Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Bern, 14 August 2023  

Crime is becoming increasingly global and digital: ATM thieves, cyber criminals, drug, human and arms traffickers do not stop at cantonal or national borders. That is why information exchange and cooperation between national and international law enforcement services are indispensable for fighting crime and increasing se-curity. To enhance cooperation, fedpol is bringing police authorities together for INTERPOL’s 100th anniversary.

Switzerland is a particularly lucrative target for all kinds of criminals due to its small size, its prosperity and its location in the heart of Europe. Money launderers, ATM thieves, cyber criminals, human traffickers, arms dealers and drug traffickers all use Switzerland for their operations. These criminals are usually active in more than one canton, and many cases also have a foreign connection, to Europe or beyond. Switzerland can therefore only fight crime effectively through an extensive exchange of information and close cooperation with its national and international partners.

Cooperation is key

In order to strengthen international police cooperation, fedpol is bringing the Secretary General of INTERPOL, Jürgen Stock, the cantonal police services, the Italian Carabinieri, the Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany and other experts together to mark the 100th anniversary of INTERPOL.

Fighting crime yesterday, today and tomorrow

The conference participants will discuss the current crime situation and the latest crime developments. They will also explore possibilities for pulling together to fight internationally organised crime. Fedpol congratulates INTERPOL on its 100th anniversary and thanks all participants for their invaluable contribution to the conference.

Source – Swiss Government

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