Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

The conclusions highlight how the terrorist and violent extremist threat has become increasingly diverse and fragmented. The Council notes with great concern that Da’esh Khorasan Province (ISKP) ability to inspire and carry out external operations, also in Europe, is growing. The Council underlines the deteriorating security situation in Africa and how the ongoing crisis in the Middle East is driving radicalisation worldwide. The Council confirmed EU’s unwavering commitment to combating terrorism in Iraq and Syria.

In the face of this evolving threat, the Council emphasises that reinforcing external-internal connections is key. Terrorism and violent extremism must be addressed through a coherent approach that integrates the EU’s common foreign and security policy and actions in the area of justice and home affairs.

The Council reaffirms that the only sustainable response to terrorism and violent extremism is one based on democracy, the rule of law, transparency, accountability and gender-responsiveness.

The Council conclusions underline the need to continue investing in counterterrorism cooperation between the EU and third countries through dialogues and capacity-building projects. The conclusions further underline the need to harness the full potential of the EU counterterrorism/security experts’ network, notably to support EU counterterrorism policy development and action.

To further increase the effectiveness and coordination of EU counterterrorism efforts, the Council calls for Team Europe initiatives that bring together EU and member state expertise and resources.

Source – EU Council: Visit the meeting page


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