Wed. Feb 26th, 2025

Brussels, 29 October 2024

The developments in Georgia following the 26 October Parliamentary elections are very worrying. International observers reported violations during the election campaign as well as on election day. They have also not declared the elections to be free and fair.

I am asking for a transparent inquiry. The Central Election Commission of Georgia and relevant authorities must investigate irregularities, pressure and intimidation on voters impacting public trust in the process, reported by observers. Those irregularities must be addressed swiftly, transparently and independently.

Georgia is an EU candidate country and as such it has to demonstrate its commitment to European values, starting with full transparency in the election process. Integrity of elections and upholding the rule of law are cornerstones of democracy and an integral part and fundamentals of the EU accession path.

I have asked the Political and Security Committee to convene today for an urgent discussion on the difficult situation in Georgia. I have also put it on the agenda of the November Foreign Affairs Council.

People of Georgia have been demonstrating for months their attachment to democratic values and their country advancing on the EU path. They deserve clarity on the election process, to have certainty about the legitimacy of the next government. It is important that protests and government reaction to them remain peaceful. The democratic backsliding in the country needs to be reversed and a conducive environment guaranteed for media, civil society and opposition, which make up for a pluralistic, democratic society.

Source – EEAS


It is a pivotal moment for Georgia, say MEPs

In a joint statement on the parliamentary elections in Georgia leading MEPs state all reported violations must be investigated and appropriately addressed without due delay.

The Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister, the Chair of the Delegation for relations with the South Caucasus Nils Ušakovs and the Chair of the Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Sergey Lagodinsky issued the following statement on Monday.

“On Saturday 26 October, Georgia held parliamentary elections following a highly polarised and tense election campaign and among concerns about the country’s democratic backsliding.

Georgian people have once again showed their engagement and commitment to democracy, not only by using their right to vote in large numbers but also by active participation in observing these elections and reporting irregularities.

According to the preliminary findings and conclusions of OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) International Election Observation Mission, which included the European Parliament election observation delegation, these elections were marred by reports of pressure on voters, uneven playing field, polarized media environment and political instrumentalization. Among irregularities reported by international observers, there were incidents of violence, vote buying, double-voting, media and observers’ removal, intimidation of voters inside and outside the voting stations. All reported violations must be investigated and addressed under the appropriate complaints and appeals procedures without due delay.

This is a pivotal moment for Georgia. These were the first elections since the country was granted EU candidacy status in 2023, a process de facto halted following the adoption of the Foreign Agents Law. Georgian people have continuously demonstrated that they want democratic Georgia in the European Union.

We hope that the aftermath of the elections will be peaceful and democratic and that immediate steps will be taken to bring Georgia back on the EU path, fulfilling the aspirations of Georgians. We will continue closely monitoring developments in Georgia and supporting efforts aimed at strengthening democratic institutions, ensuring free and fair elections, rule of law, and advancing human rights. We stand ready to assist Georgia as it navigates this critical period and works to secure a democratic and prosperous future for all its citizens.

Source – EU Parliament


EU-Abgeordneter Tobias Cremer: Georgischer Traum von Europa darf kein Albtraum werden

Von Tobias Cremer

Nach den Parlamentswahlen in Georgien weist die pro-europäische Opposition die vorläufigen Ergebnisse der Parlamentswahl als gefälscht zurück. Die zentrale Wahlkommission in Georgien hatte am Samstag die Ergebnisse der Parlamentswahl bekannt gegeben, und dabei der Regierungspartei Georgischer Traum knapp 55 Prozent zugesprochen. Die Oppositionsparteien, die die Fünf-Prozent-Hürde überwunden hatten, kommen zusammen auf 37 Prozent. Die seit zwölf Jahren regierende Partei Georgischer Traum will die Beziehungen zu Russland ausbauen, während die Opposition den Anschluss an die Europäische Union sucht.

Tobias Cremer, außenpolitischer Sprecher der Europa-SPD:

“Der georgische Traum von Europa darf nicht zu einem georgischen Albtraum unter dem Joch des Kremls werden. Ich nehme die Berichte über Unregelmäßigkeit und massive Wahlbeeinflussung durch Moskau mit großer Sorge zur Kenntnis. Wenn nicht nur die OSZE von ‘massiven Manipulationsvorwürfen’ spricht, sondern auch die georgische Präsidentin selbst das Wahlergebnis nicht anerkennt und davon spricht, dass ihr Land Opfer einer ‘russischen Spezialoperation’ geworden sei, sollte es sich für Georgiens europäische Partner verbieten, das Wahlergebnis vorwegzunehmen. Das gilt auch und gerade für Viktor Orbán, der in seiner übereifrigen Moskaunähe noch vor Bekanntgabe der Resultate der pro-russichen Regierung gratuliert hat. Dass Orbán nach seinen Moskau- und Pekingreisen im Sommer nun auch überstürzt zur aktuellen pro-russischen Regierung nach Tiflis fliegt, spricht Bände – allerding weitaus mehr über Orbáns eigene Loyalitäten, als über die Position der EU.

Klar ist: Orbán spricht erneut nicht für, sondern gegen die EU. Die anderen 26 Mitgliedstaaten sollten dies öffentlich klar machen. Klar bleibt aber auch, dass trotz der Versuche der aktuellen georgischen Regierung ihr Land durch demokratisches Backsliding vom europäischen Weg abzubringen, die Tore Europas für das georgische Volk offen bleiben müssen. Laut Umfragen unterstützen nach wie vor über 80 Prozent den pro-europäischen Weg Georgiens.”

Hintergrund: Georgien ist seit Dezember 2023 EU-Beitrittskandidat, der Prozess liegt aber wegen umstrittener Gesetze auf Eis.

Quelle – Europa-SPD


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