  • Facts and Figures: the links between EU’s economy and the environment (2007)
  • Feasibility of and Best Options for Systems for the Identification, Verification, Licensing/Certification and Tracking of Legality of Timber and Related Products for Imports into the EU
  • Financial Costs of Plastics Marking (1999)
  • Financial Security in the Environmental Liability Directive (2008)
  • Financing and Incentive Schemes for Municipal Waste Management
  • Finnish report on energy efficiency in environmental permits
  • A framework for Member States to support business in improving its resource efficiency (2015)
  • Further Analysis of Presence of Residues and Impact of Plant Protection Products in the EU
  • Further Developing Assumptions on Monetary Valuation of Biodiversity Cost of Policy Inaction (2009)


  • Gathering information on Member State’s new environment policies and performance
  • A General Analysis of the Financial Assurance Issues of Environmental Liability (2000)
  • Global integrated assessment to support EU future environment policies (GLIMP) (2012)
  • Green Infrastructure Implementation and Efficiency (2012)
  • Guidelines on the Assessment of Indirect and Cumulative Impacts as well as Impact interactions


  • Handbook on environmental assessment on Regional Development Plans and EU Structural Funds programmes
  • Heavy metals (trace elements) and organic matter content of European soils – Feasibility study
  • Heavy metals in vehicles
  • Heavy metals in vehicles II (pdf ~840)
  • Heavy metals in waste


  • Identification and mitigation of the negative impacts of EU demand for certain commodities on biodiversity in third countries (2012)
  • Impact of CAP measures on environmentally friendly farming systems: Status quo, analysis and recommendations. The case of organic farming (2004)
  • Impacts of circular economy policies on the labour market (2018)
  • Impacts of the digital transformation on the environment and sustainability (issue paper) (2020)
  • IMPEL-report on Interrelation between IPPC, EIA, SEVESO Directives and EMAS Regulation
  • IMPEL Guidance Document on the Point VIII of the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 April 2001 providing for minimum criteria for environmental inspections
  • Implementing EU waste legislation for green growth (2011)
  • Implementation of the CAP Policy Options with the Land Use Modelling Platform – A first indicator-based analysis (2011)
  • Implementation of green recovery measures in the EU (2011)
  • Implementation report for Directive 2006/21/EC2 on the management of waste from extractive industries (Mining Waste Directive) (2015)
  • Improving Assessment of the Environment in Impact Assessment (2007)
  • Incentives Driving Improvement of Environmental Performance of Companies (2012)
  • Indicators linking resource use to the economy (2012)
  • Induced and Opportunity Cost and Benefit Patterns in the Context of Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Field of Environment (2000)
  • Influence of EU Policies on the Evolution of Coastal Zones
  • Influence of PVC on the quantity and hazardousness of flue gas cleaning residues from incineration
  • Influences on consumer behaviour: Policy implications beyond nudging (2014)
  • Initial survey of European policy and legislation with a view to decoupling transport growth from economic growth in the EU and the accession countries
  • Innovation dynamics induced by environmental policy (2006)
  • Innovative Use of Financial Instruments and Approaches to Enhance Private Sector Finance of Biodiversity (2012)
  • Innovative Use of Financial Instruments and Approaches to Enhance Private Sector Finance of Biodiversity (2012)
  • Inspection of In-Use Cars in Order to Attain Minimum Emissions of Pollutants and Optimum Energy Efficiency
  • Integrated Crop Management Systems in the EU
  • Integrated pollution control, compliance and enforcement of EU Environmental legislation to Industries (IPPC and non IPPC) of the food production/processing sector
  • Integrating nature & biodiversity and land use data (2012)
  • Integrating resource efficiency and EU State aid (2012)
  • Integration of environmental concerns in Cohesion Policy Funds (ERDF, ESF, CF)
  • The interaction of resource and labour productivity (2016)
  • Investment and employment related to EU policy on air, water and waste
  • IRI Belgium
  • IRI Ireland
  • IRI Netherlands


  • Just transition in the context of EU environmental policy and the European Green Deal (issue paper) (2020)


  • Lags in the EU Economy’s response to change (2011)
  • Lags in the EU Economy’s response to change (2011)
  • Land use modelling : Implementation – Preserving and enhancing the environmental benefits of land use services (2010)
  • Legal and Regulatory Bodies: Appropriateness to ICZM
  • Lessons from the European Commission’s Demonstration Programme on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
  • Life Cycle Inventories of Single Use Plastic Products and their Alternatives (2018)
  • Lessons Learnt from Accidents
  • LIFE Focus : Environment
  • LIFE Focus: Nature
  • LIFE Focus: Third Countries
  • The links between the environment and competitiveness (2009)
  • Links between production, the environment and environmental policy (2019)
  • Links between the environment, economy and jobs (2007)


  • Macroeconomic modelling of sustainable development and the links between the economy and the environment (2011)
  • Mainstreaming innovative and green business models (2008)
  • Mapping resource prices: the past and the future (2012)
  • Management of Mining, Quarrying and Ore-Processing Waste in The European Union (2001)
  • A Market-Based Analysis of Financial Assurance Issues Associated with U.S. Natural Resource Damage Liability (2000)
  • Mechanical recycling of PVC wastes (2000)
  • Modelling of EU land-use choices and environmental impacts – Scoping study (2008)
  • Modelling of milestones for achieving Resource Efficiency (ongoing)
  • Monitoring of wildlife trade in the European Union: Assessing the effectiveness of EU CITES import policies
  • MTBE and the Requirements for Underground Storage Tank Construction and Operation in Member States


  • The Nature of the Information Required for ICZM
  • Nowcasting of and target setting for resource efficiency indicators (2014)
  • The number of Jobs dependent on the Environment and Resource Efficiency (2012)


  • The opportunities to business of improving resource efficiency (2013)
  • Options to Reduce Methane Emissions (1998)
  • Options to Reduce Nitrous Oxide Emissions (1998)
  • Organic contaminants in sewage sludge for agriculture use (2001) (pdf 750K)
  • Organised Environmental Crime in a few Candidate Countries
  • Organised Environmental Crime in Member States


  • Participation in the ICZM Processes: Mechanisms and Procedures Needed
  • Phosphates and Alternative Detergent Builders
  • Pilot Survey on the Environmental Expenditure of Enterprises in Belgium (1995, 1996 and 1997)
  • Planning and Management Processes: Sectoral and Territorial Co-operation
  • Policy Assessment at Member State level (2005)
  • Pollutants in urban waste water and sewage sludge (2001)
  • Populating the Environmental Valuation Reference Inventory: 40 European valuation studies (2002)
  • A possible EU wide charge on cadmium in phosphate fertilisers: Economic and environmental implications (2000)
  • Possible regulatory approaches to reducing CO2 emissions from cars
  • The Potential Benefits of using Differential VAT for Environmental Purposes (2008)
  • The Potential of Market Pull Instruments for Promoting Innovation in Environmental Characteristics (2009)
  • The Potential of Market Pull Instruments for Promoting Innovation in Environmental Characteristics (2009)
  • Potential of the bonds market for resource efficiency finance (2016)
  • The Potential Economic Impact of Environmental Liability: The American and European Contexts (2000)
  • Potential Risks for the Environment and Human Health Arising from Hydrocarbons Operations Involving Hydraulic Fracturing in Europe (2013)
  • Production of Near Zero Sulphur Petrol & Diesel – A Refinery Study
  • Programmes to promote environmental skills (2010)
  • Programmes to promote environmental skills (2010)
  • Progress Monitoring Manual
  • Public Policy and Natural Resources Management


  • Reducing VOC emissions from the Vehicle Refinishing Sector
  • Reduction of the emissions of HFC’s, PFC’s and SF6 in the European Union (1999)
  • Refuse Derived Fuel, Current Practice and Perspectives (pdf ~ 900K)
  • Regional Analysis of Use Patterns of Plant Protection Products in six EU Countries
  • Releases of Dioxins and Furans to Land and Water in Europe
  • Resource Efficiency and Fiduciary Duties of Investors (2015)
  • Resource Efficiency and Fiduciary Duties of Investors (2015)
  • Resource Use in European Countries
  • Resources, Scarcity, Growth and the Environment
  • Reuse of Primary Packaging (1999)
  • Review of the European Environment Agency
  • Review of the software structure of the TREMOVE model (1999)
  • The Role and Use of Technology in Relation to ICZM
  • The role of market based instruments in achieving a resource efficient economy (2011)
  • The role of the financial sector in achieving sustainable development – Executive summary (pdf ~550/50K)
  • Romania: Update on European Energy and Transport Trends to 2030 (xls ~115K)


  • Scenarios and models for exploring future trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services changes (2009)
  • Scoping study for an EU wide communications campaign on biodiversity and nature (pdf ~576K)
  • Scoping Study on completing the European Single Market for environmental goods and services (2010)
  • Scoping study on cost effectiveness of EU environmental policy (2009)
  • Scoping study on the International Year of Soils 2015 (May 2014)
  • Scoping Study on the Macroeconomic View of Sustainability (2010)
  • Scoping study to identify potential circular economy actions, priority sectors, material flows and value chains (2014)
  • Scoping study on modelling of EU environment policy (2016)
  • Scoping study on modelling of EU environment policy (2016)
  • SEA and Integration of the Environment into Strategic Decision-Making
  • SEA Case studies
  • SEA Existing Methodology
  • SEA Legislation and Procedures in the Community
  • SEA of policy in Denmark
  • SEA workshop report, Potsdam, Germany
  • SEA workshop report, Semmering, Austria
  • Sectoral costs of environmental policy (2007)
  • Sectoral Resource Maps (2013)
  • The Social Dimension of Biodiversity Policy (2011)
  • Socio-Economic Impacts of the Identification of Priority Hazardous Substances under the Water Framework Directive (2000)
  • Soil and water in a changing environment (June 2014)
  • Soil biodiversity: functions, threats and tools for policy makers (2010)
  • State-of-play of national-consumption-based indicators (2013)
  • Steps towards greening in the EU: Member States’ resource efficiency policies (2013)
  • Stocktaking of the main problems and review of national enforcement mechanisms for tackling illegal killing, trapping and trade of birds in the EU (2011)
  • Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Transport Sector: An Overview of legislation and practice in EU Member States
  • Strategic Environmental Assessment of Transport Corridors: Lessons learned comparing the methods of five Member States
  • Strategy for EIA/SEA Research in EU
  • Study on the potential of green bond finance for resource-efficient investments (2016)
  • Study on the potential of green bond finance for resource-efficient investments (2016)
  • Study contract to survey the state of play of green public procurement in the European Union
  • Study in the area of maize cultivation in the European Union: practical options for the improvement of the environmental impact
  • Study of lawnmower noise
  • Study on a European wide regulatory framework for levies on pesticides (1999)
  • Study on cost and benefits in EIA/SEA
  • Study on Energy Management and Optimisation in Industry
  • Study on hazardous household waste with a main emphasis on hazardous chemicals
  • Follow-up study on impacts on resource efficiency of future EU demand for bioenergy (ReceBio follow-up) (2016)
  • Study on impacts on resource efficiency of future EU demand for bioenergy – ReceBio (2016)
  • Study on Input/Output Accounting Systems on EU agricultural holdings
  • Study on modelling of the economic and environmental impacts of raw material consumption (2014)
  • Study on understanding the causes of biodiversity loss and the policy assessment framework (2009)
  • Study on the Assessment of Indirect and Cumulative Impacts as well as Impact interactions
  • Study on the Competitiveness of the EU eco-industry (2009)
  • Study on the Costs of Improving the Management of Mining Waste
  • Study on the definition of recovery and disposal operation (2004)
  • Study on the economic, legal, environmental and practical implications of a European Union System to reduce ship emissions of SO2 and Nox (2000)
  • Study on the Energy Saving Potential of Increasing Resource Efficiency (2016)
  • Study on the evolution of some deforestation drivers and their potential impacts on the costs of avoiding deforestation scheme (2010)
  • Study on the impact of standardisation
  • Study on the Implementation Efficiency of the Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) and related Financial Security issues (2009)
  • Study on the Potential for Reducing Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Due To The Use Of Decorative Paints and Varnishes for Professional and Non-professional Use
  • Study on the relationship between environmental/energy taxation and employment creation (2000)
  • Study on the Valuation and Restoration of Damage to Natural Resources for the Purpose of Environmental Liability
  • Study on trapping – Final Report: Description of the state of the art of research, science and application of humane trapping standards referred to in the “Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards” (AIHTS) and described in Commission proposal COM (2004) 532 final in view of identifying the improved trapping standards which reduce unnecessary pain, distress and suffering of trapped animals as much as technically possible.
  • Study to analyse differences in costs of implementing EU policy (2015)
  • Study to analyse differences in costs of implementing EU policy (2015)
  • A study supporting the phasing out of environmentally harmful subsidies (2012)
  • A study to examine the benefits of the End of Life Vehicles Directive and the costs and benefits of a revision of the 2015 targets for recycling, re-use and recovery under the ELV Directive (2006)
  • Substitution of Hazardous chemicals in products and processes
  • Substitution of Hazardous chemicals in products and processes – Annex
  • Substitution of Rechargeable NiCd batteries (2000)
  • A Survey of the Orchid Trade in Thailand
  • Survey of the status and management of the royal python (Python regius) in Ghana
  • Survey of wastes spread on land (2001)
  • Survey on Environmental Protection Expenditures by Businesses, Portugal (1998)
  • Sustainability Scenarios for a Resource Efficient Europe (2011)


  • Initiating a public dialogue on environment protection in the context of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations
  • Taking into account opportunity costs when assessing costs of biodiversity and ecosystem action (2011)
  • Taking the EU Resource Efficiency Agenda Forward – A policymaker and business perspective (2015)
  • Technical Report on the reasons put forward by the Federal Republic of Germany for applying national provisions which divert from the requirements of Directive 97/69/EC, the 23rd adaptation to technical progress of Council Directive 67/548/EEC
  • Technology and Policy for Sustainable Development (pdf ~240K)
  • The Impact of Accounting Rules and Practices on Resource Efficiency in the EU (2014)
  • The implementation of green recovery measures in the EU (2011)
  • The interaction of resource and labour productivity (2016)
  • The number of Jobs dependent on the Environment and Resource Efficiency (2012)
  • The Social Dimension of Biodiversity Policy (2011)
  • Topical papers (2013)
  • Towards a European Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Strategy: General Principles and Policy Options
  • Towards a sustainable use of natural resources
  • Towards the establishment of a priority list of substances for further evaluation of their role in endocrine disruption — preparation of a candidate list of substances as a basis for priority-setting “BKH Report”
  • Trace element and organic matter contents of European soils – Progress report (2001)
  • Transition Costs (2011)


  • Update of 5-years EIA Report
  • Using Ecological Footprint Analysis for Problem Formulation, Policy Development, and Communication
  • The use of market-based instruments for biodiversity protection – the case of Habitat Banking (2010)
  • The Use of Market Incentives to Preserve Biodiversity (2006)


  • Value of Biodiversity (2006)


  • Waste Management Options and Climate Change
  • Waste Prevention and Minimisation (1999)
  • Waste: Optimising markets for recycling (2008)
  • Waste: Optimising markets for recycling (2008)
  • Workshops on the State-of-the-art in noise valuation and on the costs and benefits of Noise mitigation (2001)
  • Workshop on the value of reducing the risk of ill-health or a fatal illness (2001)




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