Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Our IEU MONITORING headlines today:

  • EU Commission appoints new Deputy Director-General to its energy department
  • EU Commission: In focus: Hydrogen – driving the green revolution
  • REPORT on a European Strategy for Hydrogen – A9-0116/2021
  • REPORT on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking for the financial year 2019 – A9-0107/2021
  • Hydrogen in the German energy system (II): ramp-up and current developments The Energy Collective
  • Liebing (VKU): Keine unnötigen Experimente beim Aufbau der Wasserstoffwirtschaft
  • BDEW zur EnWG-Novelle: „Wir brauchen noch in dieser Legislatur die richtigen Weichenstellungen für Wasserstoff, Erneuerbare Energien und die KWK“
  • EU Commission: First high-level joint defence and energy meeting
  • Investing in the Energy Transition: ENTSO-E calls for a fit-for-purpose remuneration framework for transmission grid investments
  • Making sense of energy governance frameworks: Fourth “Eternal Summer” webinar to explore enforcement of national energy plans and targets
  • CAN Europe & EEB: Money for nothing? EU Commission set to release first findings on a golden handshake to German lignite
  • Management Committee proposes dividend amount of RUB 12.55 per share for 2020
  • ST 7062 2021 INIT COUNCIL DECISION authorising the opening of negotiations with the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organisation for the renewal of the Agreement between the European Atomic Energy Community and the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organisation
  • ST 7774 2021 INIT List of working papers (WK) distributed in the Joint Research/Atomic Questions Working Party in the first quarter of 2021
  • CM 2621 2021 INIT Working Party on Energy


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