Wed. Mar 26th, 2025
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The EU has published its latest list of LIFE programme projects. Photo by geralt on Pixabay

Brussels, 21 October 2024

The EU Commission has granted today more than €380 million to 133 new projects across Europe under the LIFE Programme for environment and climate action. The allocated amount represents more than half of the €574 million total investment needs for these projects – the remainder coming from national, regional and local governments, public-private partnerships, businesses, and civil society organisations.

LIFE projects contribute to reaching the European Green Deal’s broad range of climate, energy and environmental goals, including the EU’s aim to become climate-neutral by 2050 and to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, while ensuring Europe’s long-term prosperity. This investment will have a lasting impact on our environment, the economy and the well-being of all Europeans. The projects will cover all areas of the LIFE programme, mobilising:

  • €143 million (of which the EU will provide €74 million) to contribute to circular economy and improving quality of life, with 26 projects reducing water use, industrial and household waste, air and noise pollution, as well as making the business case for reducing, reusing and recycling;
  •  close to €216 million (€144.5 million EU contribution)for nature and biodiversity projects to restore freshwater, marine and coastal ecosystems, and habitats; and improve the conservation status of birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals;
  • some €110 million (nearly €62 million EU contribution) forclimate resilience,climate mitigation and governance and information;
  • €105 million (€99 million EU contribution) for governance and market solutions to accelerate the clean energy transition.
Examples of projects supporting sustainability, innovation and quality of life

Among the 26 projects selected to promote a more circular economy and quality of life, the €7.5 million project LIFE GRAPhiREC aims at recycling graphite from battery waste in Italy. It is projected to generate €23.4 million in revenue and save €25 million in production costs. The Spanish project LIFE POLITEX will invest €5 million in reducing the environmental footprint of the fashion industry by converting textile waste back into new textiles. The €9.8 million DESALIFE project from the Canary Islands aims to support water resilience by producing fresh water from the Atlantic Ocean. Off-shore wave-powered buoys deployed off the Canary Islands will pump 1.7 billion litres of desalinated freshwater to shore.

25 projects will support nature and biodiversity in a wide range of areas. Two projects, LIFE4AquaticWarbler and LIFE AWOM, involve Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Lithuania, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, as well as Ukraine and Senegal, with a combined budget of nearly €24 million to save the rare aquatic warbler bird, in line with the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Another example is Biodiverse City LIFE, a €3.6 million project in Budapest to promote the ‘peaceful coexistence of nature and the urban lifestyle’.

IMAGE LIFE and LIFE VINOSHIELD are part of the 23 climate change resilience and mitigation projects announced today. With a combined budget of €6.8 million, the projects taking place in Spain, France and Italy will help world-renowned vineyards and the production of famous cheeses such as Parmigiano Reggiano, Camembert de Normandie, and Roquefort to become more resilient to the impact of extreme weather events. The projects showcase responses on how best Europe’s wider agricultural industry can adapt to climate change and water scarcity. Equally important is the €6.9 million LIFE BLUE 420 kV GIS project, taking place in Belgium, led by Siemens to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electrical circuit breakers.

To ensure a clean energy transition, as part of the 59 new projects announced today, LIFE DiVirtue, a three-year, €1.25 million digital training scheme will build capacity for a more efficient and innovative building and construction industry sector. The project notably uses virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to help construction students and professionals deliver zero-emission buildings and renovations across Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Croatia and Romania. Meanwhile, with almost € 10 million, the ENERCOM FACILITY project will provide direct grants to 140 emerging energy communities across Europe to trigger investments in sustainable energy. It will further support energy communities in developing their business models through trainings and capacity building material, paving the way for replicable business models with long-term sustainability.


Over its 32 years of existence, the LIFE Programme has co-financed more than 6,000 environmental and climate action projects across the EU and associated countries. The 133 projects announced today were selected from more than 653 applications submitted under the LIFE 2023 call for proposals.

The Commission has increased funding for the LIFE Programme by almost 60% for the 2021 – 2027 period, now standing at more than €5.43 billion. The grants financed under the LIFE Programme are managed by CINEA, the European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency.

More information

Source – EU Commission


Overview of new LIFE Project Summaries 2024

Brussels, 21 October 2024


Helping grasslands and forests to thrive in the Ardennes  (LIFE ArdennEislek) 

Belgium and Luxembourg are two of Europe’s most urbanised countries, but the eastern Ardennes provide a natural stronghold in the region. Three nature protection organisations from both countries will collaborate to improve 560 ha of grasslands, plant 20 km of hedges and 300 isolated trees to protect the habitat of two species of shrike, and to reintroduce the near-extinct marsh fritillary butterfly.

Project summary


Helping endangered seabirds to thrive on an artificial island (NID4BirdLIFE) 

Princess Elisabeth Island – a 6 ha artificial energy hub 45 km off the Belgian coast, built by transmission company Elia – is designed to have a positive impact on bird conservation. This public-private partnership aims to reverse the decline of the European Kittiwake by establishing a long-lasting colony of over 1 000 breeding pairs by the end of the project.

Project summary


Assessing the distribution, exposure and remediation of widespread PFAS pollution in Flanders (LIFE PFASTER) 

The former industrial site of Willebroek in Flanders, Belgium, is contaminated with PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), so-called ‘forever chemicals’. The 12 partner organisations in this project will develop ways of assessing the extent of this pollution and piloting innovative remediation techniques. These include using plants, fungi and ‘floating wetlands’ to absorb the chemicals. If successful, the methods could be replicated at other European sites.

Project summary


Better Enforcement (BE LIFE) 

This consortium of four environmental NGOs will focus on the role that citizens and society can play in the enforcement of and compliance with European environmental and climate law They aim to empower people to use the law to benefit the environment and climate, giving them the tools they need to obtain environmental information, participate in decision making and access justice to strengthen environmental democracy rights.

Project summary


Fair and Effective European Carbon Trading (EFFECT) 

The project consortium aims to boost public understanding of the EU’s carbon trading system for road transport and buildings (ETS 2) and the related Social Climate Fund (SCF). The goal is to foster civil society engagement with policy processes and to advocate for a fair carbon pricing that supports socio-environmental objectives and protects vulnerable communities during the low-carbon transition. The consortium is led by the Carbon Market Watch and includes NGOs from Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Portugal.

Project summary


Accelerating property renovation for lower income residents in Flanders (RE-LEAF)

For homeowners in complex situations, with low or modest incomes, renovating homes can be expensive and confusing. Using case studies from the Province of Limburg, the project will develop solutions to reduce bottlenecks. These include financing, shared ownership plans, and testing community energy and heat network systems across 585 pilot sites. A blueprint of best practices will also be produced.

Project summary


Streamlining and simplifying energy renovation processes (CROSSFIT) 

The consortium of partners from Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Greece and Spain aims to simplify the process of rolling out energy efficiency projects across Europe. Experts will centralise tender procedures at municipal, regional and national levels, and encourage a blend of private and public financing. Pilot sites have been shortlisted, and results will be replicated in other EU Member States.

Project summary


Creating a standardised market for energy efficiency (GEAR-UP)  

An energy efficiency (EE) market should scale up the process of retrofitting buildings. The GEAR-UP framework will set out incentives for owners and tenants and provide access to energy savings data and financing. By metering a building’s potential EE, tenants will benefit from more comfortable buildings. GEAR-UP will first be tested in Ireland and Spain.

Project summary


Enhancing skills for Safe Handling of Highly Flammable Refrigerants in the EU (SKILLSAFE-EU) 

Heat pumps in the future must use highly flammable R290, commonly called propane, as a more environmentally friendly refrigerant. This requires an upskilling of installers to meet stricter safety levels. Installers will learn from industry-wide guidelines about the design, storage, transportation, installation and disposal of heat pumps. Training schools, experts and trial sessions will provide input to a set of guidelines.

Project summary


Delivering an Energy Efficient Mortgages Ecosystem (DeliverEEM) 

An Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) ecosystem will support supply chains involved in building renovations and improve access to private financing for energy efficient investments. Through the DeliverEEM project, capacity building activities and best practice will be shared across supply chains, authorities, policy makers and consumers. All training will focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

Project summary


Elevating energy efficiency of small businesses across multiple sectors (EcoSMEnergy) 

EcoSMEergy will support SMEs in chemical and automotive manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, rubber, plastic and metal products, electronics, electrical equipment and machinery to implement energy efficient measures. Businesses will be given access to energy monitoring and management tools and platforms, audits, training, workshops and other resources. Anticipated results include energy and cost savings, increased renewables, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction, and substantial investments.

Project summary


Sustainable Options for CommunIty-bAsed Low-iNcome Renewable energy (SOCIALNRG) 

The SOCIALNRG consortium will develop, test and validate a fully adaptable renewable energy approach across three pilot social housing communities in Slovenia, Italy and Belgium. Co-designed with vulnerable families, it will feature recommendations to remove existing policy obstacles. Local and regional authorities, energy communities, social housing providers and families in 9 other countries will benefit from a training programme and support materials.

Project summary


European Energy Communities Facility (ENERCOM FACILITY) 

At least €7 million will be granted to 140 emerging energy communities via lump sum grants to develop and implement business plans for sustainable energy investment. The ENERCOM Facility will further support energy communities through trainings and related capacity building activities. The operating models of the successful Energy Communities Repository, Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub and European City Facility will be used as best practice.

Project summary



Bringing the Eurasian black vulture back from the brink (LIFE Rhodope Vulture) 

The small population of the Cinereous vulture in the Balkan Peninsula still experiences high mortality, which threatens its long-term survival. Conservation organisations, foresters and hunters in Bulgaria and Greece will collaborate to reduce human-wildlife conflict by focusing on anti-poisoning actions, increasing the natural food base, mitigating the effect of the forest fires in Greece, and establishing a new breeding colony.

Project summary


Reducing Cadmium Concentrations in Industrial Wastewater (LIFE RECAD) 

KCM is the largest producer of lead and zinc in Bulgaria. The company will introduce new techniques to retrieve metals from industrial wastewater at its plant in Plovdiv to prevent zinc, cadmium and lead from polluting a nearby Natura 2000 site on the Chepelare River. It anticipates a fourfold decline in cadmium discharge, thus improving the health of the river.

Project summary


Developing training schemes for decarbonising buildings using virtual reality (DiVIRTUE) 

Students and construction professionals will use virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) to learn new skills for decarbonising the built environment. Training schemes will be delivered in five countries, in English, across eight selected topics identified in the national BUILD UP Skills qualification roadmaps. Future uptake in VR upskilling will be established through training programmes for teachers and free materials.

Project summary



Landscaping Against Climate Change (Agristructure LIFE) 

The consortium will develop landscape feature designs to strengthen farm resilience to climate change, a key adaptation goal of the Green Deal. Integrating elements such as hedgerows, flower strips and small wetlands will improve water retention, soil protection and biodiversity on farmland.  The implementation of prioritised solutions will be tested on ten pilot farms in Czechia, and tools will be created for a wider adoption by farms and corporate supply chain sustainability programmes.

Project summary


Strengthening energy renovation in the Olomouc Region (LIFE LivingLab) 

Through the LIFE Living Lab projects, energy efficiency experts will share technical, legal and financial aspects of renovation at a Living Lab, to boost the declining progress of energy renovation projects in the Oloumouc Region, Czechia. They aim to improve the capacity of over 300 key stakeholders, raise awareness, and monitor implemented solutions and impacts. 50 renovation projects will be carried out.

Project summary


Clean Energy Transition Assistance Centres to support decarbonisation (CETAC) 

To move towards net zero emissions, municipalities need to set clear climate policies to influence neighbourhoods and businesses. Through CETAC, assistance centres will be established to provide an interface between municipalities, citizens and businesses. These centres will set a framework for municipalities, public companies, NGOs and volunteers to carry out municipal climate actions and net zero strategies. Core activities will be concentrated on central and eastern Europe, including Ukraine.

Project summary


Streamlining Energy Savings Calculations in the EU Member States (streamSAVEplus) 

Selected EU Member States – Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Croatia, Lithuania, Portugal and Slovenia – will be supported in identifying, adapting and implementing new methods to calculate energy savings and draft new or improved policies. The project will focus on transport electrification and modal change, heating systems, industries including refrigeration or electric motors, and energy renovations sectors. Activities will include a knowledge hub, technical advice, data collection and policy preparation.

Project summary



Reconnecting Natura 2000 sites with green corridors (LIFE Ring)

14 project partners from eight municipalities will remove topsoil, sow seeds, transplant turf, restore rivers and tackle invasive species to create ecological corridors between 15 Natura 2000 sites on the island of Fyn in Denmark. Professionals, students and citizens will make study trips and site visits to learn about Natura 2000 and the importance of holistic approaches for managing nature.

Project summary


Innovative preservatives for safe, sustainable and effective solutions in industrial and consumer applications (MicroLIFEguard)

The three project partners from Denmark and Finland will develop alternatives to harmful biocides currently used to protect wood and other building materials from microbial degradation. They will test and scale up demonstrations of up to eight preservatives designed to be safer and more sustainable than current high-risk biocides, which are being phased out in the EU.

Project summary


Developing national whole-life-carbon benchmarks to decarbonise construction (INDICATE LIFE)

The consortium from Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Croatia, Italy, Luxembourg and Hungary will develop national whole-life-carbon (WLC) benchmarks to support science-based decarbonisation pathways for new construction and renovations. By collating Life Cycle Assessment data, WLC regulations will be designed and rolled out in other countries. Technical support will include market and policy insights, a knowledge platform and community building.

Project summary



Green supply chains for agribusinesses and food manufacturers (LIFE BGP Food)

Intensive industrial-scale food farming harms both nature and the climate. A consortium of NGOs, private companies and academic institutions will help food companies and farmers reduce their environmental impact and comply with new EU legislation. It will establish minimum criteria for companies’ biodiversity performance; introduce credit schemes for insetting nature projects; and train auditors and accountants to include biodiversity information in corporate sustainability reports.

Project summary


Pioneering Emission-Free High-Voltage Switchgear (LIFE BLUE 420 kV GIS)

A German-Belgian collaboration between Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG and Elia Asset SA will introduce a climate-neutral 420 kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) using clean air insulation. This innovative approach will cut greenhouse gas emissions and set a new standard for eco-friendly switchgear technology. .

Project summary


Empowering local administrations to escalate heating and cooling plans (ESCALATE)

The consortium will set guidelines for local heating and cooling (H&C) plans, and train six energy agencies in Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Poland and Slovenia. Staff from these agencies will receive technical expertise from the ESCALATE team to draft 12 local H&C plans. A network of stakeholders will disseminate results, raise awareness and scale up adoption of the proposed approach across the EU.

Project summary


Skills, qualification and recruitment of professionals for the district heating and cooling sector (Skills4DHC)

There are skills and employment gaps amongst professionals in the district heating and cooling (DHC) sector. The project target groups are DHC enterprises, national, regional and local authority employees, and university students. Through 13 specific training schemes – tested in six countries – specialists will learn about the decarbonisation of existing DHC, network efficiency and market extension. A universal, transnational training programme will replicate concepts with other EU countries.

Project summary



Accelerating the green transition in an archipelago region (SEA)

A team of energy and climate consultants aim to drive public authorities and communities to implement renewables projects and set new ambitious climate goals. 12 energy projects, including offshore wind, will be delivered through private and public funding. This will be the first aggregation service developed in the West Estonian Archipelago for renovating public buildings, decarbonising transport, and procuring for energy agencies across local authorities.

Project summary



Energy efficient project will create a blueprint to boost the use of recycled plastic across Europe (LIFE REPLAR)

Limerick Polymers will build a demonstration plant for recycling waste plastic film from consumer packaging. The facility will use an energy- and water-efficient method to turn post-consumer waste streams into high quality low-density polyethylene (LDPE) pellets. Capable of processing 11 000 tonnes of LDPE, the facility could provide a blueprint for future European plastic recycling plants.

Project summary


Easy procurement of energy performance contracts (EasyPro)

Implementing energy performance contracts (EPC) at Irish universities will be made easier thanks to this bespoke facilitation process. The needs of clients, energy efficiency providers, and investors will be integrated to streamline EPC procurement at University College Cork, Technological University Dublin, Maynooth University and Dublin City University. Over €45 million will be unlocked for energy efficiency and renewables at the university sites.

Project summary


Bankable Neighbourhood Portfolios for Energy Renovation (BanPER)

There is an urgent need to accelerate the rollout of energy efficiency renovations for privately-owned residential homes in Marseille, France. Through the Neighbourhood Energy Efficiency Scheme, homeowners will be able to access a portfolio of energy poor homes and a blended finance mechanism to use public funding to kick start incremental private funding. Existing public subsidies of €123 million will leverage another €123 million of investments.

Project summary


Building Up Skills for Home Renovation One-Stop-Shops (BUSHROSSs)

Through the BUSHROSSs consortium from Ireland, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Ukraine and Slovenia, professionals working at national, regional and local authorities, municipalities, and energy agencies will be trained how to run One-Stop-Shops (OSSs). These will assist homeowners in residential energy renovations. Courses will include qualifications, modules and “training of trainers” activities, so that home renovation rates are accelerated, and consequently citizens’ health and wellbeing are improved.

Project summary



Greece’s First Green Hydrogen Refuelling Station (GREENH2ORN)

Public and private partners from Greece and Luxembourg will deliver the first Green Hydrogen Refuelling Station (HRS) in Greece (Kozani), which aims to demonstrate the potential for local production, distribution and use of green hydrogen for heavy, medium and light-duty vehicles. This initiative will promote sustainable transport, reduce carbon emissions, and serve as a model for green hydrogen use in urban mobility. The consortium consists of eight entities, with the support of national and regional public administrations.

Project summary


Integrated services for clean energy transition in Greek municipal building renovations (RenoInGR)

Hard to reach buildings in island and mountainous regions need extra help to reach nearly Zero Energy Building standards. Residents and municipality teams will benefit from learning about best practices in local conditions, financing methods, and policy gaps which are delaying renovation projects. During the project, activities and renovation work is expected to save energy, use renewables and reduce emissions in over 100 buildings.

Project summary


Near-Zero Energy schools in the Attica region (FYLI_NZES)

In a region characterised by energy poverty, socioeconomic disparities and social exclusion, 37 schools struggling with energy efficiency and renewables will be boosted by new solar panels. The panels will bring down energy costs, and students will benefit from better learning conditions inside buildings. This will also create more green jobs for local communities and contribute to regional net zero targets.

Project summary



Transnational actions to preserve coasts, wetlands and mountains (LIFE GLOBAL)

Northern Spain and Portugal include three zones most vulnerable to climate change: coasts, wetlands and mountains. A public-private consortium of 11 organisations and companies will implement a transnational restoration plan to improve resilience in ten priority habitats and three priority species across 31 Natura 2000 sites. They will pilot schemes and share best practices for replication in other European countries with fragmented, vulnerable and complex high conservation habitats.

Project summary


Using smart technology to exorcise ghosts from the past (LIFEOASIS)

Close to 70% of marine litter adrift in the sea is Abandoned, Lost or Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG), also referred as ghost fishing gear. The Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), a Priority species listed in Annex II of the EU Habitat’s Directive, is particularly affected by this problem. The LIFEOASIS consortium of scientists, researchers, fishers and NGOs from Spain, Italy and Malta aims to reduce the risk of this sea turtle bycatch by designing and testing a new generation of smart-fishing technology.

Project summary


Public-private collaboration for protecting our natural heritage (LIFE Stewardship)

Spain is one of the EU’s most biodiverse countries, but its natural heritage is threatened. Landowners, civil society, public bodies and private companies will work together to increase the voluntary involvement of landowners and land users in nature conservation and sustainable land use. To ensure the development of this land stewardship approach, the project will investigate new funding sources and replication possibilities in other EU countries. The project aims to provide additional support to nature conservation and restoration in the EU.

Project summary


Desalination for environmental sustainability (DESALIFE)

The six project partners will validate a new zero-emissions desalination technology that uses off-shore wave-powered buoys. The buoys will use wave energy to carry out reverse osmosis of seawater and pump the resulting freshwater to shore. A small fleet of buoys will be deployed off the coast of Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, to deliver 1.7 billion litres of water.

Project summary


Removing contaminants of emerging concern from hospital effluents (GENESYS)

The six project partners will develop a low-energy treatment process at Tauli hospital in Sabadell, Spain, to prevent pharmaceuticals, bacteria and antibiotic-resistant genes from escaping into urban wastewater. This process of removing contaminants from hospital wastewater will also enable the monitoring of antibiotics in waste, thus informing antibiotics prescription decisions, and could help fight antimicrobial resistance.

Project summary


Innovative technologies reduce non-exhaust emissions from vehicles and pavements to improve air quality and human health (LIFE NEEVE)

Air pollution from road transport is produced by vehicle exhausts, but also by their brakes, tyres and the road surface itself. The ten partners in this project from Spain, Sweden and Germany are aiming to measure and reduce these non-exhaust emissions from road transport with new monitoring techniques along with innovations in brake, tyre and road surface design.

Project summary


Fibre to fibre polyester recycling technologies in the textile sector (LIFE POLITEX)

To reduce the environmental footprint of the fashion industry, textile waste needs to be converted back into new textiles. This remains a significant challenge for the industry. The seven partners in this project aim to demonstrate the first industrial pilot plant that can transform polyester textile waste back into new polyester fibres.

Project summary


Nature-friendly solutions for liveable cities (LIFE SeedNEB)

Social innovation and community involvement on local levels are at the core of LIFE SeedNEB. In three municipalities in Spain, Italy and Hungary, the eight partners will install nature-friendly features at a school, a cultural centre and an apartment block to address biodiversity loss in public and private buildings, and in urban open spaces. The renewed spaces in the three cities will involve communities in shaping the green future of their neighbourhoods, and help protect against flooding and heatwaves.

Project summary


Expansion of the WEEELOOP model for a circular hob industry (LIFE WEEELOOP)

The seven project partners, from Spain, will implement a new waste management system to recover up to 90% of the components from discarded kitchen hobs. A unique ‘digital passport’ will be given to each component to track each component’s reuse. The scheme will be expanded later to other EU countries and appliances, including dishwashers and washing machines.

Project summary


The sustainable management of olive pomace via optimal insect farming (OLIFECycle)

The project will develop a circular economy solution to the management of organic waste by recycling olive pulp waste into value-added products using insect farming. The three project partners from Spain and Austria will build an industrial-sized plant capable of turning 10 000 tonnes of waste per year into insect protein for pet food and aquaculture. The solution will eventually be upscaled to process up to 100 000 tonnes/year of input ready by 2027, then replicated in five additional plants by 2035.

Project summary


Sustainable drinking and irrigation water production from saline alternative water resources (SALTEAU)

Wastewater, seawater and brackish water are valuable but underused water sources within the EU. The six partners in this project from Spain, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Austria will scale-up technologies to use these alternative water sources to generate freshwater. 2 demonstration sites will generate 400 million litres of freshwater, while recovering valuable calcium and magnesium in the process.

Project summary


Production of bioplastics from hardwood leftovers (WOOD4PLASTIC)

This project will turn leftover hardwood from the timber industry into bioplastics that can be used in the same ways as conventional plastics. The resulting bioplastics will be biodegradable and compostable. The six project partners from Spain, Italy and Estonia will demonstrate this approach at an industrial scale, producing compostable food trays and compostable bags.

Project summary


Revolutionising Greenhouses to fight Climate Change (LIFE ACCLIMATE)

The University of Almeria and ten partners will tackle the challenges impacting greenhouse agriculture such as rising temperatures and resource demands. By developing digital controls and resource-efficient practices, the team aims to enhance productivity while reducing water, energy and fertiliser consumption, and eliminate the need for chemical pesticide use. Demonstrations in Spain’s greenhouse sector will help set new standards for agricultural adaptation and efficiency across Europe.

Project summary


Biomethane Production from Agri-Food Waste (LIFE CHANDELIER)

Six Spanish partners, led by ARAGON FOOD CLUSTER, will develop a novel method to produce biomethane from agrifood waste in rural areas. The main innovations will be a biogas upgrading system and a blockchain platform for tracing the production of biogas. The projected technology will be scalable and replicable, and aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% and promote green mobility via compressed natural gas for heavy-duty vehicles.

Project summary


Cutting Emissions in Aluminium Recycling (LIFE HYDROGAS)

Spanish company BEFESA ALUMINIO SLU will develop a novel method to clean and stabilise residual gases from aluminium recycling. By converting these gases into high-purity hydrogen and methane for alternative fuels, CO₂ emissions could be cut by 3 619 tonnes per year, equivalent to removing 1 000 cars from the road.

Project summary


Boosting Biogas Production with Advanced Technologies (MERLIN)

The MERLIN project team, in collaboration with wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Spain, will advance and optimise biogas production through innovative pre-treatment and mixing methods. By applying saponification processes and ultrasound technologies, the team aims to maximise biogas production in two WWTPs and to reduce the amount of agrifood waste. The aim is to eventually demonstrate and scale up these technologies at six further WWTPs, contributing to EU energy independence and reducing reliance on natural gas.

Project summary


Boosting Carbon Storage in Wood Products (WOOD4LIFE)

The Department of Sustainable Development of Castilla-La Mancha will lead the WOOD4LIFE project to enhance carbon sequestration and biodiversity through improved forest management. In collaboration with key partners, they will test and refine practices in Spain and Italy, aiming to reactivate the forest value chain and provide sustainable, low greenhouse gas (GHG) generating materials.

Project summary


Scaling up and streamlining home renovation for citizens of Girona (GiDomus)

The 9 GiDOMUS partners will scale up the existing DOMUS programme in Spain providing support for residential energy retrofits in Girona. GiDOMUS will integrate a self-sustainable business model featuring private funding methods such as crowdlending and sponsorship. Local initiatives will include training programmes and sessions to connect and educate homeowners, professionals and local authorities about energy poverty, efficiency and gender balance.

Project summary


Integrated Home Renovation Services powered by renewable energy (RENPOWER)

The consortium from Spain, Ireland and Belgium will help owners improve energy performance across multi-dwelling residential, mixed-purpose buildings and single-family homes. Through front- and back-office operations, teams will coordinate financing, experts and homeowners to find the best solutions to tackle energy poverty. The project’s aim is to renovate 200 housing units, invest in renewables, and reduce fossil fuel consumption.

Project summary


Facilitating ambitious energy renovation of Spanish public buildings (FACILITA)

Local regional authorities in three regions – Extremadura, Madrid and Valencia – will benefit from integrated services including technical, financial and legal advice, procurement and quality assurance. This will enable them to renovate regional government, provincial council and municipality buildings. A toolkit and partner networks will share insights about renovation projects, renewable generation and emissions reduction with other EU regions.

Project summary


Revolutionising home renovation services in Mallorca and Tenerife (AIRE)

To guide homeowners through renovation journeys, they will be connected to professionals who set out specific technical solutions and financing options. Renovation processes will be certified through a new quality label, to build the trust of homeowners and ensure accountability in the services. Homeowners throughout Spain will access multiple renovation options as the project expands and is replicated.

Project summary


Upgrading training resources and certification schemes in green construction skills (Construye2030plus)

Green construction professionals will access training covering onsite experience, skills certification and energy regulations including the new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, thermal insulation, window installation and heat pumps. A Skills Bus will travel to construction sites in ten Spanish cities to allow onsite training. The project is part of the transition towards a sustainable and competitive construction sector.

Project summary


ENERgy coopERation for Growth, Innovation, and Zero Emissions in Industrial Parks (ENERGIZE)

At 4 industrial zones in Italy, Czechia and Austria different cooperative energy models will be tested and demonstrated, such as carbon reduction, training, employee engagement, energy savings and renewables. Through a digital hub, energy professionals will access training and an acceleration programme for professionals. Specialists working in over 20 industry players and associations, industrial parks and councils are already in support.

Project summary



Rescuing Pacific bird populations from the brink of extinction (LIFE STOP EXTINCTION)

A consortium of institutes from French Polynesia, Denmark and France aims to rescue five Critically Endangered bird species in French Polynesia by intensifying biosecurity, and the control of alien predators and of the vectors of disease, by restoring habitats, and establishing captive breeding programmes alongside a campaign to raise awareness.

Project summary


Building Climate Resilience in Marais Poitevin (MARAISILIENCE)

A regional natural park, six communities, a regional water management authority and a university aim to strengthen climate resilience in the Marais Poitevin wetland, France. The project team will create a climate observatory providing data on local climate impacts and will engage over 800 stakeholders in a Climate Agora to develop 10 development scenarios. The project will also support 5 new governance pilots on crisis management, sustainable urban planning, greening of neighbourhoods and schools, and will develop lessons applicable to other wetlands.

Project summary


Climate Resilience in the Upper Dordogne Valley (DORSANCY)

A collective of French public-private-civil actors (PPC) will revitalise the Upper Dordogne Valley, focusing on climate adaptation in a mountain area facing reduced snow cover, changing rainfall and increasing temperatures. By implementing Nature-based Solutions (NBS), renewable energy and promoting collective mobility, they aim to foster resilience and sustainability. The project will serve as a model for similar initiatives across Europe.

Project summary


Protect Vines Against Climatic Variations (LIFE VINOSHIELD)

Seven partners from Belgium, Spain, France and Italy will develop and test innovative textile nets to shield vineyards from climate change hazards, including frost, hail and intense rainfall. Piloted across nine European vineyards, these nets are expected to reduce damages from an average of 30% losses caused by adverse weather in European vineyards down to 5% by 2032, reduce the use of chemical treatments, and protect 16 500 hectares of vineyards across Europe.

Project summary


Harnessing Nature for Coastal Resilience (LIFE_adapto_plus)

A consortium of nine French partners will promote the wider use of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for adapting coastal areas to climate change, such as restoring wetlands to naturally protect against storm surges. The team will develop a replicable method, refine existing tools and advocate for the integration of NbS in national and European coastal protection policies. The initiative will also include capacity-building efforts for coastal planners.

Project summary


Building homeowners’ trust to carry out energy renovations (OTTER LIFE)

The demand for energy renovation in houses, apartments and condominiums is increasing but homeowners remain mistrustful of renovation practices. OTTER LIFE’s digital platform will provide pricing options and financing advice to reassure and guide homeowners in renovation projects. To be deployed in Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis and the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg, France, the project team will connect homeowners to professionals across the energy renovation sector.

Project summary


Accelerating citizen-led renewable energy projects (ENERPROD)

From pipeline to generation, community groups driving their own renewable energy projects will get the support they need. Through Enercoop Productive Bootstrap, community officials and engaged citizens at local cooperatives will be provided with technical assistance, sales, processes, funding and contracts to get 120 projects off the ground. The aim is to generate over €100 million of investment for green power projects, with results shared across energy cooperative networks.

Project summary


Massive net zero retrofit with collective buy-in schemes (LIFE Reno Tides)

A 3-staged approach to net zero energy projects will be led by a consortium from the Netherlands, Lithuania, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Italy. Focused on prefabricated facades, insulation and solar roofing, the project partners will support a tide of renovation projects, particularly in social housing. Collective buy-in-schemes will allow for stages of facade and roof improvements.

Project summary


Accelerating local energy transition through municipality support (OCTOPUS)

Through the project, stakeholders in six regions across France, Spain, Cyprus, Poland and Czechia will drive large scale sustainability actions. 7 Enabling Organisational Networks will support investment and policymaking and accelerate each region’s Energy and Climate Plans so they are achievable and reached. The consortium includes partners from France, Belgium, Spain, Cyprus, Czechia, Poland and the Netherlands.

Project summary


Building capacity through sustainable education programme for municipalities (SPARKLE)

The SPARKLE consortium includes partners from France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania and Croatia. Officials in 600 authorities will be upskilled and provided with tools to develop and implement their regional clean energy transition plans. They will learn about climate and energy planning, governance, fossil free actions, community energy, sustainable food and circular economies. Over 100 policy makers will have an opportunity to attend winter or summer schools, benefit from industry mentors, and have access to a learning platform.

Project summary



Promoting sustainable fishing to protect Mediterranean sharks and rays (LIFE-PROMETHEUS)

21 partners from Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Greece and France aim to conserve endangered shark and ray species in 12 areas of the Mediterranean Sea. The consortium plans to work with local fishing communities to reduce accidental by-catch, which often includes critically-endangered species. It will also promote alternative and sustainable fishing practices and encourage sustainable underwater tourism.

Project summary


Helping Bonelli’s Eagles fly high once again over Sardinia (Life Abilas))

Once extinct in Sardinia, 8-10 Bonelli’s eagles have been reintroduced annually since 2018. Now one Spanish and four Italian partners aim to establish a viable population by raising awareness of threats including egg thieves, power lines, hunters and a decline in wild rabbits. In parallel, two giant murals will be commissioned on public buildings to highlight the eagles’ plight.

Project summary


Waste graphite recycling for new lithium and alkaline batteries (LIFE GRAPhiREC)

Graphite is a vital material for batteries in electric vehicles and energy storage during Europe’s green transition. This consortium of partners from Italy, Germany, Sweden and Belgium will pilot a recycling process to recover graphite from waste batteries. Two large pilot facilities will have a capacity of treating 1 000 tonnes per year, with the recycled graphite used to manufacture new batteries of several kinds, from button batteries to electric vehicles batteries.

Project summary


Advanced bio-dissolution for the recycling of thermoplastic helmets (LIFE IMPACTO)

Motorcycle helmets are made from different kinds of plastics, making them difficult to recycle. The project partners will develop an industrial-scale facility that uses bio-based solvents from the food industry (lemon rind) to separate the different plastic materials found in helmets. The recovered plastics could then be reused to create new helmets.

Project summary


Methanol for sustainable superyacht engines (LIFE MYSTIC)

Diesel powered engines on boats are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants. The four project partners from Italy and France will replace diesel engines and generators on a superyacht with a bi-fuel system that uses diesel and methanol. From the yacht, they aim to reduce: carbon dioxide emissions (by 63%), nitrogen oxides (41%), particulate matter (55%) and sulphur oxides (31%).

Project summary


Demonstrating synthetic fluorspar and green silica production using fertiliser wastes (LIFE-SYNFLUOR)

An innovative technology that recovers synthetic calcium fluoride, or fluorspar, from fertiliser industry waste will be implemented in this project. Italian chemical company Floursid will build a pilot plant capable of producing 1 000 tonnes of fluorspar for a wide range of applications. A byproduct of the process, silica, will be tested in tyre production by project partner Pirelli.

Project summary


Producing eco-friendly tarpaulins to support a non-toxic environment in Europe (TARPAULIFE)

PVC-coated, water-resistant tarpaulins are difficult to recycle, representing a significant environmental challenge. The project partners from Italy, Spain and Denmark will demonstrate an environmentally-friendly solution using polyolefin plastic coatings, which are easier to recycle, initially using it to create large bags for transporting fresh water. The technology could avoid the release of 13 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Project summary


Innovative Marine Magnesium Minerals for a Circular, Safe and Sustainable Chemicals Production (MareMag LIFE)

Magnesium hydroxide (MDH) is being promoted as a safer alternative in industries, particularly as a flame retardant and wastewater treatment agent. Current MDH production emits over 1.55 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of MDH, and Europe imports 97% of its magnesium from China. The partners in the MareMag LIFE project aim to create a sustainable MDH production process using renewable energy and no chemicals, reducing GHG emissions and water use. This process will be tested in Greece after trials in Italy.

Project summary


Cheese Resilience to Climate Change (IMAGE LIFE)

A consortium of eight partners from Italy and France will implement a solution for making the vulnerable local feed supplies of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese production more resilient. This will be achieved by replacing water-intense maize with drought-resistant sorghum, without altering the quality and properties of the raw milk produced. The concept will be replicated for two French blue-veined protected designation of origin (PDO) cheeses.

Project summary


CO₂-Capturing Green Tiles for Sustainable Cities (LIFE CAPT-TILE)

An Italian consortium will develop affordable, easy-to-install green roof and façade tiles that capture CO₂ and filter air pollutants. It is expected that each m2 of these clay tiles including climate resilient plants will absorb up to 36kg of CO₂ annually, equivalent to a 200 km drive. The CAPT-TILE system will support greening and reduce rainwater runoff, improve air quality and promote biodiversity, while reducing installation and maintenance costs, making it affordable for low-income buildings.

Project summary


Florence’s Urban Climate Adaptation (LIFE ESCAPOS)

The Municipality of Florence will enhance climate resilience through the LIFE ESCAPOS project by optimising the city’s urban planning and data system with a 3D tool for climate adaptation planning, monitoring and managing urban energy flows. Integrated into Florence’s Smart City Control Room, the system will be tested in the Firenze Nova area, involving both public and private efforts to implement climate adaptation strategies and monitor the effectiveness of climate adaptation interventions in mitigating the urban heat island effect.

Project summary


Carbon Capture in Glass Manufacturing (GLASS2LIFE)

GLASS2LIFE is an innovative project that aims to demonstrate an innovative, energy-efficient CO2 capture process for the glass containers manufacturing industry. It aims to capture up to 80% of CO2 from furnace flue gases, offering a more viable alternative to fuel switching or full electrification. The system will be designed, constructed and tested at full industrial scale in a state-of-the-art furnace. Leveraging hot potassium carbonate (HPC) technology, this replicable solution can be applied to numerous industries in which it is difficult to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Project summary


Sustainable decarbonisation by H2 recovery (LIFE H2Reuse)

The company Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes Italia, with LOI Thermprocess GmbH, will pioneer a method to decarbonise steel production. By recovering and reusing hydrogen, they aim to significantly cut CO₂ emissions, conserve energy and reduce operational costs, fostering a more sustainable and efficient steel industry.

Project summary


Blue Credit System for Water Conservation (SVOLTA BLU)

Six Italian partners aim to replicate the carbon credit market in the water sector. Over 30 organisations, including primary sector operators and municipalities, will be directly involved in the testing phase of the proposed system. It is expected to mobilise around €500 000 of external fundings for effective water savings initiatives, as well as savings in water usage. The project will also issue 40 water footprint certificates, train more than 120 public and private bodies, and develop three replication plans .

Project summary


Platform and services to boost building energy refurbishment (ReLIFE)

Data on the ReLIFE platform will allow homeowners to plan deep building renovation projects. Case studies and processes will guide them through three services: financial to attract investment, forecasting for future renovation progress, and technical for the best technologies, as well as satellite/aerial images and monitoring data about EU building stock. The project includes partners from Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Greece.

Project summary


Rolling out industrialised prefabricated solutions for renovation (BARRIO)

The project consortium from Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Belgium will create a Defragmentation Multidisciplinary Toolkit to match clusters of buildings for renovation with aggregated services including prefabricated materials and local supply chains. Stakeholders will be able to build renovation roadmaps and calculate costs for each building set and large-scale renovation projects. Users will also benefit from training on renovation.

Project summary


Upscaling of Community Based Energy Efficiency Retrofitting (Scaling Super-Heero)

This approach goes beyond supermarkets – which was the target audience for the completed Super-Heero project – to include commercial shopping centres, retailers, schools and energy communities. Stakeholders will be given tools to set energy transition plans, trigger new or dormant projects, and understand financing and sustainability. Case studies will highlight the role of brands and organisations in energy efficiency measures.

Project summary


Regional-based financing schemes to pool private investments for low carbon technology (REFINEE)

The REFINEE consortium will design, test and compare solutions to the energy transition across small industries in Italy and Hungary. Over 45 businesses will transition to low-carbon technology with access to public-private financial schemes. A basket bond will be launched, blending public and private financing. Overall investments will reach up to €53 million, and over 300 new jobs will be created.

Project summary


Addressing the needs of clean energy transition in Ukrainian cities (ANEW-LIFE)

Efficient building design, power/heating systems and reliable energy infrastructure will be initiated at a municipality level across Ukraine. ANEW-LIFE brings experience from clean energy and financing sectors to support Ukrainian cities in deploying energy strategies and plans through citizen engagement and local institutions. Information about financing mechanisms such as green bonds, donorship, private/public partnerships, crowdfunding and energy communities will be shared with professionals.

Project summary


Empowering businesses to develop energy community models for successful energy transition (WESHARE)

At European business parks, owners are required to carry out energy transition plans via scalable solutions, exploring new energy communities and reducing their fossil fuel consumption. Peer learning modules will be tested and validated at three pilot business park sites in Belgium, Spain and Portugal. Expected results include increased renewables on site, up to €7 million of sustainable energy investment, energy savings and reduction in carbon emissions across facilities.

Project summary


Integrated tool for decarbonising roadmaps and investment plans towards district heating and cooling systems (DHC SwEEtch)

The DHC SwEEtch consortium from Italy, Croatia, Ireland, Poland and France will provide technical support across four processes – mapping, modelling, assessing and system integration – required for the preparation of decarbonisation roadmaps and investment plans. Ten case studies will use these processes to develop ten investment plans. A platform for operators, local authorities and energy providers will share training and communications.

Project summary


Enabling strategies and investment plans for efficient, multi-energy and digitalised District Heating and Cooling (ENABLE DHC)

District heating and cooling (DHC) networks will be made more efficient by developing case studies, investment plans, training, and sharing knowledge and skills. In 7 countries, 9 case studies of successful investment plans will be developed. Professionals and authorities in DHC will attend a replication programme featuring seven national workshops, three pan-European webinars, one mid-term policy workshop and one final event. 7 policy roadmaps will be developed, endorsed by public authorities, and nine DHC Working Groups will connect stakeholders.

Project summary


Multiactor training and mentorship programme to ASSist people with physical impairments in energy poverty (ASSERT)

ASSERT partners will address two skills areas: a training programme for health and social care workers; and courses for vulnerable households with low digital skills. Training will be targeted at persons with physical disabilities whose health conditions are aggravated by unhealthy household conditions. Through mentorship and gaps analysis, ASSERT will support people in need and integrate multi-sector energy poverty policy plans.

Project summary


Renewable Energy System Integration and Digitalization Upskilling Initiative for Sustainable Buildings (RESSKILL)

RESSKILL is an educational and professional development initiative which focuses on energy system integration and digitalisation for buildings and districts, aligning with the vision of creating intelligent urban spaces. RESSKILL uses AI to identify skill needs, ensuring educational programmes meet industry demands and develop an adaptive workforce. Unique features include Micro Credentials for validating expertise, case study education with real-world scenarios, and gamification. The initiative leverages these tools to equip the EU workforce for a sustainable, energy-efficient, and tech-savvy workforce.

Project Summary



Conserving Europe’s rarest continental warbler (LIFE4AquaticWarbler)

Europe’s rarest continental passerine, the aquatic warbler, is in trouble, with fewer than 50 breeding populations globally. Six abandoned breeding sites totalling nearly 4 000 ha across Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary and Ukraine will be restored – expanding the current breeding range to 1 500 km2 – and 760 birds will be relocated to the newly restored sites from donor populations in Poland and Ukraine.

Project summary


Nature-friendly forestry for protecting woodland species (LIFE ForestHabitatLT)

Three partners will join forces to encourage nature-friendly forestry in three Natura 2000 protected areas. Measures will include reforestation with different tree species; protection against cows, pigs and invasive plants; controlled burning; and restoring wetlands. Foresters, forest owners, scientists and citizens will be invited to take part in ‘Living labs’ and the results rolled out elsewhere.

Project summary


Pioneering transcontinental cooperation to protect rare migrating warblers (LIFE AWOM)

In a LIFE first, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal have joined forces with Senegal to protect the staging and wintering areas of the globally-threatened aquatic warbler. The five countries will develop a warbler-friendly flyway across 22 Natura 2000 sites in Europe and a wintering ground in Senegal to serve as an example for other conservation organisations, businesses and governments.

Project summary


Revitalising the heat pump sector workforce (Re-Energize)

The project aims to reduce the skills gap and raise public awareness through openly accessible resources. The project partners from Lithuania, Bulgaria, Greece, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands will provide training and upskilling in heating and cooling technologies to 385 building sector professionals and 115 trainers to encourage further uptake of green technology and heating and cooling technologies.

Project summary



Coordinating EPC calculation across EU Member States (openBEP4EU)

The consortium from Luxembourg, Greece, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Germany, Belgium and Denmark will coordinate Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) projects via an open source, universal software. This will provide data to financial institutions, energy service providers and building owners via support teams and data hub. The approach will be validated in five areas, covering different climatic zones, building typologies and EPC schemes.

Project summary



Breathing new LIFE into Budapest’s green lungs (Biodiverse City LIFE)

Urban biodiversity and ‘green lungs’ are essential for Budapest’s 1.75 million residents. Hungary’s capital city boasts grasslands, wetlands and forests, but they are threatened by urban lifestyles. Demonstration sites and awareness-raising campaigns will encourage citizens to consider their own impact on biodiversity and to get involved in community nature conservation initiatives, aiming for the peaceful coexistence of nature and the urban lifestyle.

Project summary


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle waste at airports (LIFE TRIPL-AIR)

Four major European airports in Budapest, Dubrovnik, Madrid and Venice join forces in this project to address the vast amounts of waste produced by these transport hubs. They will implement pilot actions to reduce 5 000 tonnes of unsorted waste in their terminals and avoid around 1.7 million tonnes of construction waste by the end of the project in 2028.

Project summary



Removing invasive aliens from much-loved waterways (LIFE PeatProtectIAAS)

Tourists love the Weerribben-Wieden National Park, but invasive alien aquatic plants are choking its lakes, rivers and canals and killing off native species in its natural peat habitats. Local authorities and conservation organisations will raise awareness and aim to educate at least two-thirds of boat owners and hire companies about the dangers of invasive water weeds.

Project summary


Conversion of tonnes of wastepaper sludge into important mineral and renewable energy (LIFE RE and UCE)

Calcium carbonate is used throughout the EU, but open mining of the mineral threatens nature and uses considerable energy. The project partners from the Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy will demonstrate a new technology to recover calcium carbonate from wastepaper sludge, while generating an oil as a renewable energy source, helping to reduce waste and carbon dioxide emissions.

Project summary


New vegetation management techniques for environmentally friendly railways (LIFE NATURE-RAIL)

Controlling vegetation along railway tracks is vital to keep trains running efficiently. ProRail, the Dutch Rail infrastructure manager, will demonstrate three innovative zero-chemical methods on operational tracks: cryogenic treatment, electro-weeding and using a slow growing grass combined with a mowing robot. Infrabel in Belgium will replicate the methods with support from the International Union of Railways.

Project summary


Electronic products – impacts on circular economy and sustainable development (Life-EPICS)

Consumers often don´t understand which electronic products have a lower environmental impact, and face difficulties to have them repaired. The six project partners, including European electronics retailer Euronics, aim to tackle this by: creating a label for electronic products to help consumers choose products with lower environmental impacts; creating six ‘repair corner’ shops for the repair and reuse of 48 000 electronic products; and the training of shop workers in 3 000 electronics stores in Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Latvia and Estonia to increase consumers’ awareness of sustainable choices.

Project summary


Learning curriculum to train up heat pump specialists (HeatCraftHP)

With a shortfall of over 500 000 skilled heat pump specialists in the EU, the project partners from the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium will identify crucial skillsets, gaps and develop equitable training programmes. One focus is to attract more women to the profession. The curriculum will blend theory with practical and integrate interactive learning such as simulators and systems integration.

Project summary


Support for setting up natiOnal Building Stock obsERVatoriEs (OBSERVE)

Through national authorities, National Building Stock Observatories will be established and protocols developed for data collection and aggregation in the building sector. The observatories will be established in Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy and Spain, and good practices and governance models shared with other countries. The aim is to assist national authorities to better implement energy and climate policies.

Project summary



Rewilding the Blue-Green River Enns Corridor (WeNatureEnns)

Austria’s biggest hydro-electricity company will restore 20 km of the River Enns – a tributary of the Danube – to its near-natural state by removing infrastructure, creating new floodplains and reconnecting to other rivers. Farmland will be relocated free of charge, making way for new hedgerows and meadows to benefit endangered birds, amphibians, invertebrates and fish including the Danube salmon.

Project summary


Producing plant-based biochar in the compost cycle and developing high value-added biochar products (BIOCHAR-LIFE)

The consortium from Austria, German and Belgium will demonstrate the production of plant-based biochar (a form of charcoal) and its development into high value-added biochar products. The project will develop a new technology which will be designed to allow the easy upgrade to large-scale biochar production. The prototype will convert 5 300 tonnes of biowaste into 1 000 tonnes of biochar each year. The circular innovation will lead to a more cost-effective production of biochar, while substantially reducing CO2 emissions.

Project summary


Night-Time Eco-Friendly Transport (MOONSET)

A consortium from Bulgaria, Austria and Portugal will design, implement and evaluate an innovative demand responsive transport (DRT) shuttle service for nocturnal workers in Vienna and Lisbon. The initiative will: decrease greenhouse gas emissions generated by transport; reduce the reliance on cars of employees with challenging working hours; improve access to workplaces for socio-economically disadvantaged staff members; and encourage employees to adopt sustainable mobility behaviours. DRT shuttle service will be tested first in Vienna and Lisbon, followed by Ruse, Bulgaria.

Project summary


Upskilling for boosting heat pump installation in refurbishments (KnowHowHP)

Heat pumps are used more in single-family homes than existing multistorey buildings. Planners, energy consultants and installers will be given specialist training and upskilling through a new software. Once trained, they will be able to implement climate-friendly and socially acceptable refurbishments of multi-family houses with heat pumps.

Project summary


Simple and affordable roll out of heat pumps (install.res)

Using innovative and affordable delivery models to roll out more heat pumps is required across a combination of building types and energy sources. Through this project, solutions will be showcased across 10 to 12 real-life examples, with the lessons learned from the most successful being shared in procedures, manuals, tools and standards. Projects will be carried out across social housing, research institutes and energy suppliers in Austria, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Republic of North Macedonia and Poland.

Project summary


Achieving Zero Emission Building Stock with Viable Educational Programmes (AchieVE-ZEB)

Energy consultants, planners, project developers and building professionals will learn from training programmes featuring e-learning, videos and zero emissions building examples. Each scheme will be quantified in European Credit and Transfer System (ECTS) credits and evaluated after pilot courses. Courses will use adapted and improved multifunctional materials, a “training of trainers” approach, English translations and detailed exploitation plans.

Project summary


Tools and services supporting effective exploitation of EPREL (EPREL Services)

Many stakeholders that support sustainable product purchasing and policymaking (consumers, procurers, retailers, policymakers) have insufficient knowledge about the EU database for energy labelled products (EPREL). Via a new web application, stakeholders will be able to access information about pricing, operation costs, energy/resource efficiency, product availability, technical product features and market statistics. Tools and processes will use automated software and crowdsourced checks of market data.

Project summary



Giving endangered curlews a chance to thrive (LIFEkulikP)

Two NGOs, a national park and two regional environment agencies aim to stabilise Eurasian curlew populations in 14 locations across Poland. They will improve and restore 1 000 ha of land and 500 ha of open water, protect 80 nests a year, incubate eggs and breed individuals in aviaries to increase the number of fledglings born to each pair.

Project summary


Malopolska region improves readiness for climate impacts at local and regional level (LIFE DREAM CITIES)

The Malopolska Voivodship region will develop Poland’s first Regional Adaptation Strategy to jointly address local climate risks, like heatwaves and flash floods, with key stakeholders. In addition, local climate adaptation strategies and demonstration actions in seven medium-sized cities of the region will be carried out. They will feature green infrastructure initiatives accompanied by public awareness-raising and stakeholder engagement, and will accelerate the exchange of best practices and knowledge between cities and regions in Poland.

Project summary


Developing Charging Infrastructure for Electric Heavy-Duty Vehicles (LIFeHDV)

The Polish Association of New Mobility will conduct a pilot programme to develop good practices for building electric heavy-duty vehicles (eHDV) charging hubs. The team will identify optimal hub locations, develop technical specifications and test various charging methods. The initiative aims to support the development of the eHDV market, the implementation of charging infrastructure, and the operation and electrification of fleets. As a result, the development of the zero-emission heavy transport sector in Central and Eastern Europe will be enhanced.

Project summary


Integrating Neighbouring States into the EU Emissions Trading System (LIFE ENSPIRE)

Instytut Ochrony Środowiska leads the LIFE ENSPIRE project to evaluate how expanding the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) could impact the EU and neighbouring countries. The team will analyse climate policies and economic effects, focusing on Ukraine, the Balkans and Turkey, with the goal of providing policy recommendations and fostering international climate cooperation.

Project summary


Integrating EPC services for public entities to improve public buildings (FEPC)

Through a series of guidance and events, professionals working in ministries, funds, banks and energy providers will be upskilled about Energy Performance Contracts (EPC), in order to build a market and capacity. The approach will first be tested on four buildings facing different EPC challenges, with a future target of 100 buildings. These stakeholders will receive guidance from formal reports, conferences, webinars, bilateral meetings, a handbook and training.

Project summary


LOCal Authorities to Tackle Energy povErty in private multi-apartment buildings (LOCATEE)

In some regions, there is a disconnect between private housing owners and the implementation of energy policies to improve energy poverty. In three pilot municipalities in Poland, Portugal and Greece, this connection will be strengthened. Energy-vulnerable households will be identified by a toolkit, and energy poverty improvements included in long-term strategies. By developing household and building typologies, users can also prioritise locations for renovations. The LOCATEE framework will be scaled up for 32 more municipalities and additional regions.

Project summary



Helping the Montagu’s harrier to soar again (LIFE SOS Pygargus)

Monagu’s harrier once thrived across Portugal, but populations fell by 80% in a decade, and it is now officially classed as Endangered. Over six years, a consortium of 18 partners will restore breeding habitats and encourage bird-friendly farming, aiming to more than double breeding rates, reduce mortality by 75% and increase the adult population by 50%, thereby improving the species’ conservation status.

Project summary


Boosting carbon markets with super-sequestering seagrass (RESTORESEAGRASS)

8 partners in Portugal and Spain aim to conserve and restore critically-endangered seagrass habitats on the Atlantic coast. The restored seagrass beds – known for their ability to capture and sequester CO2 – will then be offered for official accreditation on global carbon markets and the results are expected to attract private investors to fund new seagrass restoration projects.

Project summary


Smart technical assistance for improving renewable energies and energy efficiency (SmarTA)

SmarTA aims to drive the development, investment and management of sustainable energy projects in Portugal. The SmarTA team will aim to foster citizen-led projects to push the social and economic benefits of renewable energy communities. Citizen groups will be supported and informed about financial and legal evaluation, financing options and methods of community engagement.

Project summary


Accelerating energy efficiency via Powering Energy Hub (PEH)

On a local scale, local authorities will be supported in the implementation and financing of their energy efficiency projects through the Powering Energy Hub. With access to new financial solutions and business models, municipality projects will attract greater private investment. The project consists of two approaches: a One-Stop-Shop (OSS) for public energy projects; and local hubs to support private entities and citizens, with over €26 million potentially being leveraged.

Project summary


Supporting South Europe municipalities in local heating and cooling plans (Plan4Cold)

In many municipalities with over 45 000 inhabitants, heating and cooling plans need to be prepared. Plan4COLD partners, from Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Germany and Croatia, will develop customised resources, tools, materials and training to develop ten plans for major cities in Italy, Greece and Portugal. Lessons and case studies will support policy recommendations at national, regional and local levels.

Project summary



Throwing a LIFEline to Slovenia’s threatened migratory birds (LIFE FOR LIFELINES)

This public-private partnership aims to cut electrocution of migratory birds by 90%. Eagle owls, Griffon vultures, Red-footed falcons and curlews will benefit from insulators on 1 150 electricity poles and warning markers on high-voltage cables, as well as a wind-turbine-free ecological corridor. A new high-biodiversity park, handbook and regional conference will promote best practice in other Alpine and Balkan countries.

Project summary


Stimulating river restoration to enhance the quality of life (LIFE2RIVERS)

A new approach is needed to manage and protect rivers in Slovenia to improve ecosystems and prevent flooding. The project partners aim to initiate a cooperative river stewardship approach by offering training and helping to set professional standards for river management. They also aim to raise awareness of and establish trust in river restoration as a nature-based solution.

Project summary


Enhancing renovation of dwellings across Slovenian municipalities (Renov-AID)

The eight project partners aim to make home renovations easier and thereby address energy poverty in a 3-layered approach across Slovenian cities. Through a process of information sharing, training, detection and simple diagnosis of renovation solutions, sustainable changes will be made at regional levels. Combined, these will contribute to Slovenia’s climate action goals and improve living conditions for residents.

Project summary


Incorporating Energy Performance of Buildings Directive into seismic renovation plans (GreenRenoV8)

50% of Europe’s regions are prone to seismic activity. The revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) integrates seismic safety measures with energy efficiency. Through pilot renovation plans and passports featuring seismic vulnerability, efficiency, embodied carbon and financing, investment can be mobilised for highly energy-efficient and decarbonised buildings. The consortium includes Slovenia, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Greece and Spain.

Project summary



SCollecting seeds for grasslands’ conservation and restoration (LIFE DIVERSEED)

NGOs and environment agencies will map and restore more than 2 000 ha of priority grassland in Slovakia and Romania. In addition to traditional management and restoration measures, such as grazing and mowing, they will collect and distribute native grass seeds for use on farm land. The project will work in close cooperation with farmers, organise activities for the public, and work on policy improvements to support the conservation of grassland flora and fauna (particularly pollinators).

Project summary


Using high-tech weapons to resist alien invaders (LIFE RESISTANCE)

Invasive alien species are a major threat to native plants and habitats. Drones, satellites and eDNA analysis will be deployed to detect and eradicate invasive alien species across Slovakia and Hungary. The project will restore 120 ha of wetlands and 20 ha of floodplain forests. Also, nature-friendly grazing will be reintroduced on 720 ha.

Project summary



LIFE’s a beech for Sweden’s commercial forests (LIFEs a Beech)

Scientists from Sweden and Belgium will study former commercial beech forests in each country to identify common challenges and devise plans to restore them to their natural glory. They will aim to recruit beech ambassadors to raise public awareness about habitat loss, fragmentation, isolation and a lack of genetic diversity, all of which threaten this iconic European tree.

Project summary


Fishing for LIFE in southern Sweden’s rivers and coasts (Improve Aquatic LIFE)

Three universities and the Swedish Anglers’ Association will work with local authorities and environmental and marine protection agencies to improve aquatic biodiversity in southern Sweden. They will restore hundreds of hectares of river and coastal habitats – including eelgrass beds – and boost mussel, fish and eel populations in reefs, shallow bays, sandbanks, lagoons and estuaries.

Project summary


Energy4Supply new certification scheme for supply chain decarbonisation (E4S)

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the manufacturing sector struggle with complex and expensive standard energy efficiency measures. They will be supported through a new certification scheme – an alternative to ISO 50001 certifications – which will simplify energy efficiency assessments. Using a ranking system, users will be able to evaluate supply chains, with best practices shared across networks and a centralised resource hub.

Project summary


North Macedonia

One Stop Shop Habitat integration services for North Macedonian buildings (OSS HABITAT)

The Republic of North Macedonia is aligning its climate and energy targets with the EU. However, its annual 1% renovation rate of residential buildings is far below the EU recommendation of 5%. OSS HABITAT aims to develop and implement integrated services for energy efficiency renovation in buildings (OSSs: one-stop-shops). During the pilot phase in three cities, 200 houses and apartments will use the OSSs, leading to energy savings and emissions reductions for residents. The service will be supported by financing products and subsidies.

Project summary


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