Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Brussels, 29 June 2022

Today, the Commission publishes 186 pledges detailing actions to support a greener, more digital and resilient tourism sector in Europe.

The pledges stem from specific objectives developed jointly by the Commission and the tourism stakeholders such as public authorities, destination management organisations, large and small companies, business associations and NGOs, among others, as part of continuous efforts to support a swift recovery of European tourism and strengthen its resilience through sustainability and digitalisation. 

For example, among the pledges published today, one region aims to have all their tourism service providers connected to an online booking tool by 2030, providing a commission-free regional online booking system. Other pledges include the commitment by a cruise ship company to make all key materials used on board fully circular by 2025, while continuing their ambitious actions in waste separation and water recycling. In addition, several regional authorities and destination management organisations have committed to establishing or have already established tourism strategies with concrete measures for increasing the share of sustainable services, digital offer of information and transparent mechanisms for collaborative governance with stakeholders. 

The pledges published today respond to the call by the Commission on tourism stakeholders to take part in the implementation of the Transition Pathway for Tourism, an action plan for the transition of the sector, jointly created with industry stakeholders. Overall 112 organisations from 20 EU Member States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland responded to this call. Many more pledges are in the pipeline, and are expected to be published in Autumn 2022. Visit the commitments and pledges webpage for more information. 


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