Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Content of this update:

APRIL 2021
  • G7 tech leaders agree bold new proposals to boost online safety worldwide
  • UK Government: G7 tech leaders agree bold new proposals to boost online safety worldwide – 28/4/2021
  • Statement: G7 Digital and Tech Ministerial – 30/4/2021
  • BMWi zu den Beratungen der G7-Minister über Digitalisierung – 28/4/2021
  • Effective regulation is the key to a bright digital future – ITU – 26/4/2021
  • The Multistakeholder Moment of Truth: Will Stakeholders Hold ICANN Accountable? – CircleID –  19/4/2021
  • The Insult and Injury of the U.S. Government’s Failure to Enforce ICANN’s Contractual Obligation – Circle ID – 13/4/2021
  • The Domain Industry Keeps on Growing and Changing – CircleID – 15/4/2021
  • ICANN org Provides Feedback on the Proposed DSA Regulation
  • NGI Forum 2021: Building the Internet of humans – 18-19/5/2021
  • Data Protection: MEPs call for clear guidelines on data transfers with the US – 20/4/2021
  • Publication of the CPVO centralised Register of Data Protection Records – 20/4/2021
  • EU Parliament calls for improved implementation and enforcement of the GDPR – 25/3/2021
  • DRAFT OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2016/794, as regards Europol’s cooperation with private parties, the processing of personal data by Europol in support of criminal investigations, and Europol’s role on research and innovation – 24/3/2021
  • Civil Liberties Committee calls for further improvements to the GDPR implementation and strengthened enforcement – 16/3/2021
  • EP Text adopted – Digital Europe programme ***II – 29/4/2021
  • EU Parliament: Europe’s digital future – 21/4/2021
  • EP Workshop: Use of big data and AI in fighting corruption and misuse of public funds – 23/4/2021
  • AI rules must defend citizens’ private lives and data, say S&Ds: No Big Brother in Europe! – 23/4/2021
  • Patrick Breyer (Piraten): Verordnung zu „künstlicher Intelligenz“ soll biometrische Massenüberwachung nach Europa bringen – 21/4/2021
  • MEPs discuss the impact of AI and tech developments on democracy – 15/4/2021
  • MEPs call for common set of rules on AI and more support for digital innovation – 14/4/2021
  • EU Commission Answer to a written question – Impact of the source code clause on the future EU regulation on artificial intelligence (AI) – 9/4/2021
  • EP OPINION on artificial intelligence in education, culture and the audiovisual sector – 7/4/2021
  • EP OPINION on shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers – Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality – 6/4/2021
  • EP Study – Proceedings of the workshop on Use of big data and AI in fighting corruption and misuse of public funds – good practice, ways forward and how to integrate new technology into contemporary control framework – 31/3/2021
  • EP OPINION on shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy – 26/3/2021
  • GDPR Threatens EU’s Ambitions of Leading in AI; Reforms Are Critical to Support the Bloc’s Digital Economy – Center for Data Innovation – 25/3/2021
  • EP OPINION on shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers – Committee on Employment and Social Affairs – 20/3/2021
  • AI technologies must prevent discrimination and protect diversity – 16/3/2021
  • EP Text adopted – Preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online ***II – 28/4/2021
  • MEPs adopt new Regulation for fast and smooth removal of terrorist content online – 28/4/2021
  • ECR: New EU regulation will help counter the spread of extremist ideologies on the Internet – 28/4/2021
  • EU-Abgeordnete fordern Massenüberwachungsverbot in Verordnung zu Künstlicher Intelligenz zu verbieten – 15/4/2021
  • EU Commission Answer to a written question – YouTube censorship – 12/4/2021
  • EP Think tank Briefing – Addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online – 9/4/2021
  • Patrick Breyer (Piratenpartei): Chatkontrolle: EU-Befragung zu flächendeckender Nachrichtendurchleuchtung und Verschlüsselungshintertüren – 9/4/2021
  • EU Commission Answer to a written question – Democratic scrutiny of social media and upholding fundamental rights – 6/4/2021
  • EP Text adopted – Digital taxation: OECD negotiations, tax residency of digital companies and a possible European Digital Tax – 29/4/2021
  • MEPs lay out plans for a tax system fit for the digital age – 23/3/2021
  • Bitkom zu Plänen für internationale Steuerreform und Digitalsteuer – 29/4/2021
  • ENISA: Exploring Research Directions in Cybersecurity – 23/4/2021
  • EU Cybersecurity Competence Centre and Network: Governing Board meets for the first time – 16/4/2021
  • Procurement Guidelines for Cybersecurity in Hospitals: New Online tool for a Customised Experience! – ENISA – 7/4/2021
  • DRAFT RECOMMENDATION FOR SECOND READING on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and the Network of National Coordination Centres – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy – 6/4/2021
  • Cybersecurity: how the EU tackles cyber threats – EU Council 22/3/2021
  • DRAFT REPORT on the state of EU cyber defence capabilities – Committee on Foreign Affairs – 22/3/2021
  • EU Council adopts conclusions on the EU’s cybersecurity strategy – 22/3/2021
  • Keynote speech by Vice-President Schinas at the CYBERSEC Brussels Leaders’ Foresight 2021 – 18/3/2021
  • What is the EU doing to combat cybercrime? – European Parliamentary Research Service
  • DRAFT REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on European data governance (Data Governance Act) – 30/3/2921
  • AMENDMENTS – Draft report European data governance (Data Governance Act) – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy – 28/4/2021
  • MEPs highlight the potential of the data economy for jobs – 25/3/2021
  • EP Text adopted – European strategy for data – P9_TA(2021)0098 – Thursday, 25 March 2021 – Brussels – Final edition
  • We have a Data Strategy that works for the people, say S&Ds – 25/3/2021
  • EP Think tank: At a Glance – A European strategy for data – 24-03-2021
  • Data Governance Act: public hearing – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy – 23/3/2021
  • EU Commission REPORT on a European strategy for data – 16/3/2021
  • EU JRC Getting a grip on that data: why the EU must lead on data governance – 10/3/2021
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Contractual autonomy in connection with regulating platform work – 15/4/2021
  • AMENDMENTS 1 – 343 – Draft report Fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers – New forms of employment linked to digital development – Committee on Employment and Social Affairs – 2021/4/6
  • Briefing: Impact assessment of the Digital Services Act – EP Think Tank – 30/3/2021
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Digital Services Act and aggressive lobbying by Google – 19/3/2021
  • BMI und BSI starten Informations- und Sensibilisierungskampagne zur IT-Sicherheit – 22/3/2021
  • EUROCHAMBRES Position Paper on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) – 31/3/2021
  • Digital Europe: Security in the digital age: how can the public and private sectors combine to drive innovation?
  • 116 MEPs agree – we need AI red lines to put people over profit
  • EuroISPA  criticises strict one-hour takedown deadline in the new Terrorist Content Regulation – EuroISPA – 30/4/2021
  • Recap of Past Event: The New Notice and Action Regime – EuroISPA – 7/4/2021
  • AER’s comments to the European Commission’s public consultation on Digital Levy – 10/4/2021
  • 10 Confidence-building measures for platforms to deliver verifiable and tangible actions to tackle disinformation online – 20/4/2021
  • AER response to the public consultation on a Proposal for an initiative on greater transparency in sponsored political content and other supporting measures – 2/4/2021
  • Digital Markets Act proposal – BEUC Position Paper – 6/4/2021
  • A New Resource for API Security Best Practices – Cloud Security Alliance – 30/4/2021
  • Cloud Security for SaaS Startups Part 2: Application & Platform Security – Cloud Security Alliance – 5/3/2021
  • Event Recap: How Can the EU’s Digital Markets Act Unlock the Power of Data? – 9/4/2021
  • Think Beyond .com: From Country Codes to Internationalized Domain Names – CircleID – 3/5/2021
  • Cybersecurity, an Essential Weapon in the Cyberwarfare to Protect Our Democracy – Circle ID – 16/4/2021
  • Regulating social media (it’s really about controlling the internet) – Internet Governance Project – 15/4/2021
  • Don’t Poke Holes in Our Digital Security Shield – Internet Society blog – 11 April 2021
  • Global Coalition of Industry Groups Offer Digital Recommendations to G7 Leaders – 9/4/2021
  • CCIA Offers Recommendations on EU-US Regulatory Agenda – 9/4/2021
  • CCIA Welcomes G20 Tax Reform Progress, Warns Against EU Digital Levy – 7/4/2021
  • Künstliche Intelligenz – Der Game Changer – 21/4/2021
  • New cybersecurity laws to protect smart devices amid pandemic sales surge – UK Department for Digital – 21/4/2021
  • Policy paper: Regulating consumer smart product cybersecurity – UK government response – 21/4/2021
  • EU Commission Answer to a written question – The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and the right to privacy (2) – 15/4/2021
  • In-Depth Analysis – EU-UK private-sector data flows after Brexit: Settling on adequacy – 9/4/2021
  • CER: Post-Brexit data transfers are not a done deal – 29/3/2021
  • UK Cyber and Tech Security Programme: building on a modest investment to design catalytic intent into a new programme – 22/3/2021
  • Challenges with Adopting Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms: Final Version of Cybersecurity White Paper Published – NIST – 29/4/2021
  • NIST Joins NSF-Led Partnership to Support Next-Generation Communications Technology – 27/4/2021
  • NIST Releases Measurement Tool for Emerging BGP Security Technologies – 26/4/2021
  • Rise In Use of Cryptocurrency In Business Email Compromise Schemes – FBI – 13/4/2021
  • Facebook’s “Supreme Court” Has Implications for International Law – CircleID – 23/4/2021


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