Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Brussels, 30 January 2024

  • Country of origin of honey must be clearly visible on the label
  • EU traceability system for honey needed
  • Clearer labelling on sugar content in fruit juices
  • New rules also for fruit in jams and marmalades

The revision of the “breakfast directives” aims to help consumers make informed and healthier decisions on agri-food products such as honey, fruit juice, jam and marmalades.

On Tuesday evening, negotiators from the Parliament and Council reached a provisional political agreement on updated rules on the composition, name, labelling and presentation of certain ‘breakfast’ foodstuffs.

Country of origin labelling and traceability system for honey

A large part of the honey imported from non-EU countries is suspected of being adulterated with sugar and remains undetected on the EU market (Commission 2021). In order to counter such fraud and inform consumers better, negotiators agreed to make it obligatory to clearly indicate in the same field of vision as the name of the product, the countries where the honey comes from instead of only if it comes from the EU or not, which is currently the case for honey blends. The percentages of the honey coming from at least the top four countries of origin must also be indicated. If this does not represent more than half of the total honey, the percentages must be indicated for all countries.

Following feasibility studies, and to further limit fraud, the Commission shall propose a unique identifier code or similar technique to be able to trace the honey back to beekeepers. It was also agreed that an EU platform of experts should be set up to gather data to improve controls, detect adulteration in honey and to provide recommendations for an EU traceability system that allows for the honey to be traced back to the harvesting producer or importer.

For fruit juices, jams, and marmalades, the Commission will prepare a report assessing making labelling on the country of origin of the fruit used obligatory within 36 months of entry into force of this directive accompanied by a legislative proposal if appropriate.

Content labeling of juices, jams, and marmalade

For jams and marmalades, the general rule will be that at least 450 grams of fruit must be used to produce 1 kilo of jam and marmalades (500 grams for high quality “extra jam”).

Based on Parliament’s proposal, it was also agreed that the label ‘contains only naturally occurring sugars’ should be allowed for fruit juices. In addition, to meet the growing demand for low-sugar products, it was agreed that reformulated fruit juices may be labelled ‘reduced-sugar fruit juice’ if at least 30% of naturally occurring sugars have been removed. However, producers may then not use sweeteners to compensate for the effect of sugar reduction on the taste, texture and quality of the final product.


After the agreement, rapporteur Alexander Bernhuber (EPP, Austria) said: “Today is a good day for more transparent labelling. I am particularly happy that we have taken action to counter fraud with honey. In the future, front labels will have to clearly state the countries of origin also of honey blends and the need for an EU traceability system for honey has been established. These initiatives will better inform consumers, and both beekeepers and consumers will be better protected from adulterated honey.”

Next steps

The deal still has to be adopted by Parliament and Council, after which the new law will be published in the EU Official Journal and enter into force 20 days later. EU countries will have apply the new rules two years after entry into force.


The revision of EU marketing standards for certain ‘breakfast’ directives was proposed by the European Commission on 21 April 2023 to update current standards that are more than 20 years old.

Further information 


Breakfast directives: EU Council background on deal to improve consumer information for honey, fruit jams and fruit juices

30 January 2024

Today the Belgian presidency of the Council and representatives of the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement to improve consumer information requirements for honey, fruit jams, fruit juices and dehydrated milk.

The deal concerns four of the so-called ‘breakfast directives’ and, once formally adopted, will update the rules concerning the composition, labelling, and naming of certain foodstuffs.

The updated directives aim to promote a shift to healthier diets, help consumers make informed choices, and ensure transparency regarding the origin of products.

Marketing standards ensure that the food we consume is of high quality. The deal we have reached today on these revised standards will empower consumers to make well informed choices regarding the food they consume and will help combat food fraud.

David Clarinval, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Self-Employed, SMEs and Agriculture, Institutional Reforms and Democratic Renewal

Main elements of the provisional agreement


The provisionally agreed text maintains the proposal’s ambition and goals and contains the following elements concerning honey:

  • the countries of origin will be indicated on the label in descending order, based on weight; the label will also include the percentage that each country represents in the blend, thereby increasing transparency for consumers
  • member states can decide that the obligation to indicate the percentage on the label only applies to the four largest shares, provided these represent more than 50% of the weight of the blend
  • to ensure flexibility, in the case of packages of less than 30 grams, the names of the countries of origin may be replaced by a two-letter ISO code
  • platform of experts will support the Commission with developing methods to detect honey adulteration and enhancing controls; this would help combat honey fraud 
Fruit juices

To reflect the growing demand for reduced-sugar products, the provisionally agreed text also foresees the addition of three new categories: ‘reduced-sugar fruit juice‘, ‘reduced-sugar fruit juice from concentrate‘ and ‘concentrated reduced-sugar fruit juice‘.

Additionally, operators will be allowed to use the label ‘fruit juices contain only naturally occurring sugars‘. This will ensure that consumers are better informed about the products they consume.

Fruit jams

The Council and the Parliament have agreed to increase the minimum fruit content in jams and extra jams (100 g more per kg for jams, and 50 g more per kg for extra jams), while ensuring a significant distinction between the two categories:

  • 450 g as a general rule for jam
  • 500 g as a general rule for extra jam

This increase in fruit content will help reduce the amount of sugar in jams, making it possible for consumers to make healthier choices.


In the case of dehydrated milk, the two co-legislators agreed to allow the use of treatments that produce lactose-free dehydrated milk products. 

Next steps

Following today’s provisional agreement, work will continue at a technical level in the coming weeks to flesh out the details of the revised directives.

The provisional agreement will then be submitted to member states’ representatives in the Special Committee on Agriculture for endorsement.

It will then have to undergo a legal/linguistic review before being formally adopted by the co-legislators and entering into force.


The revision of EU marketing standards for certain ‘breakfast directives’ was proposed by the Commission on 21 April 2023 to ensure marketing standards are up-to-date and reflect shifts in consumer demand.


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