Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 24 November 2022

Today, the Commission launched the call for proposals under the European Solidarity Corps for 2023. The European Solidarity Corps is an EU programme for young people who wish to engage in solidarity activities in various areas ranging from helping disadvantaged people to contributing to health and environmental action, across the EU and beyond. The call intends to create more solidarity opportunities for young people, making over €142 million available.

It will fund volunteering, youth-led solidarity projects, volunteering teams in high priority areas focussing on relief for persons fleeing armed conflicts and other victims of natural or non-natural disasters as well as prevention, promotion and support in the field of health. This call also offers participants the possibility to contribute to humanitarian aid operations across the globe.

The programme is open to people aged between 18 and 30 for solidarity activities addressing societal challenges and between 18 and 35 for volunteering in support of international humanitarian aid activities. Young people wishing to engage in European Solidarity Corps activities need to register in the European Solidarity Corps portal, where they can browse and find organisations implementing projects. Groups of young people registered in the European Solidarity Corps Portal may also apply for funding for solidarity projects led by themselves. Any public or private body may apply for funding to carry out activities under the European Solidarity Corps based on a quality label, which certifies that they are able to carry out high quality solidarity activities in compliance with the principles, objectives and requirements of the programme.

Due to its in-built flexibility, the European Solidarity Corps quickly mobilised to support the displaced Ukrainians, in cooperation with National Agencies. In 2022, project applicants were encouraged to include activities linked to the integration of displaced Ukrainians, the promotion of European common values or the fight against disinformation and fake news.

More information in the press release.

Source – EU Commission

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